c.1300, cronicle, from Anglo-French cronicle, from Old French cronique "chronicle" (Modern French chronique), from Latin chronica (neuter plural mistaken for fem. singular), from Greek ta khronika (biblia) "the (books of) annals, chronology," neuter plural of khronikos "of time, concerning time," from khronos "time" (see chrono-). Ending modified in Anglo-French, perhaps by influence of article. Old English had cranic "chronicle," cranicwritere "chronicler." The classical -h- was restored in English from 16c.
c.1400, croniclen, from chronicle, n.. Related: Chronicled; chronicling.
〔李〕[chron;-iclen.] n.年代记,编年史 v.记述 ←chron (GK chronos)=time 时间
〔李〕n.年代记,编年史 [icle] ←chron(o)-[GK] =time时间
〔蒋〕[chron时间,-icle名词后缀;’按时间顺序记载的史实”] 编年史,年代记,年代史