cholo-corresp. to Gr. χολο- combining form of χολή bile: used as first element in numerous technical words, some of which have variants in chole-. ˈcholochrome[χρῶµα colour], the general name for the colouring matters of bile; including chiefly choloˈchloin or choloˈchlorin, the green pigment, called also biliverdin, choloˈcyanin, a blue pigment, choloˈfulvin, a yellow pigment, choloˈphæin, the brown pigment. Hence choloˈchromic acid.choˈlography, a treatise on the bile. choˈlolith[λίθος stone], a gall-stone or biliary calculus. choloˈlithica., of or pertaining to gall-stones. choˈlology, the part of physiology and pathology which deals with the bile. choˈlonic acid, produced by the action of strong acids upon glycocholic acid; its salts are ˈcholonates.1863–72Watts Dict.Chem. I. 928 A dilute solution of cholochrome (either brown or green).Ibid. 927 Cholophæin, or the brown pigment..the substance to which excrements owe their colour..Cholochloïn or Biliverdin, this green pigment is produced by the oxidation of cholophæin.1872Thudichum Chem.Phys. 21 In disease of the bile in oxen the cholophæinate of lime predominates.