

词汇 -ly
Online Etymology Dictionary

-ly 1
  1. Like; resembling; having the characteristics of:
  2. Recurring at a specified interval of time:

  1. Middle English -li
    中古英语 -li
  2. from Old English -līc influenced by Old Norse -ligr
    源自 古英语 -līc 受 古斯堪的纳维亚语 -ligr的影响
  3. * see līk-
    *参见 līk-

-ly 2
  1. In a specified manner; in the manner of:
  2. At a specified interval of time:
  3. With respect to:

  1. Middle English -li
    中古英语 -li
  2. from Old English -līce influenced by Old Norse -liga
    源自 古英语 -līce 受 古斯堪的纳维亚语 -liga的影响
  3. from -līc [adj. suff.] * see līk-
    源自 -līc [形容词后缀] *参见 līk-


suffix forming adjectives

having the nature or qualities of
occurring at certain intervals; every


Old English -lic


suffix forming adverbs

in a certain manner; to a certain degree


Old English -lice, from -lic -ly1


Synonyms Word Origin
a suffix forming adverbs from adjectives:
gladly; gradually; secondly.
See Grammar note at adverb.
a suffix meaning “every,” attached to certain nouns denoting units of time:
hourly; daily.
an adjective suffix meaning “-like”:
saintly; cowardly.
(adv.) Middle English -li, -lich(e), Old English -līce (-līc adj. suffix + -e adv. suffix); (adj.) Middle English -li, -ly, -lich(e), Old English -līc (cognate with German -lich), suffixal use of gelīc like1
3. See -ish1.
-ly1. the normal adverbial suffix, added to almost any descriptive adjective, as in gladly, gradually.
2. the adverbial suffix applied to units of time, meaning 'per', as in hourly.
3. adjective suffix meaning 'like', as in saintly, manly.
[Middle English -li, -ly, lich(e), Old English -līc, related to German -lich and to Old English noun līc body. See like1]
\\\\lē; in some dialects, especially Brit, Southern, NewEng, often li but not shown at individual entries\\\\ adjective suffix
 ETYMOLOGY  Middle English, from Old English -līc, -lic; akin to Old High German -līh, -lic, Old English līc body — more at like
1. like in appearance, manner, or nature : having the characteristics of
2. characterized by regular recurrence in (specified) units of time : every

adverb suffix
 ETYMOLOGY  Middle English, from Old English -līce, -lice, from -līc, adjective suffix
  a. in a (specified) manner
  b. at a (specified) time interval
2. from a (specified) point of view
3. with respect to
4. to a (specified) degree
5. in a (specified) place in a series
forming adjectives meaning 构成形容词:
having the qualities of



recurring at intervals of



Old English -lic, of Germanic origin; related to LIKE1.

forming adverbs from adjectives, chiefly denoting manner or degree
[由形容词构成副词, 主要表示“以…方式”, “从…程度”]:




