early 15c., from Middle French permanent (14c.) or directly from Latin permanentem (nominative permanens) "remaining," present participle of permanere "endure, hold out, continue, stay to the end," from per- "through" (see per) + manere "stay" (see mansion). As a noun meaning "permanent wave," by 1909. Of clothing, permanent press attested from 1964.
〔李〕[per-=through 经过;man=to stay 停留;-ent= -ing⇒“staying through a long time 长期保留着的”→] a. lasting;intended to last 永久的;持久的
〔蒋〕[per-贯穿,从始至终,一直,man停留,-ent形容词后缀,…的;’一直停留下去的”] 永久的,常驻的,常设的