Online Etymology Dictionary
over- pref. (前缀)Above or upon in position: 在上的:置于上面的: overpass; overcoat. 天桥;外套 Superior in rank or importance: 位高的:排名高或重要性高的: overlord. 大君主 To an inverted or reverse position: 反转的:反转或改变位置的: overturn. 推翻 Excessively: 过度的: overcharge. 过度充电 语源 Middle English Middle English from Old English ofer- * see uper from Old English ofer- *参见 uper 用法 Many compounds other than those entered here may be formed withover-. In forming compounds, over- is joined with the following element without space or a hyphen: 许多上述未列的复合字也可能由over- 所组成。这些复合字形成, over- 可能直接与后面的元素相连而不再加上空格或连字号: overachieve, overrepresented. overachieve,overrepresented。 Note, however, thatover may combine with other words as a unit modifier. In such cases the words are joined by hyphens: 但要注意的是,over- 可能被其它字用来当作一个修饰词。在此种情况下这些字就要使用连字号与其相连了: over-the-counter medication. over-the-counter medication(非处方药) over-
prefix excessive or excessively; beyond an agreed or desirable limit ⇒ overcharge
⇒ overdue
⇒ oversimplify
indicating superior rank ⇒ overseer
indicating location or movement above ⇒ overhang
indicating movement downwards ⇒ overthrow
Example Sentences You take some money in an envelope, say something pertinent while you're handing it over- and that's when I step in.
Fraser, Christine Marion Noble Beginnnings Mary-Lou caught it in the end and handed it to her with a laughing, `Better pull it well down over- " when she stopped short.
Brent-Dyer, Elinor Adrienne and the Chalet School But dawn also meant another night's work was almost over- and I'd have to unhook from the rhythm and routine of the department.
Pritchard, John Night Sisters over-
word-forming element meaning "above; highest; across; too much; above normal; outer," from Old English ofer (see over). Over and its Germanic relations were widely used as prefixes, and sometimes could be used with negative force. This is rare in Modern English, but compare Gothic ufarmunnon "to forget," ufar-swaran "to swear falsely;" Old English ofercræft "fraud."
over- /ˈəʊvə / combining form . Also (arch. & poet. ) o'er- /ɔ: / .ORIGIN: Repr.
over adverb, preposition, adjective .Prefixed freely to verbs, nouns, adjectives, & adverbs in various relations and with various senses, esp. indicating (a) position or motion over or beyond; (b) excess (cf. overly adverb ), repetition; (c) superiority; (d) completeness, thoroughness. DERIVATIVE overaˈffectionate adjective excessively or unduly affectionate M17 .overarˈticulate verb trans. articulate with excessive precision or extra care E20 .overarticuˈlation noun the action or practice of overarticulating words M20 .overaˈttention noun excessive or undue attention (to ) M18 .overaward adjective (Austral. ) paid in addition to an agreed or basic wage or salary M20 .overˈballast verb trans. overload, esp. with ballast E17 .overbank noun (Aeronautics ) the action or an act of overbanking E20 .overˈbank verb (a) † verb intrans. (Watchmaking ) bank too far; (b) verb trans. & intrans. (Aeronautics ) bank too much: M19 .overˈbark adjective (of measurements) taken before the bark has been removed from a log M20 .overˈbeat verb trans. (rare ) beat down, overpower E17 .overbelief noun (a) a belief which determines other beliefs, an overriding belief; (b) belief in more than the evidence warrants or more than can be verified; belief that goes beyond what is usual among members of a faith or sect: M19 .overˈbias verb trans. bias excessively; bias too much in one direction: M17 .overbite noun (Dentistry ) the overlapping of the lower by the upper teeth; esp. vertical overlapping of the incisors: L19 .overˈbitter adjective too bitter E17 .overˈbitterly adverb in an overbitter manner LME .overˈbitterness noun excessive bitterness OE .overblanket noun an electric blanket that should not be lain on but used over a person in bed L20 .overˈbleach verb trans. bleach excessively, so that the material is damaged M19 .overˈblind adjective (rare ) excessively blind LME .overblouse noun a long blouse to be worn not tucked in to a waistband E20 .overˈboil verb (a) verb trans. boil too much; (b) verb intrans. boil over; freq. fig. (of emotion etc.): L16 .overboot noun a boot worn over another boot or shoe M19 .overˈbright adjective excessively bright L16 .overˈbrim verb (a) verb intrans. (of a liquid or its container) overflow at the brim; (b) verb trans. flow over the brim of: E17 .overˈbrood verb trans. (poet. ) brood or hover over M16 .overˈbrow verb trans. (poet. ) overhang like a brow M18 .overˈbudget verb, adjective, & adverb (a) verb trans. & intrans. budget too generously (for); (b) adjective costing more than budgeted; (c) adverb beyond what has been budgeted: M20 .overˈbull verb trans. (Stock Exchange ) bid up the price of (shares etc.) excessively E20 .overbump noun & verb (a) noun in bumping races, a bump in which the bumping boat goes up more than one place because the boat it bumps has just bumped also; (b) verb trans. bump in an overbump: E20 .overˈcanopy verb trans. extend over like a canopy L16 .overˈcatch verb trans. (long obsolete exc. dial. ) (a) overtake, catch up; (b) † fig. outwit, deceive: L16 .overcentraliˈzation noun excessive centralization of administrative functions, leading to reduced efficiency L19 .overˈcentralized adjective characterized by overcentralization M19 .overchosen adjective designating members of a sociometric group that are chosen more than the average number of times M20 .overˈcivil adjective showing excessive civility (usu. with neg. in litotes) M17 .overˈcivilized adjective too highly civilized E19 .