Old English -līce, of Germanic origin.
I.-ly, suffix1(Forms: 1 -líc, -lic, 2–5 -lich, 4–5 -liche, 3–5 north. -lik(e, (3 Orm. -lic, -liȝ, -like), 3–6 -li, 4– -ly),appended to ns. and adjs. to form adjs., represents the OE. -lī̆c, corresponding to OFris., OS. -lîk (Du. -lijk), OHG. -lîk (MHG. -lîch, mod.G. -lich), ON. -lig-r, -leg-r (Sw., Da. -lig), Goth. -leik-s:—OTeut. -lîko-. The phonology of the OE. form, as also of the mod.G. and the ON. forms, is somewhat abnormal, the frequency in use of the suffix having caused loss of the original secondary stress, with consequent shortening of the vowel, and in ON. also voicing of the guttural. A further irregularity appears in the phonetic development in ME. The normal representation of OE. -lic was -lik in northern dialects and -lich in southern dialects. These forms are found as late as the 15th century; but the form -li, -ly, which (though parallel with the reduction of OE. ic to I, and of ME. everich to every) seems to be chiefly due to the influence of the Scandinavian -lig-, occurs in northern and midland dialects as early as the 13th c., and before the end of the 15th c. had become universal. In the Ormulum (c 1200) -lic (rarely -like) is used before a vowel and at the end of a line, and -liȝ before a cons.; the inflected form -like (disyllabic) seems often to be used, for metrical reasons, where grammar would require the uninflected form. In the comparative and superlative (OE. -licra, -e, -licost) the ME. form had regularly -k according to phonetic law in all dialects (in the south the usual 13–14th c. form was -lukere, -lokere); but where the positive had the form -li new comparatives and superlatives in -lier, liest were regularly formed from it.The original Teut. adjs. in -lîko- were compounds of the n. *lîkom appearance, form, body (see lich). Thus *mannlîko- (‘manly’) means etymologically ‘having the appearance or form of a man’; gôðolîko- (‘goodly’) ‘having a good appearance or form’, or ‘having the appearance or form of what is good’. The primitive force of the suffix may therefore be rendered by ‘having the appearance or form indicated by the first element of the word’; but while in the historical Teut. langs. it has remained capable of expressing this meaning, it has in all of them acquired a much wider application.When appended to ns., the most general senses of the suffix in all Teut. langs. are ‘having the qualities appropriate to’, ‘characteristic of’, ‘befitting’. In English of all periods it has been a prolific formative; the adjs. formed with it are most frequently eulogistic, as in kingly, knightly, masterly, princely, queenly, scholarly, soldierly (cf. manly, womanly with mannish, womanish); among the examples with dyslogistic sense are beastly, beggarly, cowardly, dastardly, rascally, ruffianly, scoundrelly. In OE., as in other Teut. langs., the suffix had often the sense ‘of or pertaining to’; but the adjs. have, so far as this meaning is concerned, been to a great extent superseded by synonyms of Latin or Romanic etymology. Thus manly formerly admitted of the senses now expressed by human and masculine; for one of the older senses of timely we must now say temporal. Another use of the suffix, common to English with other Teut. langs., is to form adjs. denoting periodic recurrence, as daily, hourly, monthly, nightly, weekly, yearly.When -ly is appended to an adj., the resulting derivative adj. often connotes a quality related to or resembling that expressed by its primary; cf., e.g., OE. léof ‘dear’ with léoflic ‘lovely’ (or, as it might be rendered, ‘such as becomes dear’). The diminutive sense found in mod.G. gelblich yellowish, süsslich sweetish, though a very easy development from the original sense of the suffix, does not seem ever to have existed in English. Even in OE. -lic had app. ceased to be used in new formations from adjs.; the new adjs. f. adj. + -ly that have arisen in ME. or in mod.E. seem to be from the advs.II.-ly, suffix2(Forms: 1–2 -líce, 2–5 -liche, 4–5 -lich, 3–5 north. -like, (3 Orm. -like, -liȝ), 3–6 -li, 4– -ly), forming adverbs, represents OE. -líce, corresponding (functionally if not morphologically) to OFris. -lîke, OS. -lîko (M.Du. -lîke, Du. -lijk, MLG. -lîke, mod.LG. -lik), OHG. -lîchô (MHG. -liche, mod.G. -lich), ON. -liga, -lega (MSw. -lika, -leka, in mod.Sw. superseded by -ligt, -ligen; Da. -lig), Goth. -leikô, derived from -lîko- (see -ly1) with an adverb-forming suffix, OTeut. , according to some repr. the ending of the abl. fem. (pre-Teut. -ād) or neut. (pre-Teut. -ōd); according to others that of the instrumental neut. (pre-Teut. -ōm).The form-history of the suffix in Eng. is similar to that of -ly1: in ME. the OE. -líce was normally represented by -līche (southern), -līke (northern), the compar. being -lī̆ker, -luker, -loker (superl. -est).The form -li, -ly, which was current in East Midland English in the 14th c., and became general in the 15th c., is probably due to the influence of the ON. -liga. In the strongly Scandinavianized dialect of the Ormulum (c 1200) -liᵹ and -like are used indifferently, according to the requirements of the metre. Where the positive ended in -li, -ly, the comparative and superlative ended in -lier, -liest. In the 15–17th c. forms like falslyer, traitorouslyer (Malory), softlier, justlier, widelier (Long Barclay's Argenis 1625), easilier, -est (R. Baxter Saving Faith 1658) were common, but in later use the advs. in -ly are compared with more, most, the inflexional forms being only employed in poetry or for rhetorical effect.In OTeut. an adv. with this suffix must have implied the existence of an adj. with the suffix corresponding to -ly1. In OE., however, there are several instances (e.g. bealdlíce boldly, swétlíce sweetly) in which an adv. in -líce has been formed directly from a simple adj. without the intervention of an adj. in -lic. In ME. the number of these direct formations was greatly increased, and when the final -e, which was the original OE. adverb-making suffix, ceased to be pronounced, it became usual to append -ly to an adj. as the regular mode of forming an adv. of manner. It was, down to the 17th c., somewhat frequently attached, with this function, even to adjs. in -ly, as earlily, godlily, kindlily, livelily, lovelily, statelily; but these formations are now generally avoided as awkward, while on the other hand it is felt to be ungraceful to use words like godly, goodly, lovely, mannerly, timely, as advs.; the difficulty is usually evaded by recourse to some periphrastic form of expression. In examples belonging to the 16th and 17th c. it is sometimes difficult to determine whether a writer intended the adv. goodly to mean ‘in a good manner’ or ‘in a goodly manner’, and there are other instances of similar ambiguity. In the words denoting periodical recurrence, as daily, hourly, the adj. and the adv. are now identical in form. A solitary example of an adv. f. n. + -ly2 with no related adj. is partly. From the early part of the 16th c. the suffix has been added to ordinal numerals to form advs. denoting serial position, as firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc. (cf. F. premièrement, etc.).When -ly is attached to a disyllabic or polysyllabic adj. in -le, the word is contracted, as in ably, doubly, singly, simply; contractions of this kind occur already in the 14th c., but examples of the uncontracted forms (e.g. doublely) are found as late as the 17th c. Whole + -ly becomes wholly, but in all other similar instances the written e is retained before the suffix, e.g. in palely, vilely, puerilely. Adjs. ending graphically with ll lose one l before -ly, as in fully (in southern Eng. commonly pronounced with a single l, but in Scotland often with double or long l), dully |ˈdʌllɪ|, coolly |ˈkuːllɪ|. Adjs. of more than one syll. ending in y change y to i before -ly, as in merrily; in formations from monosyllabic adjs. the usage varies, e.g. dryly, drily; gayly, gaily (cf. daily, which is the only current form); slyly, slily (but always shyly); greyly, grayly has always y. Another orthographical point is the dropping of the e in the two words duly, truly. It is unusual to append -ly to an adj. in -ic; the ending of the adv. is nearly always -ically, even when the only current form of the adj. ends in -ic.
suffix forming adjectives from nouns and meaning "having qualities of, appropriate to, fitting;" irregularly descended from Old English -lic, from Proto-Germanic *-liko- (Old Frisian -lik, Dutch -lijk, Old High German -lih, German -lich, Old Norse -ligr), related to *likom- "appearance, form" (Old English lich "corpse, body;" see lich, which is a cognate; see also like, adj., with which it is identical).
adverbial suffix, Middle English, from Old English -lice, from Proto-Germanic *-liko- (cognates: Old Frisian -like, Old Saxon -liko, Dutch -lijk, Old High German -licho, German -lich, Old Norse -liga, Gothic -leiko); see -ly(1). Cognate with lich, and identical with like, adj.. Weekley notes as "curious" that Germanic uses a word essentially meaning "body" for the adverbial formation, while Romanic uses one meaning "mind" (as in French constamment from Latin constanti mente). The modern English form emerged in late Middle English, probably from influence of Old Norse -liga.

