

词汇 re-
Online Etymology Dictionary

  1. Again; anew:
  2. Backward; back:
  3. Used as an intensive:

  1. Middle English
  2. from Old French
    源自 古法语
  3. from Latin * see re-
    源自 拉丁语 *参见 re-

  1. The following entry is not, strictly speaking, Indo-European, since it is represented in only one branch of the family. It is included because of the many English words among its descendants. Important derivatives are: re-,retro-,arrears
    严格来讲,以下的词条不属于印欧语系,因为它只用到这一语系的一支来代表。它之所以被涵盖的原因是许多英语单词来自其衍生词。重要派生词为: re-,retro-,arrears
  2. or Also red-Backward.Latin combining form conceivably from Indo-European *wret- , metathetical variant of *wert- , to turn (N “turned back”), an extended form of wer- 2 .
    或 也作 red-向后地.拉丁语 大概复合形式源自 印欧语 *wret- , *wert- 的音位转换变体, 转动(N “向后转”), wer-2 的衍生形式.
    1. re- , from Latin re- , red- , backward, again.
      re- , 源自 拉丁语 re- , red- , 向后地, 再一次.
    2. Suffixed form*re(d)-tro- . retral , retro- ; arrears , rear guard , rearward 2 , reredos , from Latin retrō , backward, back, behind.
      添加后缀的形式*re(d)-tro- . retral , retro- ; arrears , rear guard , rearward 2 , reredos , 源自 拉丁语 retrō , 向后地, 背后的, 在…之后.
    3. Suffixed form*re-ko- . (see per 1 ) Latin reciprocus , “backward and forward.”
      添加后缀的形式*re-ko- . (参见 per1 ) 拉丁语 reciprocus , “来来回回.”


indicating return to a previous condition, restoration, withdrawal, etc
indicating repetition of an action
Verbs beginning with re- indicate repetition or restoration. It is unnecessary to add an adverb such as back or again: This must not occur again (not recur again); we recounted the votes (not recounted the votes again, which implies that the votes were counted three times, not twice)


from Latin

Example Sentences

Kempton repeated what Helen Dearden had already re- ported.

Penn, John Unto The Grave

`It's okay with the re- "Manny began and lowered his voice to a whisper.

St. James, Ian Final Resort
word-forming element meaning "back to the original place; again, anew, once more," also with a sense of "undoing," c.1200, from Old French and directly from Latin re- "again, back, anew, against," "Latin combining form conceivably from Indo-European *wret-, metathetical variant of *wert- "to turn" [Watkins]. Often merely intensive, and in many of the older borrowings from French and Latin the precise sense of re- is lost in secondary senses or weakened beyond recognition. OED writes that it is "impossible to attempt a complete record of all the forms resulting from its use," and adds that "The number of these is practically infinite ...." The Latin prefix became red- before vowels and h-, as in redact, redeem, redolent, redundant.
re- /ri:, (see note below)/ prefix. Before a vowel also red- /rɪd/ in a few words derived from Latin.
ORIGIN: Latin.
1.In verbs and verbal derivs. of Latin or Romance origin, denoting (a) motion backwards or away, as recede, remove, revert; (b) reversal, withdrawal, as recant, redeem, resign, revoke; secrecy, as revert; (c) opposition, as rebel, reluctant, resist; (d) negation, as reprobate, reprove; also with frequentative or intensive force, as in redouble, redound, regard, research.
2.In verbs and verbal derivs. of Latin or Romance origin, or formed in English, in which it denotes repetition, as reassess, redecorate, revise; often with the added sense of a return to an earlier state, as in rebuild, recross, re-establish, renovate, revitalize.
3.Prefixed to nouns to denote repeated or renewed supplying, treating, etc., with what is denoted by the noun, as regrass, rewire.
 NOTE  In words formed in English, where the idea of repetition is present, the sound is a clear /ri:/; in words derived from other languages re- usu. has the sound // or //. A hyphen is often used in formations on English words (a) in cases where there is an otherwise identically written form, as re-cover, recover, re-form, reform; (b) where the main elem. begins with e, as re-enter; (c) where emphasis is laid on the idea of repetition, as bind and re-bind.
