Word Origin
a combining form meaning “those having feet” of the kind or number specified by the initial element, used in the names of classes in zoology:
Compare -pod.
< New Latin, neuter plural of Greek -pous; see -pod
Related Words
- amblypod
- copepod
- sauropod
- -pod
- theropod
-podaplural of -pod, as in Cephalopoda.
\pədə\ noun plural combining form
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, neuter plural of -pod-, -pous having (such or so many) feet
: ones having (such or so many) feet — in taxonomic names in zoology
< Arthropoda >
< Decapoda >
< Heteropoda >
— compare -pus
< Arthropoda >
< Decapoda >
< Heteropoda >
— compare -pus