

词汇 merit
Online Etymology Dictionary

c.1200, "spiritual credit" (for good works, etc.); c.1300, "spiritual reward," from Old French merite "wages, pay, reward; thanks; merit, moral worth, that which assures divine pity," and directly from Latin meritum "a merit, service, kindness, benefit, favor; worth, value, importance," neuter of meritus, past participle of merere, meriri "to earn, deserve, acquire, gain," from PIE root *(s)mer- (2) "to allot, assign" (cognates: Greek meros "part, lot," moira "share, fate," moros "fate, destiny, doom," Hittite mark "to divide" a sacrifice).
Sense of "worthiness, excellence" is from early 14c.; from late 14c. as "condition or conduct that deserves either reward or punishment;" also "a reward, benefit." Related: Merits. Merit system attested from 1880. Merit-monger was in common use 16c.-17c. in a sense roughly of "do-gooder."
late 15c., "to be entitled to," from Middle French meriter (Modern French mériter), from merite (n.), or directly from Latin meritare "to earn, yield," frequentative of mereri "to earn (money);" also "to serve as a soldier" (see merit, n.). Related: Merited; meriting.

词根:merit = to deserve, to earn

  词根merit来自拉丁语的ment 意为to deserve,to earn。


1. meritorious adj.有功的;值得称赞的(有接受价值的merit(=deserve))
  meritocracy n.精英管理的国家
  He won an award for meritorious achievement in undergraduate instruction.他因在大学生教育中取得佳绩而获奖。

2. merit n.功劳,功绩;(pl.)功过;优点;价值;(pl.)是非曲直 v.值得
  man of merit 有功劳的人;certificate of merit 奖状;decide the case on its merits 根据事件的是非曲直决定;Don't make a merit of being punctual.严格守时没有好自夸的;merit rating 成绩评定;merit system 根据成绩的作用、晋升制度

3. demerit n.过失,罪过;缺点 *de(=away)
  merits or demerits of a thing 事物的优、缺点

4. emeritus adj.荣誉退休的 *e<ex(=out)
  emeritus professor / professor emeritus 荣誉退休教授





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