 DERIVATIVE reacˈcept verb trans. accept again E17.
reacˈceptance noun the action or an act of reaccepting something M17.
reˈaccess noun return, renewed access E17.
reacˈcession noun a subsequent or renewed accession E19.
reaˈccommodate verb trans. accommodate again E17.
reaˈccumulate verb intrans. accumulate again M19.
reaccumuˈlation noun a repeated accumulation E19.
reaˈccustom verb trans. accustom again E17.
reaˈcquaint verb trans. make acquainted again M17.
reaˈcquaintance noun renewed acquaintance M17.
reaˈcquire verb trans. acquire anew L17.
reacquiˈsition noun (a) the action of reacquiring something; (b) a thing which or a person who is reacquired: E20.
readapt /ri:əˈdapt/ verb trans. & intrans. adapt anew M19.
readapˈtation noun the action or result of readapting L18.
reaˈddress verb trans. (a) address again (a problem, a person); (b) put a new address on (a letter etc.): E17.
readeption noun recovery L15–M18.
reaˈdjust verb trans. & intrans. adjust again (to) M18.
reaˈdjuster noun (a) a person who readjusts; (b) US History a member of a 19th-cent. political party which advocated a legislative readjustment of the state debt: M19.
reaˈdjustment noun the process or an act of readjusting or of being readjusted L18.
readˈminister verb trans. administer again L16.
reaˈdopt verb trans. adopt again L16.
reaˈdoption noun (a) renewed adoption L15.
readˈvise verb (a) verb trans. advise again; (b) verb intrans. reconsider: L16.
reaggraˈvation noun (Roman Catholic Church) the second warning given to a person before excommunication E16.
reˈaggregate verb trans. & intrans. aggregate again M19.
reaggreˈgation noun (a) repeated aggregation L19.
reaˈlign verb (a) verb intrans. return to previously aligned positions; (b) verb trans. align again or anew: E20.
reaˈlignment noun a new alignment, esp. of political affiliations or alliances L19.
reˈallocate verb trans. allocate again or afresh M20.
realloˈcation noun the action of reallocating something; a case or example of this: M20.
reaˈllot verb trans. allot afresh L19.
reaˈllotment noun the action of reallotting something M19.
reˈanalyse verb trans. analyse again M20.
reanalysis /ri:əˈnal-/ noun a second or further analysis M20.
re-ˈanchor verb trans. & intrans. anchor again E18.
reaˈnneal verb (a) verb trans. anneal again; Biochemistry change (single-stranded nucleic acid) back into a double-stranded form; (b) verb intrans. (Biochemistry) change from a single-stranded to a double-stranded form: M20.
reaˈnnex verb trans. annex again L15.
reannexation /ˌri:anɛkˈseɪʃ(ə)n/ noun the action of reannexing something; the fact or process of being reannexed: M19.
reappaˈrition noun a reappearance L16.
reappliˈcation noun a fresh application L17.
reaˈpply verb trans. & intrans. apply again; spec. submit a further application for a job: E18.
reaˈppoint verb trans. appoint again to a position previously held E17.
reaˈppointment noun an appointment to a position previously held L18.
reaˈpportion verb trans. apportion again or differently L19.
reaˈpportionment noun the action or an act of reapportioning something L19.
re-aˈpproach verb trans. (a) approach again; (b)bring together again: M17.
reˈargue verb trans. & intrans. argue (esp. a law case) a second time L18.
reˈargument noun a fresh or repeated argument, esp. of a law case L19.
reaˈrousal noun a second or further arousal M20.
re-aˈrouse verb trans. arouse again M19.
reaˈrrest verb & noun (a) verb trans. arrest again; (b) noun a second or repeated arrest: M17.
re-arˈticulate verb trans. articulate again or afresh M20.
reaˈscend verb intrans. & trans. ascend again or to a former position LME.
reaˈscension noun the action or an act of reascending M17.
reaˈscent noun (a) the action of reascending; (b) the way by which one reascends: E18.
re-ˈask verb trans. & intrans. ask again E17.
re-aˈspire verb intrans. aspire again E17.
reaˈssail verb trans. assail again L15.
reaˈssault noun & verb (a) noun a renewed assault; (b) verb trans. assault again: E17.
reaˈssay verb (a) verb intrans. (now rare or obsolete) make a fresh attempt; (b) verb trans. test the purity of (a metal) again: L16.
reaˈssess verb trans. assess again, esp. differently E19.
reaˈssessment noun the action or an act of reassessing something L18.
reaˈssimilate verb trans. assimilate again E19.
reassimiˈlation noun the action or an act of reassimilating something L19.
reaˈssociate verb intrans. & refl. (rare) come together again L15.
reassociˈation noun (rare) the action of reassociating E20.
reaˈssort verb trans. assort again L19.
