

词汇 co-
Online Etymology Dictionary

  1. Together; joint; jointly; mutually:
    1. Partner or associate in an activity:
      coauthor; cofounder.
    2. Subordinate or assistant:
  2. To the same extent or degree:
  3. Complement of an angle:

  1. Middle English
  2. from Latin
    源自 拉丁语
  3. variant of com- [com-]
    com-的变体 [前缀,表“与,和”]


together; joint or jointly; mutual or mutually
indicating partnership or equality
to the same or a similar degree
(in mathematics and astronomy) of the complement of an angle


from Latin, reduced form of com-

Example Sentences

He got the compressor going and patted the machine, now an old friend and co- conspirator.

Terman, Douglas Cormorant

-- Why should I give you favours when you're not co- operating?

Forbes, Bryan A Song at Twilight
in Latin, the form of com- in compounds with stems beginning in vowels and h- and gn- (see com-). Taken in English from 17c. as a living prefix meaning "together, mutually, in common," and used promiscuously with native words and Latin-derived words not beginning with vowels, sometimes even with words already having it (such as co-conspiritor).
co- /kəʊ/ prefix.
ORIGIN: Latin, var. of com- esp. before vowels, h, and gn: cf. col-, con-, cor-.
1.Used in words adopted from Latin and in English words modelled on these, and as a productive prefix, forming: (a) verbs from verbs with the sense ‘with others’, as co-edit, cooperate; (b) adjectives from adjectives and adverbs from adverbs with the senses ‘jointly’, ‘mutually’, as co-belligerent, coequal, coequally; (c) nouns from nouns with the senses ‘joint’, as co-author, co-precipitation, and ‘mutual’, as coequality.b. Biology. Forming names of substances which combine with others to produce an effect, or enhance the action of others, but are individually inactive, as co-carcinogen, coenzyme.
2.Math. Short for complement, in the sense ‘of the complement’ (as cosine) or ‘complement of’ (as co-latitude).
 DERIVATIVE coadapˈtation noun mutual adaptation E19.
coaˈdapted adjective mutually adapted M19.
coaˈdjust verb trans. adjust to each other M19.
coˈadjutant adjective & noun (a person) helping another or others or with another or others E18.
co-aˈdore verb trans. adore conjointly (with) E17.
co-adˈventurer noun a fellow adventurer M17.
coˈagency noun joint or combined agency E17.
coˈagent noun a joint agent L16.
co-aˈration noun cooperative ploughing or tillage, esp. as practised in Wales in ancient times L19.
coˈarbiter noun a joint arbiter L16.
co-aˈssessor noun a joint assessor M17.
co-aˈssume verb trans. assume together or conjointly (with) E17.
co-aˈttest verb trans. attest together or conjointly (with) M17.
coˈbranded adjective marketed under or carrying two or more brand names L20.
co-deˈfendant noun a joint defendant M17.
co-deˈpendency noun emotional dependency on supporting or caring for another person or other people L20.
co-deˈterminant noun each of a set of determining factors L19.
co-determiˈnation noun joint determination; spec. of company policies by unions and workers as well as management E20.
co-deˈtermine verb trans. jointly determine E20.
codiˈrector noun a joint director M19.
co-ˈdriver noun a person who takes turns in driving a vehicle, esp. in a race, rally, etc. M20.
co-ˈeditor noun a joint editor L19.
co-eˈffect noun a joint or concomitant effect M18.
coˈenzyme noun (Biochemistry) an organic compound which combines with an enzyme to activate it E20.
co-eˈstate noun an estate or state possessing equal authority or rank with another M18.
co-ˈfavourite noun an equal or joint favourite, esp. in a sporting contest E20.
co-feoˈffee noun (hist.) a joint feoffee LME.
co-ˈfounder noun a joint founder E17.
co-ˈfoundress noun a joint foundress, a female joint founder M17.
co-ˈguardian noun a joint guardian M17.
co-ˈguardianship noun joint guardianship L19.
co-ˈhead noun a joint leader or principal L19.
coˈheir noun a joint heir LME.
coˈheiress noun a joint heiress, a female coheir M17.
coˈheirship noun joint heirship E17.
coˈhelper noun a joint helper M16.
co-ˈheritor noun a joint inheritor M16.
co-host (a) noun a person who hosts an event or broadcast with another or others; (b) verb trans. be the co-host of: E20.
coindiˈcation noun (a) conjoint or concurrent indication E17.
co-ˈinfinite adjective equally or conjointly infinite M17.
co-inˈhabitant noun a joint inhabitant M16.
co-inˈhere verb intrans. inhere together M19.
co-inˈherence noun joint inherence E19.
co-inˈherent adjective jointly inherent E19.
co-inˈheritance noun (a) joint inheritance L16.
co-inˈheritor noun a joint inheritor E16.
co-instanˈtaneous adjective occurring or existing at the same moment M18.
co-instanˈtaneously adverb simultaneously E19.
coˈjuror noun (chiefly hist.) a fellow oath taker, one who confirms under oath the oath of another M18.
co-ˈlabourer noun a fellow labourer M19.
co-ˈmorbid adjective (Medicine) pertaining to or designating a medical condition that co-occurs with another L20.
co-morˈbidity noun (Medicine) the quality of being co-morbid L20.
co-ˈobligant noun a person under joint obligation E19.
co-ˈobligor noun (Law) a person who accepts an obligation or makes a commitment along with others L18.
co-oˈccur verb intrans. occur together or simultaneously (with) M20.
co-oˈccurrence noun simultaneous or joint occurrence M20.
co-oˈccurrent adjective & noun (each of two or more things) occurring together or simultaneously M20.
co-omˈnipotent adjective conjointly omnipotent M16.
co-ˈossify verb intrans. & trans. ossify together L19.
co-ˈowner noun a joint owner M19.
co-ˈownership noun joint ownership L19.
coˈpastor noun a joint pastor E19.
co-ˈpayment noun (in medical insurance) a contribution made by an insured person towards medical treatment; the payment of such contributions: M20.
co-proˈduction noun (a) joint production; esp. a cinematographic film produced by teams from more than one country: M20.
co-proˈmoter noun a joint promoter E19.
co-proˈprietor noun a joint proprietor L18.
co-ˈregency noun a joint regency M17.
co-ˈregent adjective & noun (a person) ruling jointly with another L18.
co-ˈregnant noun & adjective (a person) reigning jointly with another M17.
co-ˈresidence noun residence together, joint residence M17.
co-ˈruler noun a joint ruler L17.
coˈseismal adjective & noun (a) adjective relating to points affected simultaneously by an earthquake; (b) noun a line or curve connecting such points: M19.
co-ˈsleep verb intrans. sleep in the same bed or room as one's parent or child M20.
co-ˈsovereign noun a joint sovereign, a fellow sovereign L18.
co-ˈsovereignty noun joint sovereignty E18.
co-speˈcific adjective = conspecific adjective L19.
coˈtectic adjective [after eutectic] Petrography representing conditions under which two or more minerals etc. crystallize simultaneously from a liquid E20.
co-ˈtenancy noun joint tenancy L19.
co-ˈtenant noun a joint tenant M19.
co-text noun the text surrounding a particular word etc. M20.
co-uˈnite verb trans. & intrans. (arch.) unite together, conjoin M16.
co-ˈwork verb intrans. work together, cooperate E17.
co-ˈworker noun a person who works in collaboration with another; a fellow worker: M17.
prefix. a form of com-.
with; together: Cooperate = to act with or together.
joint; fellow: Coauthor = a joint or fellow author.
equally: Coextensive = equally extensive.
Mathematics. complement: Cosine = sine of the complement (of a given angle or arc).
[< Latin co-, variant of com- with < cum with]
c/o (no periods) or c.o.
carried over.
in care of.
Co (no period)
cobalt (chemical element).
Co. or co.
CO (no periods) or C.O.
an abbreviation for the following:
cash order.
Colorado (with postal Zip Code).
commanding officer.
Informal. conscientious objector.
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, from com-; akin to Old English ge-, perfective, associative, and collective prefix, Old High German gi-, ga-, Gothic ga-, Old Irish com-, con- with, together, Albanian kë-, Greek koinos common
1. : with : together : joint : jointly : shared : mutual : mutually
 < coexist >
 < coinheritance >
 < cosustain >
 < cooperate >
2. : in or to the same degree
 < coextensive >
 < coeval >
 a. : fellow : partner
  < coauthor >
  < co-worker >
 b. : having a usually lesser share in duty or responsibility : alternate : deputy
  < cochairman >
  < copilot >
 a. : operating together or reciprocally
  < coterm >
 b. : of the complement of an angle
  < cosine >
  < codeclination >