† overclamour verb trans. overcome or subdue by clamour E18–L19 .overclass noun a privileged, wealthy, or powerful section of society M20 .overcloak noun (a) an outer cloak; (b) (Building ) the part of the upper sheet of lead in a flat joint which extends beyond the joint itself: M19 .overˈcloy verb trans. cloy excessively, satiate E16 .overcoil noun the last coil of a Breguet hairspring, with the end raised and bent towards the centre to improve time-keeping L19 .overconˈcern noun undue concern or anxiety M18 .overconˈcerned adjective unduly concerned or anxious E18 .overconˈsolidated adjective (of soil or clay) consolidated to a greater degree than could have been produced by the present-day pressure of overburden M20 .overconsoliˈdation noun the production or presence of an overconsolidated state M20 .overˈcook verb (a) verb trans. cook too much or for too long; (b) trans. & intrans. (of a motorist or motorcyclist) fail to take (a bend or a hill) or to accomplish (a stunt) (also foll. by it ): M19 .overˈcool verb trans. cool to below the proper temperature, chill L16 .overˈcount verb trans. (a) overestimate; (b) outnumber: L16 .overˈcover verb trans. cover over, cover completely, bury LME .overˈcreep verb trans. creep over M17 .overˈcritical adjective excessively critical M17 .overˈcross verb trans. (rare ) pass, lie, or fall across LME .overˈcrow verb trans. crow over; overpower: M16 .overˈcrust verb trans. cover over with a crust or layer E17 .overˈcunning noun & adjective (a) † noun excess of cunning; (b) adjective possessing excess of cunning: E17 .overcup adjective designating either of two N. American oaks, Quercus macrocarpa and Q. lyrata , in which the acorn is almost covered by its cup E19 .overcurrent noun (a) † a current of air high in the atmosphere; (b) an electric current in excess of what is normal, safe, or allowed for: E20 .overˈdamp verb trans. (a) † (rare ) depress or diminish too much; (b) damp to a greater extent than the minimum needed to prevent oscillations: E18 .overˈdaring adjective unduly daring, foolhardy L16 .overdate noun a date on a coin which has been superimposed upon another, of which traces are still visible; a coin bearing such a date (freq. attrib. ): M20 .overˈdated adjective (now rare ) antiquated, out of date M17 .overday noun & adjective (a) noun the previous day; in earliest use, a day left over in calculation; (b) adjective designating a herring that is not freshly caught: OE .overˈdear adverb & adjective (a) † adverb at too high a price; (b) adjective excessively dear, exceedingly dear: ME .overˈdecorate verb trans. decorate excessively or overelaborately M19 .overdeˈsign verb & noun (a) verb trans. design to a standard of safety or reliability higher than the usual or minimum standard; (b) noun the action of overdesigning something; an instance of this: M20 .overdeˈsire noun excessive desire M17 .overdifferentiˈation noun (chiefly Linguistics ) unnecessary differentiation E20 .overdiˈlute verb trans. dilute too much, make too dilute E20 .overdisˈcharge verb trans. discharge (an accumulator or storage battery) beyond a certain limit, an operation harmful to it L19 .overdiˈspersed adjective (Ecology ) exhibiting overdispersion M20 .overdiˈspersion noun (Ecology ) a greater unevenness in the distribution of individuals than would be the case if the existence and position of each were independent of the rest, so that an increased proportion of the area has either a large or a small concentration of individuals M20 .overdog noun (colloq. ) a person who is successful or dominant in their field E20 .overdoor noun (a) † (rare ) a lintel; (b) a piece of decorative woodwork above a door: OE .overˈdot verb trans. (Music ) play (a note) so that it is longer than indicated by one following dot, and the succeeding note is correspondingly shortened; play so as to exaggerate a dotted rhythm: M20 .