early 15c., from Middle French equivalent and directly from Late Latin aequivalentem (nominative aequivalens) "equivalent," present participle of aequivalere "be equivalent," from Latin aequus "equal" (see equal, adj.) + valere "be well, be worth" (see valiant). As a noun from c.1500, "that which is equal or corresponds to." Related: Equivalently.
〔李〕a. 等价的;相等的 [equi- =equal] ←-valent [L] =having...value表示“有⋯价的”
〔蒋〕[equ(i)相等,val=value价值,-ent…的] 等价的,相等的;[-ent表示物] 相等物,等值物,等价物
〔李〕[equi=equal相等的;val=value价值;-ent a.=being是……的→]Ⅰa. being equal in value, power, meaning等值的;等效的;同义的