reaˈssortment noun the action or result of reassorting something L18.
reaˈttach verb trans. attach again or in a former position E17.
reaˈttachment noun the action or an act of reattaching something L16.
reaˈttack verb trans. & intrans. attack again E18.
reaˈttain verb trans. attain again E17.
reaˈttainment noun the action or an act of reattaining something M19.
reaˈttempt verb trans. attempt again, esp. after failure L16.
reˈauthorize verb trans. authorize again M17.
reaˈwake verb intrans. & trans. awake again M19.
reaˈwaken verb intrans. & trans. awaken again M19.
reˈback verb trans. replace the damaged spine of (a binding or book) E20.
reˈbake verb trans. bake again E18.
reˈbalance verb trans. balance again L19.
reˈban noun an additional ban M19.
rebarbariˈzation noun the fact or condition of being rebarbarized M19.
reˈbarbarize verb trans. reduce again to barbarism L18.
reˈbase verb trans. set on a new base; spec. (Finance) establish a new base level for (a price index etc.): L20.
re-ˈbeat verb trans. beat again M17.
re-beˈcome verb intrans. (with compl.) become again L16.
re-beˈget verb trans. beget again or a second time L16.
re-beˈgin verb intrans. begin again L16.
re-beˈhold verb trans. behold again E17.
reˈbend verb trans. bend again or in a new direction E17.
reˈbind verb trans. bind again; esp. give a new binding or case to (a book): E19.
reˈbloom verb intrans. bloom again E17.
reˈblossom verb intrans. blossom again E17.
reˈboard verb trans. & intrans. board (a ship) again L16.
reˈbody verb trans. provide (a motor vehicle) with a new body M20.
reˈbook verb trans. & intrans. book (a seat, ticket, etc.) again or for a further stage of a journey M19.
reˈboot verb & noun (Computing) (a) verb trans. boot (a computer etc.) again, esp. after a power failure or other breakdown; (b) noun an act or instance of rebooting a computer or an operating system: L20.
reˈbottle verb trans. bottle again E19.
reˈbrace verb trans. brace again M18.
reˈbranch verb intrans. divide into branches again L19.
reˈbreathe verb trans. breathe (exhaled air) E17.
reˈbrew verb trans. brew again M18.
reˈbring verb trans. bring back L16.
reˈbud verb intrans. bud again E17.
reˈbunker verb intrans. (of a ship) take in a further supply of coal or oil L19.
reˈbuoy verb trans. (rare) (a) buoy up once more; (b) provide with a new set of buoys: E19.
reˈburial noun a second burial E20.
reˈbury verb trans. bury again L16.
re-ˈbush verb trans. provide with a replacement bush L19.
reˈbutton verb trans. button (a garment etc.) again M19.
reˈbuy verb trans. buy back E17.
reˈcalculate verb trans. calculate again E17.
recalcuˈlation noun the action or an act of recalculating M19.
recapitaliˈzation noun the action or an act of recapitalizing E20.
reˈcapitalize verb trans. & intrans. capitalize (shares etc.) again E20.
reˈcarbonate verb trans. charge (water) with carbon dioxide after softening E20.
recarburiˈzation noun (Metallurgy) addition of carbon to steel to produce the desired composition after refining L19.
reˈcarriage noun the action of carrying esp. merchandise back again; the fact of being carried back: M16.
reˈcarry verb trans. carry back or again LME.
re-ˈcase verb trans. provide with a new case; spec. rebind (a book) using its original case or a new one M19.
reˈcatch verb trans. catch again E19.
recategoriˈzation noun the action or an act of recategorizing something M20.
reˈcategorize verb trans. categorize again or differently M20.
re-ceˈment verb trans. join together again (as) with cement M17.
re-centre verb trans. centre again L18.
reˈcharter noun & verb (a) noun a new charter; (b) verb trans. give a new charter to: M19.
reˈchristen verb trans. rename L18.
reciviliˈzation noun the action of civilizing someone or something again E19.
reˈcivilize verb trans. civilize again E19.
reclassifiˈcation noun the action or fact of reclassifying something; an instance of this: L19.
reˈclassify verb trans. classify again; alter the classification of: L19.
reˈclear verb trans. make clear again; clear away again: L16.
reˈclimb verb trans. climb again M18.
reˈclose verb trans. & intrans. close again M16.
reˈclothe verb trans. clothe again or differently M17.
reˈcoal verb trans. & intrans. supply with or take in a fresh supply of coal L19.
reˈcoat verb trans. apply another coat of paint etc. to L19.
