pelti-combining form of pelta, in a few rarely used scientific terms, chiefly botanical. † pelˈtiferousa.[L. peltifer], bearing a pelta or small shield. peltiˈfoliousa.[L. folium leaf], having peltate leaves. ˈpeltiforma., shield-shaped; of a peltate form. peltigerine|pɛlˈtɪdʒəraɪn|a., belonging to, resembling, or characteristic of, the genus Peltigera of lichens, having large shield-shaped apothecia. pelˈtigerousa.[L. peltiger], shield-bearing (Mayne Expos.Lex.). peltiˈnervate, ˈpeltinervedadjs., having the nerves or veins radiating from the centre as in a peltate leaf.1656Blount Glossogr., *Peltiferous, that weareth or bears a Target like a half moon.1857Mayne Expos.Lex., Peltifolius..having peltate leaves: *peltifolious.Ibid., Peltiformis..applied to apotheciæ in form of a shield..: *peltiform.1893Syd. Soc.Lex., Peltiform, Mineralogy, to couches or beds that are convex, and inclined on the slope of a mountain.1890Cent.Dict., *Peltigerine.1866Treas.Bot. 858 *Peltinerved, having ribs arranged as in a peltate leaf.