Word Origin
a multiplicative suffix occurring in once, twice, thrice.
Middle English, Old English -es adv. suffix, orig. genitive singular ending; see -s1
- chiefly after 1, 2, or 3 Times: used to form a multiplicative numeral from a cardinal numeral. 1809, abridgement of, 1758, Rob. Whytt, "On the Remarkable Effects of Blisters in Lessening the Quickness of the Pulse in Coughs, attended with Infarction of the Lungs and Fever" (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, volume fifty, page 569), in, Charles Hutton, George Shaw, and Richard Pearson, The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Abridged, volume eleven, page 222 [1]:
- Her stomach being extremely delicate, he scarcely ordered any medicines for her all this time, except a cordial julep, with spir. volat. oleos. tinct. of rhubarb as a laxative, and a julep of aqu. rosar. acet. [illegible] alb. and syr. bals. of which last she took 2 table spoonfuls 2ce or 3ce a day in ¼ of a pint of lintseed tea.
1998 January 21, "LT" <elstazeelandnet.nl>, "Novell 32bit client for NT - have to log in 2ce???", message-ID <34C5C8D6.7927D6B@zeelandnet.nl>, comp.os.netware.connectivity, Usenet:- Whenever a user tries to login […], a second login box comes up and they have to log in twice, apparently once for Novell, and once for the NT domain.
2003 August 23, "Pinky" [Trevor A Panther] <tapan@SPAMLESSblueyonder.co.uk>, "Re: Plastic corks - UK", message-ID <Ziy1b.2042$O62.16624775@news-text.cableinet.net>, rec.crafts.winemaking, Usenet [2]:- What you need is a "synthetic" corks which are about 2ce or 3ce the price of cork "corks" and any good home brew shop will be able to supply.
后缀:-ce [副词后缀]
once 一次
hence 因此,从今以后
twice 二次
thence 自那里,从那时起
thrice 三次
whence 从何处,由此