† overdrip verb trans. drip over; overhang; overshadow: L16–L19 .overˈdye verb trans. dye (a thing already dyed) with a second or subsequent dye E17 .overˈearly adverb & adjective too early, premature(ly) LME .overˈeducate verb trans. educate to excess or for too long M19 .overeˈffusive adjective excessively or unduly effusive E20 .overˈegg verb trans. use too much egg or too many eggs in; overegg the pudding , go too far in embellishing, exaggerating, or doing something: M19 .overeˈmotional adjective excessively or unduly emotional L19 .overengiˈneer verb trans. engineer to a standard higher than is technically necessary, or to an extent greater than is technically desirable M20 .overeˈrupt verb intrans. (of teeth) undergo or exhibit overeruption M20 .overeˈruption noun excessive extension of a tooth in the direction of the opposing teeth M20 .overexert /-ɪgˈzə:t , -ɛg- / verb refl. exert oneself too much E19 .overexertion /-ɪgˈzə:ʃ(ə)n , -ɛg- / noun excessive exertion L18 .overexpand /-ɛkˈspand / verb trans. & intrans. expand too much or too quickly M20 .overexploit /-ɛkˈsplɔɪt / verb trans. exploit excessively, esp. use (a natural resource) too much or too fast L19 .overexploiˈtation noun the action of overexploiting something E20 .overˈeye verb trans. (long rare ) watch, observe; watch over: L16 .overˈfar adverb (now rare ) too far; to too great an extent: ME .overˈfat adjective excessively fat OE .overfaˈtigue noun & verb (a) noun excessive fatigue; (b) verb trans. overtire: E18 .overˈfavour verb trans. favour or like excessively E17 .overˈfavourable adjective excessively favourable LME .overˈfilm verb trans. (rare ) cover with a film L16 .overˈfine adjective excessively fine or refined M16 .overˈfire verb trans. fire (pottery) or heat (metal) too much E17 .overflight noun a flight of an aircraft or (formerly) birds over a country without making a landing L16 .overˈflood verb trans. pour over in a flood L18 .overflush noun (obsolete exc. dial. ) a surplus, a superfluity L16 .overˈflush adjective having an abundance (of ); also foll. by with : M19 .overˈflush verb trans. (a) flush excessively; (b) cover with a flush: M17 .overˈfraught adjective (arch. & poet. ) too heavily laden L16 .overˈfree adjective excessively free M17 .overˈfreight verb & noun (a) verb trans. overload; (b) noun an overload: M16 .overfur noun the outer layer of an animal's fur E20 .overˈfurnished adjective having too much furniture E18 .overgarment noun a garment worn over others, an outer garment LME .overˈgaze verb trans. (rare ) (a) in pass. , (of the eyes) be dazzled with gazing; (b) gaze over, overlook: E17 .overˈgenerous adjective excessively generous (freq. with neg. in litotes) M19 .overˈgenerously adverb in an overgenerous manner L20 .overˈglad adjective excessively glad, very glad LME .† overglance verb trans. glance over L16–L19 .overˈglide verb trans. (poet. ) pass over gently or smoothly ME .overˈgloom verb trans. overshadow (lit. & fig. ) L18 .overˈglut verb trans. glut to excess L16 .overˈgorge verb trans. cram with food L15 .overˈgrainer noun a brush used in interior decorating to give a marbled or woodgrain effect L19 .overˈgraze verb trans. allow (grassland) to be so heavily grazed that the vegetation is damaged and the ground becomes liable to erosion (chiefly as overgrazed ppl adjective , overgrazing verbal noun ) E20 .overˈgreat adjective too great, excessive LME .overˈgreedy adjective excessively greedy LOE .† overgreen verb trans. (rare , Shakes.) cover so as to conceal a defect: only in L16 .overhair noun the long straight hair that grows over or beyond the fur in fur-bearing quadrupeds L19 .overˈhappy adjective very happy, excessively happy L16 .overˈhard adjective & adverb excessively hard ME .overˈhardy adjective (long rare ) excessively bold ME .overˈharsh adjective excessively harsh M17 .overˈheap verb trans. (a) heap up excessively; (b) overlay with a large quantity, fill to excess: LME .overˈhigh adjective & adverb very high, too high OE .overhill adjective situated or living beyond a hill or hills M18 .overˈhit verb trans. (a) affect unduly in an adverse way; (b) go beyond in one's aim: E19 .† overhold verb trans. (rare ) (a) delay to do, neglect; (b) overestimate; (c) hold back, withhold: OE–M19 .overˈhorse verb trans. (a) rare provide with too many horses; (b) provide with a horse requiring a higher standard of riding than that possessed (chiefly as overhorsed ppl adjective ): E19 .overˈhoused adjective having housing in excess of one's needs or one's means M19 .overˈhunt verb trans. deplete the stock of (a species of animal) by excessive hunting; hunt in (an area) too much: M19 .overhyˈdrated adjective affected with overhydration M20 .overhyˈdration noun the condition of having an excessive amount of water in the body or part of it M20 .overinˈclusion noun (Psychology ) the indiscriminate inclusion of irrelevant responses to a stimulus, as a feature of some mental illnesses M20 .overinˈform verb trans. (rare ) animate to excess; impart too much knowledge to: L17 .overinˈsurance noun insurance of goods, property, etc., in excess of the real value M18 .overinˈsure verb trans. & intrans. insure (goods, property, etc.) for more than the real value E20 .overinteˈllectual adjective excessively intellectual M19 .overinteˈllectualize verb trans. make excessively intellectual E20 .overjacket noun a large jacket for outdoor wear L19 .overjet noun (Dentistry ) = overbite M20 .overˈjump verb trans. (a) (now rare ) jump over; fig. transcend; (b) jump too far over: E17 .overˈkeep verb trans. (a) † keep or observe too strictly; (b) keep too long: E17 .overˈkind adjective excessively kind E17 .overˈkindly adverb in an excessively kindly manner E17 .overˈkindness noun excessive kindness L15 .overking noun (obsolete exc. hist. ) a king superior to other rulers having the title of king ME .overˈknee adjective (esp. of socks) reaching above the knee M19 .overˈknowing adjective (rare ) too knowing M17 .overˈlabour verb trans. (a) overwork; fatigue with excessive labour; (b) take excessive pains with, elaborate to excess: M16 .overˈlard verb trans. intersperse or provide (speech, writing, etc.) with an excessive number of words, ideas, etc. E17 .overˈlarge adjective excessively large LME .overˈlargely adverb to too great an extent L15 .overˈlate adjective & adverb excessively late ME .overˈlavish adjective excessively lavish L16 .overˈlavishly adverb in an overlavish manner L16 .† overlead verb trans. (a) oppress, tyrannize; (b) rule, govern; (c) lead astray, mislead: OE–E18 .overˈlean verb trans. lean over M18 .overˈlearn verb trans. learn excessively; spec. (Psychology ) learn beyond the stage of initially successful performance: L19 .† overleather noun the upper leather of a shoe LME–M17 .† overleaven verb trans. cause to rise or swell excessively (chiefly fig. ) E–M17 .overˈlength adjective & noun (that is of) excessively great length E19 .overˈlenient adjective excessively lenient E20 .overˈliberal adjective excessively liberal E17 .† overliberality noun L17–E19 .overlight noun (rare ) an excess of light E17 .overˈlight adjective excessively light; too insubstantial, frivolous, or easy: M16 .overˈlightly adverb (a) † too easily; (b) too frivolously: LME .overline noun a line above something, spec. (a) the caption above an illustration in a book or newspaper; (b) a line of type printed above a newspaper's main headline: E20 .overˈline verb trans. (a) draw a line over or above (a piece of writing); (b) insert (a translation, correction, etc.) above a line of text: M19 .overlip noun (now dial. ) the upper lip ME .overˈlisten verb trans. (rare ) overhear; eavesdrop: E17 .overˈlive verb (now rare ) (a) verb trans. outlive; (b) verb intrans. survive, continue in life: OE .overˈlock verb (a) verb trans. interlock or intertwine with; (b) turn (the bolt of a lock) beyond the normal or first locking point; (c) verb trans. & intrans. strengthen and prevent fraying of (an edge of cloth) by oversewing: M17 .overlocker noun a sewing machinist specializing in overlocking E20 .overˈlong adverb & adjective (a) adverb for too long a time; (b) adjective too long: ME .overˈloud adjective & adverb too loud OE .overloup noun (Scot. & N. English ) (a) the change of the moon, a new or full moon; (b) a leap over a barrier; transf. an encroachment, a transgression: E18 .overˈlove noun & verb (a) noun excessive love; (b) verb trans. & intrans. love (a person) too much: LOE .overˈlow adjective too low ME .† overlusty adjective too lusty L15–E17 .overmantel noun a piece of ornamental cabinetwork, often with a mirror, placed over a mantelpiece L19 .overˈmantle verb trans. (rare ) cover over as with a mantle M17 .overˈmany adjective too many ME .overˈmark verb trans. (a) † rare provide with too distant a target; (b) award too many marks to (a candidate in an examination, competition, etc.): M16 .overˈmast verb trans. provide (a ship) with too high or too heavy a mast or masts E17 .overmatter noun surplus matter L19 .overˈmeasure adverb, noun, & verb (a) adverb in excess; (b) noun excess, surplus; (c) verb trans. measure or calculate above the correct amount: ME .overˈmickle adjective & adverb (now Scot. & N. English ) too much OE .overmitt noun a mitten worn over another mitten or glove, by a climber etc. L20 .overˈmodest adjective too modest M17 .overˈmodestly adverb too modestly E17 .overˈmodulate verb trans. & intrans. (Electronics ) subject to, cause, or suffer overmodulation E20 .overmoduˈlation noun (Electronics ) amplitude modulation which is so great that unacceptable distortion results E20 .overmost adjective (long dial. ) uppermost ME .overˈmount verb (now rare ) (a) verb trans. rise above, transcend; (b) † verb intrans. mount or rise too high: LME .overˈname verb trans. (rare ) name over or in succession L16 .overˈnet verb trans. (a) cover (as) with a net; (b) use nets to excess in fishing: M19 .