"attack," 1714, back-formation from aggression, but used earlier with a sense of "approach" (1570s) and in this sense from French aggresser, from Late Latin aggressare, frequentative of Latin aggredi "to approach, attack." Related: Aggressed; aggressing.
〔李〕[ag-(ad-)=to 向;gress=to step 跨步 ⇒“to step to sb. 向某人逼近一步”→] v. make the first attack;begin a war 攻击,挑衅;侵略
〔蒋〕[ag-=at,to向,gress走;’走向”→来到→副近→闯来→进攻] 侵略,侵入,攻击
〔李〕[ag-(ad-)=toward 向;gress=to step 跨步→“to step toward向……逼进一步”→] v. make a first attack;intrude挑衅;侵略