pyle-bef. a vowel pyl-, ad.Gr. πύλη gate, orifice, applied to the portal vein; irreg. used as combining form instead of the regular pylo-. pylemphraxis|paɪlɛmˈfræksɪs|[Gr. ἔµϕραξις stoppage, obstruction], obstruction of the portal vein (Mayne 1858). pylephlebitis|ˌpaɪlɪfliːˈbaɪtɪs|[phlebitis], inflammation of the portal vein; hence pylephleˈbitica.pylethrombosis|paɪlɪθrɒmˈbəʊsɪs|, thrombosis of the portal vein.1899Allbutt's Syst.Med. VI. 439 *Pylephlebitic abscesses in the liver.1858Mayne Expos.Lex., *Pylophlebitis.1880R. C. Drysdale in Med.Temp.Jrnl. Oct. 8, Cases of pylephlebitis of adhesive type due to alcohol.1890Billings Nat.Med.Dict., *Pylethrombosis.1905H. D. Rolleston Dis. Liver 64 To diagnose pylethrombosis.