† overoffice verb trans. (rare , Shakes.) exercise one's office over: only in E17 .overoˈfficious adjective excessively officious M17 .overoˈfficiousness noun excessive officiousness E17 .overˈold adjective excessively old LME .overˈoptimism noun excessive or unjustified optimism M20 .overoptiˈmistic adjective excessively or unjustifiably optimistic M20 .overoptiˈmistically adverb in an overoptimistic manner, too optimistically M20 .overˈpark verb intrans. (US ) park a motor vehicle for longer than the permitted period M20 .overˈparted adjective having too difficult a part, or too many parts, to play L16 .overˈpartial adjective too partial L16 .overparˈticular adjective excessively particular, fussy M19 .overˈpedal verb intrans. & trans. use a piano's sustaining pedal excessively in playing (a piece) M20 .overˈpeer verb trans. (a) tower over; fig. excel; (b) peer over, look down on: M16 .overˈpeopled adjective having an excess of people, overpopulated L17 .† overperch verb trans. (rare , Shakes.) fly over: only in L16 .overperˈsuade verb trans. persuade (a person) against his or her own judgement or inclination E17 .overperˈsuasion noun the action of overpersuading M18 .overˈpicture verb trans. represent or depict in an exaggerated form E17 .overˈpitch verb trans. (a) Cricket pitch (a ball) too far in bowling; (b) fig. exaggerate: M19 .overˈplease verb trans. please excessively E17 .overˈply verb trans. ply or exercise too much M17 .overˈpole verb trans. (a) (now rare ) provide (hops or a hop ground) with too long a pole or poles; (b) Metallurgy pole (copper) too much in refining, so as to remove too much oxide and render it brittle (see pole verb 1 5 ): E18 .† overpost verb trans. (rare , Shakes.) cover (ground) quickly and easily (lit. & fig. ): only in L16 .overpoˈtential noun = overvoltage 1 , 2 E20 .overˈpreach verb trans. (a) † preach beyond (a person's understanding); (b) exhaust (oneself) with preaching: M17 .overpreˈcise adjective excessively precise E17 .overpreˈcision noun excessive or inappropriate precision E20 .overpreˈscribe verb trans. & intrans. prescribe an excessive amount of (a drug) or too many (drugs) M20 .overˈprivileged adjective & noun (those people) possessing or enjoying too many privileges M20 .overˈprize verb trans. (a) prize or esteem too highly, overrate; (b) † exceed in value: L16 .overproˈduce verb trans. (a) produce (a commodity) in excess of the demand or of a specified amount; (b) pay excessive attention to the quality of production of (a record, film, etc.) to the detriment of the immediacy of the performance: L19 .overproˈduction noun (a) production in excess of the demand; (b) excessive attention to the quality of production of a record, film, etc.: E19 .overproof adjective & noun (a spirit) containing more alcohol than proof spirit E19 .overˈproud adjective excessively proud LOE .overˈpublicize verb trans. give excessive importance to by publicizing M20 .overpunch noun & verb trans. (Computing ) (represent by) a hole (position) in the upper portion of a punched card M20 .overˈpunish verb trans. punish excessively or more than is deserved M17 .overˈqualified adjective too highly qualified, esp. for a particular job etc. M20 .overquantity noun (now rare ) an excessive or surplus amount E17 .overˈquick adjective too quick M16 .† overrake verb trans. (of waves) break or sweep over (a ship) L16–M19 .overˈrank adjective (long rare or obsolete ) excessively rank or vigorous in growth LOE .overˈrapid adjective excessively rapid, too fast M19 .overˈrash adjective (rare ) excessively rash M16 .overˈrashly adverb (rare ) in an overrash manner M17 .over-ˈread verb (a) † verb trans. read over (again); (b) verb intrans. read too much: LOE .over-ˈreadiness noun excessive or undue readiness L19 .over-ˈready adjective too ready E17 .overˈreckon verb trans. (a) overcharge (a person); (b) overestimate: E17 .overreˈcord verb trans. (a) record (sound) using too large a signal, so that playback is distorted; (b) record (a work or performer) too frequently: M20 .over-reˈfreshed adjective (joc. ) drunk, intoxicated E20 .overˈrent verb trans. charge too high a rent (for) L16 .over-repreˈsent verb trans. include a disproportionately large number of (a category) E20 .overˈrich adjective excessively rich L16 .overˈrider noun either of two projecting pieces fitted to the bumper of a motor vehicle for extra protection to the bodywork M20 .overˈright adverb & preposition (obsolete exc. dial. ) (a) right across; (b) right opposite: LME .overˈrigid adjective excessively rigid E17 .overˈrigorous adjective excessively rigorous L16 .overˈripe adjective (a) (of fruit etc.) excessively ripe, spoilt; (b) fig. past the prime of life, ageing, declining: L17 .overˈripen verb trans. (rare ) ripen too much L16 .overˈripeness noun the fact or condition of being overripe E19 .overˈrise verb trans. rise over or above (a certain point) LME .overˈrisen adjective that has risen or is