Word Origin
a combining form with the meanings “having a tongue,” “speaking, writing, or written in a language” of the kind or number specified by the initial element:
< Greek (Attic) -glottos -tongued, adj. derivative of glôtta tongue; see glotto-
Related Words
- monoglot
- diglot
- polyglot
-glota suffix indicating proficiency in language, as in polyglot.
[Greek glotta tongue]-glot
\ˌglät, usu -äd.+V\ adjective combining form
Etymology: Greek -glōttos, -glōssos, from glōtta, glōssa language, tongue — more at gloss (explanation)
: having knowledge of or using (a specified number of) languages
< monoglot >
< tetraglot >
< monoglot >
< tetraglot >