

词汇 grand
Online Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., grant "large, big" (early 12c. in surnames), from Anglo-French graunt and directly from Old French grant, grand (10c.) "large, tall; grown-up; great, powerful, important; strict, severe; extensive; numerous," from Latin grandis "big, great; full, abundant," also "full-grown;" figuratively "strong, powerful, weighty, severe" (perhaps cognate with Greek brenthyomai "to swagger, be haughty"). It supplanted magnus in Romanic languages; in English with a special sense of "imposing." The connotations of "noble, sublime, lofty, dignified," etc., were in Latin. As a general term of admiration, "magnificent, splendid," from 1816. Related: Grander; grandest.
The use of grand- in compounds, with the sense of "a generation older than, or younger than," is first attested c.1200, in Anglo-French graund dame "grandmother." Latin and Greek had similar usages.
Grand jury is late 15c. Grand piano from 1797. The grand tour of the principal sites of continental Europe, as part of a gentleman's education, is attested by that name from 1660s. The Grand Canyon was so called 1871 by Maj. John Wesley Powell, scientific adventurer, who explored it; earlier it had been known as Big Canyon.
"thousand dollars," 1915, American English underworld slang, from grand, adj..

词根:grand = great, large(大)

  来源:①来源于古法语或拉丁语 grand/grandis 大;②来源于一种乐器名称:grand piano ( 三角平台式 ) 大钢琴; 意为great,large。同义词根有来源于希腊语的coloss,magn,maha,mega/megalo,metro 和来源于拉丁语的maj,max等

。同形异义词根:-grand- 隔一代的 ( 亲戚关系 ),如:grandad 爷爷、grandson 孙子。


1. aggrandize(使更大 ag<ad(=to,add)强调 + grand(=great) + -ize (v.) 动词后缀)
  n.aggrandizement n.扩大;提高;强化;夸张(同上,-ment (n.) 名词后缀)
  He seeks to aggrandize himself before his superiors to advance his career. 他为了晋升而在上司面前过分地夸大自己。

2. grand
  grandly adv.宏伟地;崇高地
  grand jury 大陪审团
  Grand Canyon 大峡谷(美国亚利桑那州科罗拉多河的大峡谷)
  Grand Old Party 老大党,指美国共和党,缩写:GOP

3. grandeur (-eur (n.) 名词后缀,大的东西特别是建筑,山川,江河等越大越壮丽,壮观-->)
  the grandeur of Napoleon Bonaparte 拿破仑.波拿巴的伟大
  the grandeur of the Swiss Alps 瑞士阿尔卑斯山的壮观
  the grandeur of his nature 他高贵的气质

4. grandiloquent (-i- 连接词、-loqu- 说、-ent (a.) 形容词后缀,表示“…的”(形容与大有关的词汇,即夸大的 / 夸张的 / 词藻浮华的))
  adj.夸张的,夸大的;大言不惭的 *loqu (=say)
  grandiloquence n.夸张之言;大言不惭
  grandiloquent speaker 夸夸其谈的人
  written in a grandiloquent stlye 以夸张的风格写作

5. grandiose (-grand- 大 + -i- 连接词 + -ose (a.) 表示“…的”,形容与大有关的词汇,即宏伟的 / 庞大的 / 浮夸的)

6. grandfather (比爸爸还大的,还长的,爸爸的长辈 -->)

7. grandmother(比妈妈还大的,还长的,妈妈的妈妈-->)





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