[Adverb] in the manner of:
1suffix1 | 2suffix2

-ly // suffix1. OE.
ORIGIN: Old English -lić = Old Frisian, Old Saxon -līk, Old High German -līh (Dutch -lijk, German -lich), Old Norse -ligr, -legr, Gothic -leiks, from Germanic, from base also of lich.
Forming adjectives usu. from nouns with the senses (a) having the qualities of, characteristic of, befitting, as beastly, cowardly, knightly, queenly, rascally, scholarly, womanly; (b)of or pertaining to, as (in early sense) manly; (c) recurring at intervals of, as daily, hourly, weekly, yearly.
-ly // suffix2. OE.
ORIGIN: Old English līće = Old Frisian -like, Old Saxon -līko, Old High German -līhho (Dutch -lijk, German -lich), Old Norse -liga, Gothic -leikō, from Germanic base of -ly1 + adverb-forming suffix.
Forming adverbs (a) from adjectives with the senses ‘in a — manner’ or ‘to a — degree’, as amusingly, deservedly, firstly, fully, greatly, happily, hourly, truly; (b) from ordinal numerals, denoting serial order, as firstly, secondly; (c) (now rare) from adjectives ending in -ly, as godlily, livelily.
-lyMain Entry: suffix
suffix added to adjectives to form adverbs.
in a _____manner: Cheerfully = in a cheerful manner. Slightly = in a slight manner.
in _____ways or respects: Financially = in financial respects.
to a _____degree or extent: Greatly = to a great degree.
in, to, or from a _____direction: Northwardly = to or from the north.
in the _____place: Thirdly = in the third place.
at a _____time: Recently = at a recent time.
[Middle English -ly, and -li, short for -liche, and -like, Old English -licē < līc -ly2 + -e, adv. suffix]
Usage-ly. A few adjectives end in -ly (comely, kindly, lovely), but -ly is more distinctly an ending for adverbs. The suffix -ly is a living suffix and is freely added to adjectives to form adverbs.
suffix added to nouns to form adjectives.
like a _____: Ghostly = like a ghost.
like that of a _____; characteristic of a _____: Brotherly = like that of a brother.
suited to a _____; fit or proper for a _____: Womanly = suited to a woman.
of each or every _____; occurring once per _____: Daily = of every day.
being a _____; that is a _____: Heavenly = that is a heaven.
[Middle English -ly, and -li, reduction of -lich, and -lik, Old English -līc < līc body]
I. \_lē, li\ adjective suffix
(usually -er/-est)
Etymology: Middle English -lich, -ly, -li, from Old English -līc, -lic; akin to Old Frisian & Old Saxon -līk -ly, Middle Dutch -lijc, Old High German -līh, -lih, Old Norse -ligr; all from a Germanic noun represented by Old English līc body, corpse — more at like
1. : like in appearance, manner, or nature : having the characteristics of
 < queenly >
 < fatherly >
 < womanly >
2. : expressing regular recurrence in stated units of time : every
 < hourly >
 < daily >
 < weekly >
II. \“; in -l(e)ly words pronunciation of only one l is usual if the nucleus of the next-to-the-last syllable is an unstressed vowel or a syllabic 1, less frequent if the nucleus is a stressed vowel{fl>adverb suffix{\
(usually -er/-est)
Etymology: Middle English -liche, -ly, -li, from Old English -līce, -lice, from -līc, -lic (adjective suffix)
: in a (specified) manner
 < slowly >
: in the manner of a
 < soldierly >
: from a (specified) standpoint

