late 14c., "to cast down," from Old French aflicter, from Latin afflictare "to damage, harass, torment," frequentative of affligere (past participle afflictus) "to dash down, overthrow," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + fligere (past participle flictus) "to strike," from PIE root *bhlig- "to strike" (cognates: Greek phlibein "to press, crush," Czech blizna "scar," Welsh blif "catapult"). Transferred meaning of "trouble, distress," is first recorded 1530s. Related: Afflicted; afflicting.
〔李〕[af-;flict] v.折磨 n.苦恼 ←flig,flict (L fligere,flictum)=to strike 打击
〔蒋〕[af-表示at,to等意义,flict打击] 使苦恼,折磨