from Vulgar Latin *-āticum [abstract n. suff.] 源自 俗拉丁语 *-āticum [抽象名词后缀]
from Latin -āticum [n. and adj. suff.] 源自 拉丁语 -āticum [名词和形容词后缀]
suffix forming nouns
indicating a collection, set, or group
indicating a process or action or the result of an action
indicating a state, condition, or relationship
indicating a house or place
indicating a charge or fee
indicating a rate
from Old French, from Late Latin -āticum, noun suffix, neuter of -āticus, adjectival suffix, from -ātus-ate1 + -icus-ic
Word Origin
a suffix typically forming mass or abstract nouns from various parts of speech, occurring originally in loanwords from French (voyage; courage) and productive in English with the meanings “aggregate” (coinage; peerage; trackage), “process” (coverage; breakage), “the outcome of” as either “the fact of” or “the physical effect or remains of” (seepage; wreckage; spoilage), “place of living or business” (parsonage; brokerage), “social standing or relationship” (bondage; marriage; patronage), and “quantity, measure, or charge” (footage; shortage; tonnage; towage).
Middle English < Old French < Latin-āticum, neuter of -āticus adj. suffix; an extension of Latin-āta -ate1, whose range of senses it reflects closely
Related Words
-agea noun suffix, common in words taken from French, as in baggage, language, savage, voyage, etc., now a common English formative, forming:
1. collective nouns from names of things, as in fruitage, leafage.
2. nouns denoting condition, rank, service, fee, etc., from personal terms, as in bondage, parsonage.
3. nouns expressing various relations, from verbs, as in breakage, cleavage.
4. nouns denoting an amount or charge, as in postage, corkage.
[Old French, from Latin -āticum]
-age noun suffix
ETYMOLOGY Middle English, from Old French, from Latin -aticum
1. aggregate : collection trackage 2. a. action : process haulage b. cumulative result of breakage c. rate of dosage 3. house or place of orphanage 4. state : rank peonage 5. charge postage
forming nouns [构成名词]
denoting an action
表示“作用”, “行为”:
■ the product of an action
■ a function; a sphere of action
表示“功能”, “作用或行为范围”:
denoting an aggregate or number of
表示“合计”, “数目”:
■ fees payable for; the cost of using
■ informal denoting a large number of something (typically forming nouns whose plurals are correctly formed with -s)
denoting a place or abode
表示“地方”, “住所”:
from Old French, based on Latin -aticum, neuter form of the adjectival ending -aticus.
-agesuffix of abstr. nouns, originally in words adopted from Fr., afterwards a living Eng. formative. [OFr.-age:—late L. -āticum, a favourite termination of abstr.ns. of appurtenance, and collectives; orig. neuter of adjectives in -ātic-us. L. silv-āticus of the wood (silva), It.selv-aggio, Pr.salv-atge, Fr.sauv-age, Eng.sav-age, with viāticus of or pertaining to a journey (via), viāticum that which pertains to a journey, provision for the way, later the making of a journey, Pr.viatge, It.viaggio, Fr.viage, voyage; umbrāticus of or pertaining to the shade, shady (umbra), late L. umbrāticum that which is shady, shadiness, a mass of shade, Fr.ombrage, Eng.umbrage. Afterwards a common formative in Fr. itself, as in entour-age; thence readopted in med.L. as -āgium: cf.homāgium, cariāgium, formed on Fr.hommage, cariage, which if formed in L. would have been *homināticum, *carricāticum.] Meaning.1. From names of things, indicating that which belongs to or is functionally related to, as (from Fr.) language, potage, tonnage, umbrage, voyage; passing into the whole functional apparatus collectively, in baggage, foliage, plumage, village; whence of Eng. formation cellarage, cordage, fruitage, girderage, leafage, luggage, poundage, socage, vaultage, etc.2. From names of persons, indicating function, sphere of action, condition, rank, as (from Fr.) baronage, homage, personage, vassalage, vicinage, villeinage, and of Eng. formation bondage, orphanage, parsonage, porterage, umpirage.3. From verbs expressing action, as (from Fr.) advantage, damage, equipage, marriage, message, passage, pilgrimage, portage, usage; whence of Eng. formation breakage, brewage, cleavage, postage, prunage, steerage, wreckage, etc.
word-forming element in nouns of act, process, function, condition, from Old French and French -age, from Late Latin -aticum "belonging to, related to," originally neuter adjectival suffix, from PIE *-at- (source of Latin -atus, past participle suffix of verbs of the first conjugation) + *-(i)ko-, secondary suffix forming adjectives (see -ic).
