1 variant of glosso- before a vowel:
Related Words
- glosseme
- glossina
- glossitis
gloss-combining formor glosso- ETYMOLOGY Latin, from Greek glōss-, glōsso-, from glōssa
1. tongue glossitis2. language glossolalia gloss-
combining form
or glosso-
Etymology: Latin, tongue, from Greek glōss-, glōsso-, from glōssa
a. : tongue
< glossalgia >
: glossal and
< glossohyal >
b. : structure or organ like a tongue
< Glossophora >
2. : language
< glossology >
-glossia (equivalent suffix)glott-, glotto- (less commonly)glosso-(Received Pronunciation) enPR: glŏs—, IPA: /ɡlɒs—/Prefix
- chiefly anatomy tongue
- uncommon speech, language
From the Ancient Greek γλῶσσα (glôssa, “tongue”); compare -glossia, glott-.
Usage notes
When combined with a term beginning with a consonant, gloss- concatenates with the interfix -o- (as glosso-).Derived terms
glossepiglotticglossocele (pathology)glosso-epiglottidglosso-epiglottideanglossohyalglossokinæstheticglossolabiolaryngealglossolaryngealglossology (medicine, rare) →glossologist (rare)glossopalatineglossopharyngealglossophorousglossotomy (surgery)speech, language
glossographglossology →glossologicalglossologistglossotypexenoglossophobiaRelated terms
gloss →glossedglosserglossistglossalglossalgia, glossalgy (chiefly pathology)glossanthraxglossary →glossarialglossaristglossarianglossateglossatorglossatrix (rare)glossecollite (mineral)glossem (obsolete, rare)glosseme (linguistics) →glossematic (linguistics)glossematical (obsolete)glossicglossitis (pathology) →glossitic (pathology)glossocome (obsolete)glossocomium (obsolete)glossographerglossography →glossographicalglossolalia, glossolaly →glossolalicglossolalistglossomachical (obsolete, nonce word)glossopetra (obsolete)glossophagineglossoplegia, glossoplegy (pathology)glossopterisglossoscopyglossotheca (entomology) Synonyms
lingu- (Latinate equivalent)References
“glosso-” listed in the Oxford English Dictionary [2nd Ed.; 1989]