-ly 1

  • enPR: , IPA: /li/
  • Suffix

    1. Used to form adjectives from nouns, the adjectives having the sense of "like or characteristic of what is denoted by the noun".
    2. Used to form adjectives from nouns specifying time intervals, the adjectives having the sense of "occurring at such intervals".
      monthly, daily


    From Middle English -ly, -li, -lik, -lich, from Old English -līc, -līċ, from Proto-Germanic *-līkaz (“having the body or form of”), from *līką (“body”) (whence lich). Cognate with Dutch -lijk, German -lich and Swedish -lig, and with English -like (from Proto-Germanic *līka-).

    Derived terms

    like a noun
  • beastly
  • friendly
  • priestly
  • occurring at intervals
  • annually
  • biannually
  • bimonthly
  • biweekly
  • daily
  • fortnightly
  • hourly
  • monthly
  • semiannually
  • weekly
  • yearly
  • Synonyms

  • -ish
  • -like
  • -ous
  • -y
  • -ly 2


    1. Used to form adverbs from adjectives.


    From Old English -līċe.

    Usage notes

    In proscriptive usage, derived adverbs in -ly are often preferred to those which are identical in form to the base adjective (e.g., badly instead of bad), despite the fact that the latter have been in continuous use since the earliest stages of the language and represent the norm in languages closely related to English, such as Dutch and German. This is the cause of hypercorrections such as I feel badly (where feel actually represents a copular verb, which traditionally requires an adjectival complement rather than an adverb).

    Various sound changes and spelling changes occur for -ly:

  • If an adjective ends with the letter y, it changes into i before adding the suffix (e.g. ready, readily).
  • If an adjective ends with ble, these euphonically blend to bly, due to difficulty of pronouncing *blely. Examples include -ably and -ibly, but also feebly, nimbly, and nobly, among others.
  • Derived terms

  • -ally
  • See also

    English words suffixed with -ly

    后缀:-ly ①[形容词后缀]


    friendly 友好的

    homely 家常的,亲切的

    fatherly 父亲般的

    childly 孩子般天真的

    heavenly 天上的

    mannerly 有礼貌的

    manly 男子气概的

    womanly 有女子气质的

    godly 神的,神圣的

    costly 昂贵的

    lovely 可爱的,好看的

    worldly 世间的


    hourly 每小时的

    daily 每日的,日报

    weekly 每周的,周刊

    yearly 每年的

    nightly 每夜的

    monthly 每月的,月刊

    quarterly 按季度的,季刊



    hourly 每小时地

    daily 每日地

    nightly 每夜地

    weekly 每周地

    monthly 每月地

    quarterly 每季度地

    yearly 每年地


    namely 也就是,即

    friendly 朋友般地

    fatherly 父亲般地

    partly 部份地

    mannerly 有礼貌地

    timely 及时地


    truly 真正地,确实地

    greatly 大大地

    fearfully 可怕地

    newly 亲近,最近

    clearly 清楚地

    coldly 冰冷地

    really 真正地

    badly 恶劣地

    quickly 迅速地

    quietly 安静地

    gloriously 光荣地

    similarly 相似地

    usefully 有用地

    recently 最近





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