[Noun] activity, or result of action:
courage, suffrage, shrinkage, tonnage
-age/ɪdʒ; in a few wordsɑ:ʒ/suffix.
ORIGIN: Repr. Old French & Modern French-age from Late Latin-aticum neut. of adjectives in -aticus-atic. Later a living English formative.
Forming nouns with gen. sense of appurtenance or collectives. The meanings are typified by baggage, carriage, cartage, damage, dotage, hermitage, homage, language, luggage, marriage, passage, tillage, tonnage, vicarage, village.
☞ age
-age \ij, ēj also əj\noun suffix (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin -aticum 1.: aggregate : collection < cellarage > < surplusage > < trackage > < wordage > 2. a.: action : process < coverage > < haulage > < stoppage > b.: cumulative result of < breakage > < shrinkage > c.: rate of < dosage > < leakage > < outage > < slippage > 3.: house or place of < orphanage > < parsonage > 4.: state : rank < bondage > < peonage > 5.: charge for (an act or service) < postage > < towage > < wharfage >
IPA: /ɪdʒ/ (earlier loans and when attached to any non-French roots)
IPA: /ɑʒ/ (more recent loanwords from French such as massage, mirage, barrage, etc.)
Forming nouns with the sense of collection or appurtenance.
forming nouns indicating a process, action, or a result
blockage; slippage; shrinkage
forming nouns of a state or relationship
forming nouns indicating a place
orphanage; hermitage
forming nouns indicating a charge, toll, or fee
postage; brokerage; corkage
forming nouns indicating a rate
percentage; mileage
From Old French-age, from Latin-āticum. Cognates include French-age, Italian-aggio, Spanish-aje, Romanian-aj.
(collection): -ery, -ing
Derived terms
► English words suffixed with -age
后缀:-age [名词后缀]
wordage 文字,词汇量
percentage 百分比
tonnage 吨数,吨位
wattage 电的瓦数
mileage 英里数
herbage 草本植物
acreage 英亩数
leafage 叶子(总称)
assemblage 集合的人群
peerage 贵族(总称)
orphanage 孤儿院
village 村庄
anchorage 停泊所
cottage 村舍
hermitage 隐士住处
vicarage 牧师住所
passage 通道
pasturage 牧场
postage 邮资
wharfage 码头税
railage 铁路运费
freightage 货运费
waterage 水运费
pilotage 领航费
cartage 车运费
towage 拖船费
expressage 快运费
porterage 搬运费
lighterage 驳运费
brokerage 经手费
haulage (拖)运费
demurrage 滞留费
marriage 结婚
rootage 生根
brigandage 强盗行为
breakage 破碎,破损
stoppage 阻止,阻塞
brewage 酿造
clearage 清除,清理
tillage 耕作,耕种
wastage 耗损
pilgrimage 朝圣
shrinkage 收缩,皱缩
storage 贮存,保管
shorage 短缺
parentage 出身,门第
pupilage 学生身份
advantage 利益
alienage 外国人身份
verbiage 冗词,赘语
visage 面貌
dotage 老年昏惯
reportage 报告文学
language 语言
roofage 盖屋顶的材料
roughage 粗粮,粗饲料
package 包裹
blindage 盲獐,掩体
bandage 绷带
wrappae 包装材料
carriage 马车,客车厢
droppage 落下物
altarage 祭坛的祭品
appendage 附属物
【来源及含义】Latin: suffix; quality of, act of, process, function, condition, or place; forms nouns that denote an action; a product of an action; a place, an abode