

词汇 half-
Online Etymology Dictionary



one of two equal parts
related by one parent only
not completely; partly

Example Sentences

However, I did think that the allocation of three half- columns to this former Dean of Starbridge was a trifle generous.

Howatch, Susan Absolute Truths

The housewife had died, and Rennie had survived untouched and drunk a half- bottle before lunchtime.

Seymour, Gerald Field of Blood

They went through the final door into the tunnel where Big Blue stood half- asleep in his pen.

Tepper, Sheri S. A Plague of Angels
"sharing one parent," from half. Half-brother is attested from early 14c.; half-sister from c.1200.
half- /hɑ:f/ combining form. OE.
ORIGIN: Repr. half adjective & adverb.
Forming combs. with nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs in various relations and senses, as ‘forming a half’ (half-belt, half-share); ‘of an amount or quantity equal to a half’ (half-dozen, half-pound); ‘incomplete(ly), imperfect(ly), partial(ly)’ (half-thought-out, half-done, half-kill). Can be written with or without a hyphen.
half adder Computing a logic device which has two inputs (addend and augend) and generates two outputs (sum and carry digits).half-and-half noun, adjective, & adverb (a) noun something that is half one thing and half another; spec. (arch.) a mixture of ale and porter in equal quantities, (US) a mixture of milk and cream; (b) adjective that is half one thing and half another; (c) adverb in equal parts; half — and half not.half-arse, half-arsed, half-ass, half-assed adjectives (slang) incompetent, inadequate.halfback Football & Hockey etc. (the position of) a player playing between the forwards and the backs; Amer. Football (now rare) a flanker.half-baked adjective (fig.) (a) not thorough, not thoroughly planned, not serious, incomplete; (b) stupid, half-witted.half-ball Billiards & Snooker etc. a stroke in which the cue is aimed through the cue ball at the edge of the object ball, and so covers half of it.half-bapˈtize verb trans. baptize privately or without full rites.halfbeak any of various small, slender, mostly marine surface-skimming tropical fishes of the family Hemiramphidae, related to flying fish and typically having the lower jaw much longer than the upper.half-ˈbelt a belt extending only halfway around the body, esp. one worn at the back of a garment.half binding a style of bookbinding in which the back and corners are covered in one material and the sides in another, usu. less durable.half blood (a) the relation between people having only one parent in common; (b) a person or group of persons related in this way; (c) offensive a person of mixed descent.half-blooded adjective of mixed descent.half-blue (the holder of) the colours awarded to the player who is second choice to represent his or her university (esp. Oxford or Cambridge) in inter-university contests or who plays a minor sport in such contests.half board accommodation at a hotel etc. providing bed, breakfast, and one main meal (usu. dinner) a day.half-boot a boot which reaches up to the calf.half-bound adjective (of a book) bound with leather back and corners and cloth or paper sides.half-bred adjective & noun (an animal, esp. (Austral. & NZ) a sheep) of mixed breed.half-breed (derog. & offensive) a person with parents from different races, esp. (N. Amer.) with white and black parents or with white and American Indian parents.half-brother a male related to one or more other persons (male or female) by having one biological parent in common.half-butt Billiards a cue of a length between an ordinary cue and a long butt.half-cap (a)a half-courteous salute given by a slight movement of the cap; (b) hist. a kind of woman's headdress.half-caste adjective & noun (offensive) (designating or pertaining to) a person with parents of different races, spec. with a European father and an Indian mother.half-cheeka face in profile.half-circle a semicircle.half cock the position of the cock of a gun when partly raised; freq. in at half cock (see cock noun1 12).half-cocked adjective (a) at half cock (lit. & fig.); (b) dial. partly drunk, tipsy; (c) incompletely prepared or realized.half-court Tennis & Badminton etc. a section of the court demarcated by a line parallel with the sidelines, a service court.half-crown hist. a British silver (orig. gold) coin worth two shillings and sixpence; the amount represented by this.half-crowner arch. colloq. a person who paid a half-crown for admission etc.half-cut adjective (colloq.) partly drunk, tipsy.half-day half a working day, esp. taken as holiday.half-dead adjective in a state in which death seems as likely as recovery; in a state of extreme exhaustion or weakness.half-deck (a) a deck covering half the length of a ship or boat, fore and aft; spec. (hist.) in a ship of war, a deck extending aft from the mainmast between the upper deck and the quarterdeck; (b) the quarters of cadets and apprentices on a merchant vessel.half-dime US History a (silver) coin worth five cents; the amount represented by this.half-dollar in the US and other countries, a coin worth