1869 W. K. Parker in Philos. Trans. R.Soc. CLIX. 759The rudiments of the ‘aliethmoidal’ and ‘aliseptal’ cartilages of the nasal labyrinth.
Ibid. 800The roots of the cartilaginous aliethmoid.
Ibid. 780The alinasal fold.
Ibid. 798The alinasals give rise to the nasal turbinal.
combining form
Etymology: Latin, from ala — more at aisle
1. : wing
< aliform >
< alitrunk >
2. : relating to the side parts of (a specified organ or structure)
< aliethmoid >
< alinasal >
< aliform >
< alitrunk >
< aliethmoid >
< alinasal >
【来源及含义】Latin: other, another
【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "another, other, different, alternating, changing": allo-; alter-; allelo-; hetero-; mut-; poikilo-; reciproc-; vari-.
【同源单词】Ab alio expectes, Alia tendanda via est, alias, Alias dictus, alibi, alibi