reˈcock verb trans. & intrans. cock (a gun) again L18.
reˈcode verb trans. put into a different code; spec. (Psychology) rearrange mentally (information presented by a problem, situation, or test): M20.
reˈcoin verb trans. coin (money) over again by repassage through a mint L17.
reˈcoinage noun the action or process of recoining money E17.
recoˈllate verb trans. collate (pages or a book) again M19.
recoloniˈzation noun the action or an act of colonizing a place, habitat, or area again E19.
reˈcolonize verb trans. (a) colonize (a place) again; (b) Ecology (of an organism) return to (a habitat or area previously occupied): L16.
reˈcolour verb trans. & (rare, poet.) intrans. colour again E19.
recoˈmmand verb trans. command again E16.
recoˈmmission verb (a) verb trans. commission again; (b) verb intrans. (of a ship) receive a new commission: M19.
recoˈmmit verb trans. commit again; spec. refer (a bill etc.) to a committee for further consideration: E17.
recoˈmmittal noun = recommitment M19.
recoˈmmitment noun a renewed commitment or committal L18.
recoˈmmunicate verb trans. communicate again or differently E17.
recomˈpact verb trans. compact again E17.
recomˈpile verb trans. compile (esp. a computer program) again or differently E17.
recomˈplete verb trans. complete again M17.
reˈcomplicate verb trans. complicate again L19.
recomˈpose verb trans. & intrans. compose again or differently E17.
recompoˈsition noun (a) the action or an act of recomposing; (b) Linguistics the action or an act of using a borrowed element as an affix to form a new word: L17.
recomˈpound verb trans. compound again L17.
recompuˈtation noun the action or an act of recomputing something; a new computation, a recalculation: M19.
recomˈpute verb trans. compute again, recalculate M18.
reconˈceive verb trans. conceive again or in a new way M19.
reconˈdense verb trans. & intrans. condense again M17.
reconˈfine verb trans. confine again E17.
reˈconjure verb trans. conjure again; recall in the imagination: E17.
recoˈnnect verb trans. & intrans. connect again E19.
recoˈnnection noun the action or an act of reconnecting something; a second or further connection: E20.
reconˈsult verb trans. & intrans. consult again E17.
recontamiˈnation noun further contamination: M20.
reconˈtest verb trans. & intrans. contest again E17.
reconˈtextualize verb trans.& intrans. place or consider in a new or different context M20.
recontract /ri:kənˈtrakt, ri:ˈkɒntrakt/ verb trans. & intrans. contract again or anew L16.
reconˈvict verb trans. convict again M19.
reconˈviction noun the action or an act of reconvicting someone; a second or further conviction: L19.
reconˈvoke verb trans. convoke again M19.
reˈcopy verb trans. copy again E18.
reˈcork verb trans. [cork verb1] cork again, provide with a new cork M19.
reˈcouple verb trans. (rare) join again, reunite E17.
reˈcradle verb trans. put (a telephone receiver) back in its cradle; = cradle verb 7: M20.
reˈcrystallizable adjective able to be recrystallized M19.
recrystalliˈzation noun the process of crystallizing again; spec. (Metallurgy) a rearrangement of the crystalline structure of a metal at high temperatures which tends to reduce distortion of the lattice: L18.
reˈcrystallize verb trans. & intrans. crystallize again L18.
reˈcultivate verb trans. cultivate anew M17.
recultiˈvation noun the action or an act of recultivating something M19.
reˈcut verb trans. cut again M17.
reˈdate verb trans. change the date of; assign a new date to: E17.
reˈdecorate verb trans. decorate (a room, building, etc.) again E17.
redecoˈration noun the action or an act of redecorating a room, building, etc. M19.
reˈdedicate verb trans. dedicate afresh E17.
redediˈcation noun the action or an act of rededicating L19.
redeˈfect verb intrans. return to a country from which one has previously defected M20.
redeˈfection noun the action or an act of redefecting M20.
redeˈfector noun a person who redefects M20.
redeˈfine verb trans. define again or differently L19.
redefiˈnition noun the action or result of redefining something; an instance of this: M19.
redeˈmand verb trans. demand the return of; demand or ask again: L16.
redeˈposit verb trans. deposit again M19.
redepoˈsition noun the action or fact of redepositing something or of being redeposited M19.
redeˈscend verb intrans. & trans. descend again L16.
redeˈscribe verb trans. describe again or in another way L19.
redeˈscription noun the action or an act of redescribing something; a new description: L19.
