1590s, from Middle French adhérer (15c.) or directly from Latin adhaerare "to stick to" (see adherent, adj.). Originally often of persons, "to cleave to a leader, cause, party, etc." (compare adherent (n.), which still often retains this sense). Related: Adhered; adhering.
〔李〕[ad-=to 到;her=to stick 粘;-e⇒“to stick to sth. 粘到某物上”→] v. ①stick fast 粘附
〔李〕[ad-;her;-e] v.粘着; 依附; 坚持 ←her,hes ( L haerere,haesum)=to stick 粘
〔蒋〕[ad-表示at ,to,her粘] 粘附,胶着,依附