1550s, "rhymed verse, metrical movement," from Latin rhythmus "movement in time," from Greek rhythmos "measured flow or movement, rhythm; proportion, symmetry; arrangement, order; form, shape, wise, manner; soul, disposition," related to rhein "to flow," from PIE root *sreu- "to flow" (see rheum). Rhythm method of birth control attested from 1936. Rhythm and blues, U.S. music style, is from 1949 (first in "Billboard").
词根:rhythm = rhythm, 表示“节奏”
arrhythmic a. 无节奏的;心率不齐的(ar无+rhythm+ic)
eurhythmic a. 比例协调的(eu美好+rhythm+ic→有好的节奏→协调)
unrhythmical a. 无韵律的,无节奏的(un不,无+rhythm+ical)