redeˈsign verb & noun (a) verb trans. design again or differently; (b) noun the action of redesigning something; a new design: L19.
redetermiˈnation noun the action or an act of redetermining something, a new determination M19.
redeˈtermine verb trans. determine again or differently E17.
rediˈrect verb trans. direct anew, send in a new direction; esp. direct (a letter) to a new address: M19.
rediˈrection noun the action or an act of redirecting something; an instance of this: M19.
reˈdiscount verb & noun (a) verb trans. discount again; esp. (of a central bank) discount (a bill of exchange etc.) that has already been discounted by a commercial bank; (b) noun the action or an act of rediscounting something; an instance of this: M19.
rediˈstil verb trans. distil again M17.
redistiˈllation noun a second or renewed distillation M17.
reˈdistrict verb trans. (US) divide or apportion into a new set of districts M19.
reˈdraft noun & verb (a) noun a bill of re-exchange; a second or new draft; (b) verb trans. draft (a writing or document) again: L17.
reˈdraw verb (a) verb intrans. draw a replacement bill of exchange; (b) verb trans. draw or draw up (something) again: L17.
reˈdrive verb trans. drive back (again); drive in again: L16.
re-ˈedit verb trans. edit again L18.
re-eˈdition noun the action or an act of re-editing something; a second or further edition: M17.
re-ˈeducate verb trans. educate again or in a different way, esp. with the object of changing beliefs or behaviour E19.
re-eduˈcation noun the action or process of re-educating someone L19.
re-eˈlect verb trans. elect again, esp. to a further term of office E17.
re-eˈlection noun the action or an act of re-electing someone; the fact of being re-elected: M18.
re-eligiˈbility noun eligibility for re-election to the same office L18.
re-ˈeligible adjective eligible for re-election to the same office E19.
re-emˈbrace verb trans. & intrans. embrace again E17.
re-emˈbroider verb trans. ornament with additional or new embroidery E20.
re-eˈmission noun a second or subsequent emission; emission following absorption; US a reissue of banknotes etc.: M18.
re-eˈmit verb trans. emit again or after absorption; US reissue (banknotes etc.): M18.
re-enˈdow verb trans. endow again E17.
re-enˈdowment noun a new or further endowment M19.
re-ˈengine verb trans. equip with a new engine or new engines L19.
re-engiˈneer verb trans. redesign and reconstruct; arrange or contrive anew: M20.
re-enˈgrave verb trans. engrave again E18.
re-enˈjoy verb trans. enjoy again E17.
re-enˈjoyment noun the action or state of re-enjoying something; an instance of this: E17.
re-enˈslave verb trans. enslave again M17.
re-eˈquip verb trans. & intrans. provide or be provided with new or different equipment E19.
re-eˈquipment noun the process of re-equipping E19.
re-eˈrect verb trans. erect again, rebuild, refound L16.
re-eˈrection noun the action or process of re-erecting something M17.
re-exˈchange noun (a) Commerce charges incurred by the bearer when a bill of exchange is dishonoured in the country in which the bill was payable (cf. earlier rechange noun 1); (b) a second or new exchange: L17.
re-exciˈtation noun the action or process of re-exciting something; an instance of this: L19.
re-exˈcite verb trans. excite again L17.
re-express /ri:ɛkˈsprɛs/ verb trans. express again or differently M17.
re-expression /ri:ɛkˈsprɛʃ(ə)n/ noun the action or an act of re-expressing something; the fact of being re-expressed: M19.
reˈface verb trans. (a) put a new face or surface on (a building, stone, etc.); (b) face (a person, a concept) again: M19.
reˈfashion verb trans. fashion again or anew L18.
reˈfashioner noun a person who refashions something E19.
reˈfashionment noun the action or process of refashioning something; a thing that has been refashioned: M19.
reˈfasten verb trans. fasten again L16.
reˈfeed verb trans. feed again, esp. after a period of starvation L19.
refiˈnance verb & noun (a) verb trans. finance again; provide with further capital; (b) noun renewed or additional finance: E20.
reˈfinish verb trans. apply a new finish to (a surface) M20.
reˈfix verb trans. fix again, establish anew: E17.
refixation /ri:fɪkˈseɪʃ(ə)n/ noun the action or an act of refixing something; a renewed fixing: L19.
reˈflag verb trans. supply with a new flag; spec. register (a ship) under a different national flag: M20.
reˈfloat verb trans. float or set afloat again L19.
refloˈrescence noun a blossoming again, a second florescence E18.