raised too high M17 .overˈroast verb trans. roast too much E16 .overˈroll verb trans. (a) roll or push over; (b) cover up with a roll: E16 .overˈroof verb trans. roof over E19 .oversales noun pl. speculative sales of more than can be supplied by the delivery date L19 .overˈsalt adjective too salty LME .overˈsalt verb trans. make too salty L16 .overˈsaturated adjective supersaturated; Geology (of a rock or magma) in which there is free silica or other (specified) oxide: E20 .oversatuˈration noun the property of being oversaturated M20 .overˈsay verb (rare ) (a) verb intrans. say too much; (b) verb trans. exaggerate, overstate: L15 .overscan noun (Computing & Electronics ) (the formation of) a display which extends beyond the edge of a computer or television screen; the portion of such a display which cannot be seen: L20 .overˈscore verb trans. (a) cross out with scores, obliterate; (b) score (music) elaborately: M19 .overˈscrupulous adjective excessively scrupulous M16 .overˈscrupulously adverb in an overscrupulous manner L19 .overˈscrupulousness noun the state of being overscrupulous M18 .† overscutched adjective worn out by repeated whipping or other ill treatment L16–E19 .overself noun the finer, higher, or stronger part of one's being L19 .† oversensible adjective excessively sensible or sensitive L16–E19 .overˈsensitive adjective excessively sensitive M19 .oversensiˈtivity noun the state or condition of being oversensitive M20 .overˈsexed adjective having excessive sexual propensities or desires L19 .overˈshade verb trans. (now rare ) overshadow (something) OE .overˈsharp adjective excessively sharp L15 .overˈsharpness noun the quality or condition of being oversharp M19 .overˈshine verb trans. (a) shine over, illumine; (b) outshine: OE .overshoe noun a shoe of rubber, felt, etc., worn over the ordinary shoe as a protection from wet, dirt, cold, etc. E19 .over-ˈshoe adverb up to the tops of the shoes L16 .overˈshort adjective too short ME .overˈshroud verb trans. cover over as with a shroud E16 .† overskip verb trans. skip over, pass without notice, omit LME–L17 .overskirt noun an outer skirt, worn over the skirt of a dress L19 .oversleeve noun an outer sleeve covering an ordinary sleeve M19 .overˈslow adjective excessively or unduly slow LME .overslung adjective (of a part) supported above the main structure or some other part M20 .overˈsmoke verb (a) verb trans. (rare ) cover as if with smoke; (b) verb intrans. smoke too much: M19 .overˈsnow verb trans. (poet. , long rare or obsolete ) whiten over with or as with snow L16 .overˈsoar verb trans. soar above, fly over the summit of L16 .oversoˈlicitous adjective excessively solicitous M17 .oversoˈlicitude noun the state of being oversolicitous; oversolicitous behaviour, an instance of this: M18 .overˈsoon adverb (a) † too quickly or readily; (b) too soon: ME .oversoˈphisticated adjective excessively sophisticated E20 .oversoul noun (in Emersonian thought) the absolute spirit which includes and animates the universe M19 .overˈsparred adjective (of a ship) top-heavy through having too many or too heavy spars L19 .overspecialiˈzation noun too much specialization, esp. in education or in evolution M20 .overˈspecialize verb intrans. specialize too much (in a particular endeavour) E20 .overspeˈcific adjective excessively specific M20 .overspecifiˈcation noun the fact or an instance of overspecifying something M20 .overˈspecify verb trans. specify too narrowly or in excessive detail M20 .overspeech noun loquacity, verbal indiscretion M19 .overspray noun sprayed liquid that does not adhere to the object or area being sprayed M20 .overˈspring verb trans. spring or leap over LME .overˈsprinkle verb trans. besprinkle M16 .overˈsprung ppl adjective fitted with too many or too flexible springs E20 .overˈsquare adjective (of a cylinder or engine) having a bore greater than the stroke M20 .overˈstaff verb trans. provide (an organization etc.) with too large a staff M20 .overˈstate verb trans. state (a case, argument, etc.) too strongly, exaggerate E19 .overstatement noun the action or an instance of overstating a case, argument, etc.; exaggeration: E19 .overˈstay verb trans. stay longer than or beyond (a certain time, limit, etc.) (overstay one's welcome : see welcome noun 2 1 ) M17 .overstayer noun a person who stays beyond the expiry of a work permit etc. L20 .overˈstimulate verb trans. stimulate or excite excessively, esp. by a drug L18 .overstimuˈlation noun the fact or action of overstimulating M19 .† overstink verb trans. (rare , Shakes.) stink more than; drown the stench of: only in E17 .overstorey noun the uppermost canopy level of a forest ecosystem, formed by the taller trees M20 .