late 14c., proclamen, from Latin proclamare "cry or call out," from pro- "forth" (see pro-) + clamare "to cry out" (see claim, v.). Spelling altered by influence of claim. Related: Proclaimed; proclaiming; proclaimer.
〔李〕[pro-=forth or out 出;claim=to shout 喊⇒“to shout out 大声说出”→] v. make known publicly or officially 宣告;公布
〔蒋〕[pro-向前,claim叫喊→声言] 宣布,宣告,声明
〔李〕[pro-=forward向前;claim=to cry out呼喊→“to call or speak forward(before the public)向前面的公众讲话”→] v. make known before the public;declare or announce officially宣布;公告