fifty cents; the amount represented by this.half-door a door of half the normal size, usu. with a space above it.half-dozen a half of a dozen, six.half-dress hist. costume worn at day and informal evening functions during the late 18th and 19th cents.half-eagle US History a gold coin worth five dollars; the amount represented by this.half-ebb the state or time of the tide halfway to its ebb.half-face (a) a half of a face; a face as seen in profile; a profile on a coin etc.; (b) Military an act or a position of facing halfway to the right or left.half-ˈfaced adjective (a) presenting a half-face or profile; (of a coin) stamped with a profile; (of a person) having a thin, pinched face; (b) with only half the face visible; (c) imperfect, incomplete, half-and-half; (d) US (of a camp or shelter) left open on one side.half-flood the state or time of the tide halfway to its flood.half-frame adjective (a) designating reading spectacles consisting of only the lower half of the frames and lenses; (b) Photography (taking) half the standard 35 mm picture size.half-frames half-frame spectacles.half-galley a galley of about half the full size.half-god a demigod.half-groat (obsolete exc. hist.) a British silver coin worth two old pence; the amount represented by this.half-guinea hist. a British gold coin worth ten shillings and sixpence; the amount represented by this.half-hardy noun & adjective (a plant) able to grow in the open air at all times except in severe frost.half-headed adjective (arch.) deficient in intellect, stupid.half-hearted adjective not having one's whole heart in a matter; lacking in courage, enthusiasm, or determination; feeble.half-heartedly adverb in a half-hearted manner.half-heartedness the state or condition of being half-hearted.half hitch: see hitch noun.half holiday (a)a day considered only half a holy day; a saint's day or holy day other than Sunday; (b) the (usu. latter) half of a working day used for recreation or esp. taken as holiday.half-hose socks.half-hour a half of an hour, thirty minutes.half-hourly adjective & adverb (occurring) at intervals of half an hour. half-hunter.half-inch noun & verb (a) noun a unit of length half as long as an inch; (b) verb trans. [rhyming slang for pinch] steal.half integer any member of the set of numbers obtained by dividing the odd integers by two.half-integral adjective equal to half an odd integer.half-jack hist. a counter made to resemble a half sovereign.half-James: see James 1b.half-joe hist. a Portuguese gold coin, formerly current in N. America, worth 3,200 reis; the amount represented by this.half landing a landing halfway up a flight of stairs.half lap: see lap noun3.half-leg US half the height of a person's leg (chiefly in half-leg high).half-length a portrait of the upper half of a person.half-life (a) a life of half the full length; an unsatisfactory way of life; (b) the length of time in which a quantity (esp. of a substance) is reduced by half; spec. (i) the time in which half of any number of atoms of a given radioactive isotope will decay; (ii) the time required for half of a quantity of a given substance to be broken down chemically or otherwise lost in the body, the environment, etc.half-lift Prosody a half or secondary stress.half-light a dim imperfect light.half-line Prosody half of a line of verse, esp. as a structural unit in Old English and related poetry.half-man (a) a being who is only half human, or deficient in humanity; (b) an effeminate man; a eunuch.half-mark (obsolete exc. hist.) an English money of account worth six shillings and eightpence.half mast noun & verb (a) noun the half of a mast, half the height of a mast; at half mast, half-mast high, (of a flag) lowered towards the middle of the mast as a mark of respect for the dead; (b) verb trans. hang at or lower to half mast.half measure an inadequate or unsatisfactory compromise, policy, etc. (usu. in pl.).half-mile noun & adjective (a race) extending to or covering half a mile.half-miler a runner who competes in a half-mile or whose preferred distance is half a mile.half-minute a half of a minute, thirty seconds.half-mournerthe marbled white butterfly, Melanargia galathea.half-mourning (a) the second stage or period of mourning after the expiry of full mourning; (b) (dress of) black relieved or replaced by grey, mauve, etc., in token of this.half-move Computing either of a pair of moves (one by each side) investigated by a chess-playing program during the course of a game.half-naked adjective nearly naked.half nelson: see nelson noun2.half-noble (obsolete exc. hist.) an English or British gold coin equal to half a noble; the amount represented by this.half note Music (a)a semitone; (b) N. Amer. a minim.half-part (long rare or obsolete) a half.half-pass a dressage movement in which the legs on the side to which the horse is moving pass and cross behind the outside legs.half pay (a) half of the full or usual wages or salary, esp. a reduced allowance made to an army etc. officer when retired or not in actual service; (b) (now rare) an officer on half pay.half-pie adjective (NZ slang) [perh. Maori pai good] halfway towards, imperfect, mediocre.half-pike hist. a small pike with a shaft about half the length of a full-sized one.half-pint (a) an amount of liquid equal to half a pint; (b) fig. a small, insignificant, or ineffectual person.half-pipe a channel made of concrete or cut into the snow with a U-shaped cross-section, used by skateboarders, snowboarders, etc. to perform jumps and other manoeuvres.half-plane Math. that part of a plane which lies to one side of a line in the plane.half plate (a photograph reproduced from) a photographic plate measuring 434 by 612 inches.half-price adjective & noun (at) half of the full or usual price.half relief: see relief noun2 1.half-rhyme an imperfect or near rhyme; esp. the rhyming of one word or syllable with another in consonants but not in vowels.half-round adjective & noun (a) adjective semicircular, semi-cylindrical; (b) noun (now rare) a semicircle, a hemispherical figure.half seas over adverb & adjective (a) adverb (arch.) halfway across the sea; transf. & fig. halfway towards a goal or destination or between one state and another; (b) adjective (slang) half-drunk. half-shaved.half-sheet (a) a size of paper equal to half a sheet; (b) a kind of printing in which all the pages of a signature are in one forme.half-shell half of the shell of an oyster etc., esp. as used for serving food (chiefly in on the half-shell).half-shot Golf a shot played with about half the full swing.half-sibling a half-brother or half-sister.half-sister a female related to one or more other persons (male or female) by having one biological parent in common.half-slip the lower half of a slip, a waist petticoat.half-sole noun & verb (a) noun the part of the sole of a boot or shoe extending from the shank to the toe; (b) verb trans. provide (a boot or shoe) with a half-sole.half-sovereign hist. a British gold coin worth ten shillings; the amount represented by this.half-standard a tree or shrub that grows on an erect stem of half height and stands alone without support.half-starved adjective having insufficient food; poorly fed; suffering from malnourishment.half step Music a semitone.half-stress Prosody a secondary stress.half-stuff Paper-making partly prepared pulp.half-term a period about halfway through a school term, esp. taken as a short holiday.half-tester a canopy extending over half the length of a bed.half-tide the state or time of the tide halfway between flood and ebb.half-timber adjective (a) = half-timbered; (b) made of timber split in half.half-timbered adjective (of a building) having walls with a timber frame and brick or plaster filling.half-time (a) half the usual or full time during which work is carried on; (b) the time at which half of a game or contest is completed; the interval then occurring.half-title (a) the title or short title of a book, printed on the recto of the leaf preceding the title leaf or at the head of the first page; (b) the title of the section of a book printed on the recto of the leaf preceding it.halftone (a) Music (US) a semitone; (b) an image, produced by photographic or electronic means, in which an effect of continuous tone is simulated by dots of various sizes or lines of various thicknesses; the process which produces such an image; (c) Art an intermediate tone between the extreme lights and the extreme shades.half-topped adjective (Golf) designating a stroke in which the ball is partly topped.half-track (a vehicle having) a propulsion system with the wheels at the front and endless driven bands at the back.half-truth a proposition or statement that (esp. deliberately) conveys only half the truth.half-uncial adjective & noun (designating) writing which shares some of the features of both uncial and cursive; semi-uncial.half-value a value of a physical property, esp. intensity of radioactivity, that is half of an earlier value.half-verse = half-line above.half-volley noun & verb Tennis & Football etc. (a) noun a stroke or shot in which a ball is hit or kicked immediately after it bounces on the ground; such a ball; (b) verb trans. hit or kick (a ball) immediately after it bounces.half-wave noun & adjective (a) noun one half of a complete (electromagnetic) wave; (b) adjective using or involving half a wave or wavelength.halfwit a stupid or foolish person; an imbecile.half-witted adjective stupid, foolish; imbecile.half-wittedness the state or condition of being half-witted.half-word a word that hints at or suggests something.half-world (a)a hemisphere; (b) the demi-monde.half-year (a) a half of a year, six months; (b) (now rare) = half noun 6b.half-yearly adjective & adverb (happening) every half-year or six months.



  1. A prefix used before brother, sister, uncle, aunt, and so forth, to indicate that the person being identified is related only through one parent, grandparent, and so forth, rather than two.
  2. A prefix used to indicate that something is just half or done half, and therefore not total or fully done.

See also

  • quarter- (prefix for a fourth part)
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