reˈflourish verb intrans. flourish anew ME.
reˈflower verb trans. (rare) & intrans. (cause to) flower or flourish again L16.
reˈfocus verb trans. & intrans. focus again or differently M19.
reˈfold verb trans. fold (up) again L16.
reˈfoot verb trans. replace the foot of (a boot, stocking, etc.) M19.
reˈframe verb trans. frame or fashion anew L16.
reˈfreeze verb trans. & intrans. freeze again L18.
reˈfuel verb (a) verb trans. supply with more fuel; (b) verb intrans. take on more fuel: E19.
reˈfurnish verb trans. furnish again or differently M16.
reˈfurnishment noun (rare) the action or process of refurnishing something L19.
regasifiˈcation noun conversion back into gas M20.
reˈgasify verb trans. convert back into gas E20.
reˈgauge verb trans. gauge again E19.
re-ˈgenesis noun the state, fact, or process of reproducing or being reproduced M19.
reˈgerminate verb intrans. germinate again E17.
regermiˈnation noun the action or process, or an instance, of regerminating M17.
reˈgild verb trans. gild again L16.
reˈgive verb trans. give again, give back, give in return L16.
reˈglaze verb trans. glaze again E17.
reˈground verb trans. provide with a new ground or basis for etching, painting, etc. M19.
reˈhallow verb trans. hallow again, reconsecrate E18.
reˈhandle verb trans. handle again or differently; give a new form or arrangement to: L16.
reˈharden verb trans. & intrans. make or become hard again E17.
reˈharmonize verb trans. bring into harmony again; Music give a different harmony to: E18.
reˈhearten verb trans. inspire with fresh courage or confidence E17.
reˈheel verb trans. fit (a shoe etc.) with a new heel M20.
reˈhire verb trans. hire (a former employee) again M19.
reˈhome verb trans. find a new home for (esp. a pet or domestic animal) L20.
re-identifiˈcation noun the action of reidentifying L19.
reiˈdentify verb (a) verb trans. identify again or in a new way; (b) verb intrans. identify oneself with something again: M20.
reigˈnite verb trans. ignite again M19.
reigˈnition noun the action or an act of reigniting something L19.
reiˈllume verb trans. (now rare) light up again, reignite L18.
reiˈlluminate verb trans. illuminate again M19.
reillumiˈnation noun the action or an act of reilluminating something; new illumination: E17.
reiˈllumine verb trans. illumine again E19.
reimˈbibe verb trans. imbibe again L16.
reiˈmmerge verb trans. & intrans. (long rare) immerge again M17.
reiˈmmerse verb trans. immerse again E18.
reimmiˈgration noun return after emigration L19.
reimˈpel verb trans. impel again M17.
reimˈplant verb trans. implant again M17.
reimplanˈtation noun the action or an act of reimplanting something; a thing that has been reimplanted: L17.
reimˈpose verb trans. impose (a burden, tax, etc.) again E17.
reimpoˈsition noun the action or an act of reimposing something; a reimposed tax: L18.
reimˈpregnate verb trans. impregnate again M17.
reimˈpress verb trans. impress again or differently M17.
reimˈpression noun (a) the action or an act of reimpressing something; (b) the action or an act of reprinting; a reprint of a work; a renewed impression: E17.
reimˈprint verb trans. imprint again or differently; reprint: M16.
reimˈprison verb trans. imprison again E17.
reinˈaugurate verb trans. inaugurate afresh M19.
reinauguˈration noun the action of reinaugurating something; a fresh inauguration: M17.
reinˈcite verb trans. incite again E17.
reinˈclose verb trans. (rare) enclose again E17.
reinˈcorporate verb trans. incorporate again E17.
reinˈcrease verb trans. & intrans. (rare) increase again M16.
reinˈdict verb trans. indict again E17.
reinˈduce verb trans. (a)bring back, reintroduce; (b) induce again: L16.
reinˈdue verb trans. (rare) put on again L19.
reinˈfect verb trans. infect anew E17.
reinˈfection noun the action or an act of reinfecting something; the condition of being reinfected: L19.
reinfeˈstation noun a fresh infestation E20.
reinˈflame verb trans. inflame again E17.
reinˈflate verb trans. inflate again M19.
reinˈform verb trans. inform again; form anew: E17.
reinˈfuse verb trans. infuse again M17.
reinˈgratiate verb refl. ingratiate oneself again M17.
reinˈgulf verb trans. engulf again E17.
reinˈhabit verb trans. & †intrans. inhabit (a place etc.) again M16.
reinˈherit verb trans. inherit again M17.
reiˈnitiate verb trans. initiate again M17.
reˈink verb trans. ink again L19.
reiˈnoculate verb trans. inoculate again E19.
reinocuˈlation noun the action or an act of reinoculating someone; a further inoculation: L19.
reinˈscribe verb trans. inscribe again L17.
reinˈsert verb trans. insert again E17.
reinˈsertion noun the action or an act of reinserting something E19.
reinˈsist verb intrans. insist again L18.
reinˈspect verb trans. inspect again E19.
reinˈspection noun the action or an act of reinspecting something; a further inspection: E19.
reinˈspire verb trans. inspire again E17.
reinˈspirit verb trans. inspirit afresh M17.
reinˈstall verb trans. install again L16.
reinˈstalment noun the action or process of reinstalling someone or something; (a) renewed instalment: E17.
reinˈstil verb trans. (rare) instil again E18.
reˈinstitute verb trans. institute again M19.
reinstiˈtution noun the action or an act of reinstituting something; the fact of being reinstituted: M19.
reinˈstruct verb trans. instruct again or in turn M18.
reinˈter verb trans. inter again E17.
reinˈterment noun the action or process of reinterring someone or something; a second interment: E19.
reinˈterpret verb trans. interpret again or differently E17.
reinterpreˈtation noun the action or an act of reinterpreting something; a fresh interpretation: L19.
reinˈterrogate verb trans. interrogate again E17.
reinˈthrone verb trans. (now rare) enthrone again E17.
reinˈtrench verb trans. entrench again M17.
reintroˈduce verb trans. introduce again M17.
reintroˈduction noun the action or an act of reintroducing someone or something; a renewed introduction: M17.
reinˈvade verb trans. invade again or in turn E17.
reinˈvasion noun the action or an act of reinvading; a renewed invasion: L19.
reinˈvestigate verb trans. & intrans. investigate again E19.
reinvestiˈgation noun the action or an act of reinvestigating something; a renewed investigation: M19.
reinˈvestment noun (a) fresh investment E17.
reinˈvigorate verb trans. give fresh vigour to M17.
reinvigoˈration noun the action or an act of reinvigorating someone or something; fresh invigoration: E19.
reinˈvite verb trans. invite again E17.
reˈjoint verb trans. joint together again; reunite or fill the joints of: L17.
reˈjudge verb trans. judge again, re-examine; pronounce a fresh judgement on: M17.
reˈjumble verb (a)verb intrans. of food: rise again in the stomach, repeat; (b) verb trans. jumble or toss about again: L17.
reˈjunction noun (rare) the action or process of coming together again, reunion E17.
reˈkey verb trans. (chiefly Computing) re-enter (data, esp. text) by means of a keyboard L20.
reˈkiss verb trans. kiss again L16.
reˈknit verb trans. knit or knit up again E17.
reˈlabel verb trans. label again or differently L19.
reˈlade verb trans. & intrans. lade again E17.
reˈland verb trans. & intrans. land again E18.
reˈlearn verb trans. learn again or differently E18.
reˈlend verb trans. lend again L18.
reˈlevel verb trans. level again E20.
remanuˈfacture noun & verb (a) noun the action, process, or result of manufacturing something again or differently; (b) verb trans. manufacture again or differently: L18.
reˈmarch verb trans. & intrans. march back or again M17.
reˈmast verb trans. fit with a new mast or masts L18.
reˈmeasure verb trans. measure again L16.
reˈmeasurement noun the action or process of remeasuring something; a renewed measurement: L19.
reˈmeet verb intrans. & trans. meet again M17.
reˈmelt verb trans. & intrans. melt again E17.
remilitariˈzation noun the action or an act of remilitarizing a country or territory M20.
reˈmilitarize verb trans. rearm (a demilitarized country or territory) M20.
reˈmint verb trans. mint again E19.
remobiliˈzation noun the action or an act of remobilizing someone or something; a further mobilization: E20.
reˈmobilize verb trans. (a) Geology make fluid or plastic again; (b) Military recall to active service: M20.
remonetiˈzation noun the action or process of remonetizing a metal etc. L19.
reˈmonetize verb trans. restore (a metal etc.) to its former use as legal tender L19.
remoraliˈzation noun the action of remoralizing someone or something M20.
reˈmoralize verb trans. make moral again; imbue with morals again: L20.
reˈmotivate verb trans. motivate afresh L20.
reˈname verb trans. name again; esp. give a new name to: L16.
