1530s, "abnormal" (usually in a bad sense), from Latin enormis "out of rule, irregular, shapeless; extraordinary, very large," from assimilated form of ex- "out of" (see ex-) + norma "rule, norm" (see norm), with English -ous substituted for Latin -is. Meaning "extraordinary in size" is attested from 1540s; original sense of "outrageous" is more clearly preserved in enormity. Earlier was enormyous (mid-15c.) "exceedingly great, monstrous." Related: Enormously; enormousness.
〔李〕[e-(ex-)=out of 在…之外;norm=rule 规律;-ous a.=being⇒“being out of rule 在常规之外的”→] a. very,very large;huge 巨大的;庞大的
〔李〕[e-(ex-);norm;-ousa.] a.巨大的,庞大的; 极恶的 ←norm (L norma)=rule 规则
〔蒋〕[e-外,出,norm正常,-ous…的;’超出正常之外的”] 巨大的,庞大的