early 15c., "cause to swell," from Latin inflatus, past participle of inflare "to blow into, inflate" (see inflation). Economics sense from 1844. In some senses a back-formation from inflation. Related: Inflatable; inflated; inflating.
〔李〕[in-=into 入;flat=to blow 欠;-e⇒“to blow into 吹入”→] vt. ①fore gas into 使充气,使膨胀
〔李〕[in-;flat;-e] v.使充气; 使膨胀; 物价上涨; 通货膨胀 ←flat [ L flare]=to blow 吹
〔蒋〕[in-入,flat吹;’吹入气体”] 使充气,使膨胀,使通货膨胀