mid-15c., "un-ecclesiastical, secular," from Old French profane (12c.) and directly from Latin profanus "unholy, not consecrated," according to Barnhart from pro fano "not admitted into the temple (with the initiates)," literally "out in front of the temple," from pro- "before" (see pro-) + fano, ablative of fanum "temple" (see feast, n.). Sense of "unholy, polluted" is recorded from c.1500. Related: Profanely.
late 14c., from Old French profaner, prophaner (13c.) and directly from Latin profanare "to desecrate, render unholy, violate," from profanus "unholy, not consecrated" (see profane, adj.). Related: Profaned; profaning.
〔李〕[pro-=out 外;fan=temple 神殿;-e⇒“outside the temple 不进神殿的”→] a. with contempt for God;not religious不敬神的;渎神的