1875 tr. Vogel'sChem. Light xii. 133The optico-chemical difficulties often frustrate his best endeavours.
1892 Syd. Soc. Lex. ,Optico-ciliary..neurotomy, division of the optic and the ciliary nerves.
1899 Allbutt's Syst. Med. VI. 756It seems probable that the optico-papillary fibres differ in appearance from the visual fibres.
1950 F. H. Adler Physiol. Eye x. 372Opticokinetic nystagmus is induced in a subject using wide alternating stripes on a rotating drum.
1965 F. W. Newell Ophthalm. xxvi. 442/2Opticokinetic nystagmus arises from looking at constantly moving objects, such as telegraph poles, from a moving automobile or train.
combining form
Etymology: French, from Greek optikos — more at optic
1. : optical and
< opticochemical >
2. : relating or belonging to the eye : ocular
< opticopupillary >
3. : optic and
< supraopticohypophyseal >
< opticochiasmatic >
< opticochemical >
< opticopupillary >
< supraopticohypophyseal >
< opticochiasmatic >