† overstrait adjective excessively strict, severe, or narrow ME–M18 .overˈstream verb trans. stream over or across E17 .overˈstrew verb trans. (a) strew or sprinkle (something) over something else; (b) strew or sprinkle something over (something else): L16 .overstroke noun (Swimming ) an overarm stroke E20 .overˈstrong adjective excessively strong ME .overˈstudy verb & noun (a) verb trans. & intrans. study too much; (b) noun excessive study: M17 .overˈstuff verb trans. stuff more than is necessary M20 .overˈstuffed adjective (a) (of furniture) completely upholstered with a thick layer of stuffing; (b) gen. that has been overstuffed: E20 .oversubˈscribe verb trans. subscribe for more than the available quantity of (shares, places, a commodity, etc.) L19 .oversubˈscription noun the fact or an instance of oversubscribing L19 .overˈsubtle adjective excessively subtle, not plain or clear L15 .overˈsubtlety noun the quality of being oversubtle M19 .overˈsum verb trans. (long rare ) overestimate, overrate E17 .oversuˈsceptible adjective too susceptible M20 .overˈswarm verb (a) verb intrans. swarm to excess; (b) verb trans. swarm over (a place or region): L16 .overˈsweep verb trans. sweep over or across, pass over with a sweeping motion E17 .overˈsweet adjective excessively sweet L16 .overˈswim verb trans. swim or float on, over, or across OE .overswing noun (a) an excessive swing; (b) Gymnastics a movement in which the body swings or turns over: E20 .overˈtalk verb (a) verb intrans. & refl. talk too much; (b) verb trans. win over or overcome by talking: M17 .overˈtask verb trans. be too heavy a task for; impose too heavy a task on: E17 .overˈtedious adjective too tedious L16 .overˈteem verb (a) verb intrans. breed excessively; be excessively productive; (b) verb trans. exhaust by excessive breeding or production: E17 .overˈtell verb trans. exaggerate in reckoning or narration E16 .overˈtender adjective excessively or unduly tender LME .overˈterve verb (long obsolete exc. Scot. ) overturn, overthrow, upset ME .overˈtilt verb trans. tilt over, upset, overthrow LME .overˈtip verb trans. & intrans. give an excessive gratuity (to) E20 .overˈtoil verb trans. exhaust by excessive toil L16 .overˈtopple verb trans. & intrans. (cause to) topple over; overthrow (esp. an unstable thing): M16 .overˈtorture verb trans. overcome with torture; torture beyond endurance: L16 .overˈtower verb trans. tower over or above, overtop M17 .overˈtrace verb trans. (a) trace over; cover or mark with tracery or tracings; (b) trace one's way over, pursue the track over: LME .overˈtrade verb intrans. & trans. (Commerce ) trade in excess of or beyond (the requirements of the market, one's capital, stock, or means of payment, etc.) E17 .overˈtrain verb trans. & intrans. train too much; debilitate or injure (a person or thing) by excessive training: L19 .overˈtrample verb trans. trample over or upon; tread down: L16 .overˈtrap verb trans. trap excessively in (a region); deplete the stock of (an animal) by excessive trapping: M20 .overˈtrawl verb trans. trawl excessively in (a fishing ground); deplete the stock of (a fish) by excessive trawling: E20 .overtrick noun (Bridge etc.) a trick taken in excess of the number contracted for E20 .overˈtrim verb trans. (a) Sailing overadjust (a boat, a sail, etc.); (b) adorn (a dress etc.) with too much trimming: L16 .† overtrip verb trans. (rare ) trip or skip over; pass lightly over: only in L16 .overtrousers noun pl. waterproof trousers worn (usu. over trousers or shorts) to keep the legs dry, esp. when cycling, hiking, etc. L20 .overˈtrow noun (rare ) (a) overconfidence; (b) excessive belief, faith, etc.: OE .overˈtrump verb (a) verb trans. & intrans. (Bridge ) play a higher trump than (another player); (b) verb trans. fig. exceed or surpass (another person): M18 .overˈtrust noun & verb (a) noun excessive trust; overconfidence; (b) verb intrans. & trans. trust or confide too much (in); be overconfident (about): ME .overˈtumble verb (a) † verb intrans. tumble or fall over; capsize; (b) verb trans. (now poet. ) cause to fall over; upset, overthrow: LME .overvaluˈation noun the action or an act of overvaluing something E17 .overvalue noun (a) † excess or surplus of value; (b) a value or estimate greater than the worth of a thing: L16 .overˈvalue verb trans. (a) overestimate the value of; (b) surpass (a thing) in value: L16 .overˈvault verb trans. vault or arch over E17 .overˈveil verb trans. (chiefly poet. ) cover or obscure (as) with a veil L16 .overˈventilate verb trans. & intrans. = hyperventilate verb E20 .overventiˈlation noun = hyperventilation E20 .overˈviolent adjective too violent L16 .overˈvulcanize verb trans. subject (rubber) to excessive vulcanization E20 .overˈwalk verb (a) verb trans. walk over, traverse by walking; (b) refl. fatigue oneself with too much walking: M16 .overˈwander verb trans. (rare , poet. ) wander over M16 .overward noun the upper or superior guard L15 .overˈwarm adjective too warm E18 .overˈwatch verb trans. (a) fatigue or exhaust with excessive watching or keeping awake; (b) † (rare ) watch all through (a night); (c) (keep) watch over: E16 .overˈwatching noun too much watching; an excessively long vigil: M16 .overwater adjective (a) performed or occurring on, above, or across water; (b) located on or over water: E20 .overˈwater verb trans. (a) water thoroughly; (b) water too much; (c) rare cover with water: M17 .overˈweak adjective too weak M16 .overˈwear verb trans. wear out; wear away: L16 .overˈweary verb & adjective (a) verb trans. overtire; (b) adjective too weary: L15 .