late Old English albe, from Late Latin alba (in tunica alba or vestis alba "white vestment"), fem. of albus "white," from PIE root *albho- "white" (cognates: Greek alphos "white leprosy," alphiton "barley meal;" Old High German albiz, Old English elfet "swan," literally "the white bird;" Old Church Slavonic and Russian lebedi, Polish łabędź "swan;" Hittite alpash "cloud").
☞ alb, albo
词根:alb = white, 表示“白色”
albsecent a. 发白的(alb+escent产生……的→产生白的)
albino n. 白化病(alh+ino表示某种病)
album n. 相册;集邮册(alb+um表示物→空白的东西→用来放东西的册子)