  1. together; mutually; jointly
  2. partner or subordinate in an activity
  3. to the same degree
  4. mathematics of the opposite, of the counterpart; dual
    cokernel; codimension; cosine; counion; cointersection


From the Latin prefix co-.

Usage notes

  • With many terms, a hyphen (-) is used in British English (e.g. co-operate), which is omitted in American English (e.g. cooperate).
  • Derived terms

    English words prefixed with co-
  • cosemisimple
  • counital
  • 前缀:co- 表示"共同", 通常放在元音词根前

    cooperation 合作(co+operation操作→共同操作→合作)

    coagulate 凝结(co+agul凝聚+ate→凝聚起来)

    coalesce 联合;合作(co+al=ally联盟+esce)

    coexist 共存(co+exist存在)

    cohere 附着;粘着(co+here粘→粘在一起)

    coincide 一致,符合,巧合(co+in进+cide掉下→共同掉进来→巧合)

    coordinate 协调:同等的(co+ordin顺序+ate→顺序一样→同等的引申为平等;协调)

    前缀:co- 共同

    cooperation 合作

    coaction 共同行动

    coeducation 男女同校

    coagent 共事者

    coexistence 共存,共处

    co-worker 共同工作者

    co-flyer 副飞行员

    co-founder 共同创立者

    cohabitation 同居,姘居

    co-owner 共同所有人

    corotation 共转

    comate 同伴,伙伴

    copartner 合伙人

    coauthor 书的合著者之一




    【同源单词】:coagent, coexistence, cognition, cognitive, cognize





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