† overweathered ppl adjective (rare , Shakes.) worn or damaged by the weather: only in L16 .overˈweep verb trans. (poet. ) (a) rare weep again for; (b) weep over (something): L16 .overˈweigh verb trans. (a) exceed in weight or significance, outweigh; (b) weigh down, overburden, oppress: ME .overˈwell adverb too well ME .overˈwet adjective & verb (a) adjective too wet; (b) verb trans. wet excessively: E17 .overˈwilling adjective too willing L16 .overˈwin verb trans. overcome, conquer, vanquish utterly OE .overwind noun an instance of overwinding L19 .overˈwind verb trans. wind (a mechanism, esp. a watch) beyond the proper stopping point LME .overˈwinder noun a device which guards against overwinding L19 .overˈwing verb trans. (a) † Military outflank; (b) poet. fly over: E17 .overˈwinter verb (a) verb intrans. survive through the winter (now only of a plant or animal); (b) verb intrans. spend the winter, esp. in a specified place; (c) verb trans. keep (a plant or animal) alive through the winter: OE .overˈwise adjective too wise; exceedingly or affectedly wise: LME .overˈwisely adverb in an overwise manner M19 .overwood noun = overstorey L19 .overword noun (chiefly Scot. ) a repeated word or phrase; esp. the refrain of a song: E16 .overworld noun (a) the celestial or abstract world; (b) the terrestrial world as viewed from under water; (c) the community of conventional law-abiding citizens (opp. underworld ): M19 .overˈworn adjective (a) worn by excessive use; shabby, faded; fig. (rare ) hackneyed, stale; (b) exhausted by age, work, etc.; (c) spent in time; passed away: M16 .overˈwrap verb trans. wrap over or round; envelop: E19 .overˈyear adverb & adjective (dial. ) kept through the year or until next year LME .overˈzeal noun excessive zeal M18 .overˈzealous adjective excessively zealous M17 . over-
prefix .
above: Overhead = above the head .
higher in rank; superior: Overlord = superior lord .
across: Overseas = across the seas .
too; too much; too long: Overcrowded = too crowded . Overburden = burden too much .
above normal; extra: Oversize = above normal size . Overtime = extra time .
being above; worn as an outer covering: Overcoat = coat worn as an outer covering .
[< over ]
If an adjective beginning with over- is not specially defined in this dictionary, its meaning may be learned by putting too in place of over . Some such words are: word-list-over--1 If a noun beginning with over is not specially defined in this dictionary, its meaning may be learned by putting too much or excessive in place of over . Some such words are: word-list-over--2 If a verb beginning with over is not specially defined in this dictionary, its meaning may be learned by putting _____ too much in place of over _____ . Some such words are: word-list-over--3
(US ) IPA: /ˈoʊvɚ/ Prefix above, or higher superior excessively overkind, overloud surrounding or covering overcoat, overpack, overshoe Etymology From Middle English over- , from Old English ofer- (“over- ”), from Proto-Germanic *ubar- (“over- ”). Cognate with Dutch over- , German über- , Danish over- , Swedish över- . More at over .
Usage notes Comparison of relative combinations (two separate words, hyphenated or a single compound word) does not easily fit a pattern; terms become compound words as they are broadly accepted.
Derived terms ► English words prefixed with over-
前缀:over- ① 表示”过度,过分”
overstudy n.用功过度(over+study学习)
overwork n.过度劳累(over+work工作)
overact v.表演过火(over+act演出)
overdose n.药物过量(over+dose剂量)
overproduction n.生产过度(over+productoin生产)
overcrowded a.挤满的(over+crowded拥挤的)
② 表示”在……之上”
overlap n\\v.重叠(over+lap交叉→[大腿]交叉→重叠)
iverride v.推翻,不理会(over+ride骑→骑在上面→推翻[下面的])
overwhelm v.压倒;泛滥(over+whelm推翻→翻过来→压倒)
overbridge n.天桥(over+bridge桥→上面的桥→天桥)
overlook v.俯视;疏忽(over+look看→在上面看→俯视,z上申为疏忽)
overcoat n.外套(over+coat衣服→在衣服上的衣服→外套)
overcome v.战胜,克服(over+come来→来到上面→战胜)
overturn 颠覆(over+rurn转→翻转)
overthrow 推翻(over+throw扔→扔翻了→推翻)
overhaul 彻底检修(over+haul拉→拉过去检修)
前缀:over- 1、过度、太甚
overstudy 用功过度
overpraise 过奖
overtalk 过分多言
overpay 多付(钱款)
overuse 使用过度
overdrink 饮酒过甚
overwork 过度劳累
overproduction 生产过剩
overbridge 跨线桥,天桥
oversea (s) 海外的
overcoat 外套,外衣
overleap 跳过
overshoe 套鞋
overlook 俯视
overfly 飞越
overturn 倾覆,倾倒
overthrow 推翻
overset 翻转,翻倒
前缀:over- 【词根含义】:过分,在…上
【同源单词】:overcast , overcome , overdraft , overdraw , overdue