reneˈgotiable adjective able to be renegotiated M20.
reneˈgotiate verb trans. negotiate again or on different terms M20.
renegotiˈation noun the action or process of renegotiating something; a further negotiation: M20.
reˈnerve verb trans. put fresh nerve into, strengthen the courage of again M17.
reˈnominate verb trans. nominate for a further term of office M19.
renomiˈnation noun the action or process of renominating someone; a further nomination: M19.
reˈnumber verb trans. number again or differently LME.
reobˈtain verb trans. obtain again; regain, recover: L16.
reoccuˈpation noun the action of occupying a place or position again; renewed occupation: M19.
reˈoccupy verb trans. occupy (a place or position) again E19.
reoˈccur verb intrans. occur again or habitually M19.
reoˈccurrence noun the action or an act of recurring; a further occurrence, a recurrence: E19.
reoˈffend verb intrans. (of a previously convicted offender) offend again; commit a subsequent offence: M20.
reoˈffender noun one who reoffends L20.
reˈoffer verb trans. offer again E17.
reorˈdain verb trans. ordain again; spec. invest (a person) again with holy orders: E17.
reordiˈnation noun the action or an act of reordaining someone or something; a second ordination: L16.
reˈpack verb trans. & intrans. pack again or differently L15.
reˈpackage verb trans. package again or differently; spec. redesign the packaging of (a product), present (a product) for sale in a different form: E20.
reˈpaganize verb trans. & intrans. make or become pagan again L17.
reˈpaper verb trans. & intrans. paper (a room etc.) again M19.
reˈpave verb trans. pave again or differently E17.
reperˈform verb trans. perform again M17.
reperˈfume verb trans. perfume again L16.
reperˈsuade verb trans. (rare) persuade again M17.
reˈphase verb trans. readjust the proposed timing of M20.
reˈpick verb trans. pick again. L18.
reˈpicture verb trans. picture again M19.
reˈpiece verb trans. piece together again M17.
reˈpin verb trans. pin again M19.
reˈplaster verb trans. plaster again M19.
reˈplight verb trans. & intrans. (poet.) plight afresh L19.
reˈplot verb trans. plot or represent again L19.
reˈplough verb trans. plough again M18.
reˈplumb verb trans. replace the plumbing in (a building) E20.
repolariˈzation noun the action or an act of repolarizing; a renewed polarization: E20.
reˈpolarize verb intrans. polarize again M20.
reˈpolish verb trans. polish again (lit. & fig.) L16.
reˈpost (a) verb trans. post (a letter) again; make (information) available on the Internet or send (a message) to a newsgroup again; (b) noun a reposted message on the Internet: M20.
repreach verb trans. preach again L17.
repreˈcipitate verb trans. precipitate (a substance) again M19.
reprecipiˈtation noun the action of reprecipitating a substance; the fact of being reprecipitated: M19.
re-ˈpressuring noun the pumping of fluid into an oil well so as to increase or maintain the pressure in the oil-bearing strata, allowing more oil to be extracted E20.
reˈpressurize verb trans. pressurize again; renew pressure in: M20.
reˈpricing noun the action or an act of pricing something again or differently M20.
reˈprocess verb trans. process again or differently M20.
reproˈclaim verb trans. proclaim again L16.
reproˈcure verb trans. procure again L16.
reˈprofile verb trans. give a new profile to; reface: M20.
reˈpromulgate verb trans. promulgate again M19.
repromulˈgation noun the action or an act of repromulgating something; the fact of being repromulgated: M18.
repurge verb trans. purge or cleanse again M16.
repurifiˈcation noun the action or an act of repurifying something; the fact of being repurified: M20.
reˈpurify verb trans. purify again L16.
reˈpurpose verb trans. adapt for use in a different purpose L20.
reˈqualify verb trans. & intrans. qualify again L16.
reˈquicken verb trans. & intrans. quicken again, reanimate, revive L16.
requoˈtation noun a new or revised quotation of the price of a share etc. M20.
reˈquote verb trans. quote again; give a new or revised quotation for the price for (a share etc.): E19.
re-ˈradiate verb trans. radiate again (something absorbed or received) E20.
reradiˈation noun the action or an act of reradiating something; a thing that has been reradiated: L19.
reˈrail verb trans. replace (a train etc.) on a railway line L19.
reˈraise verb trans. raise again L17.
rereˈcord verb trans. record (a piece of music etc.) again M20.
rereˈcording noun the action or an act of rerecording a piece of music etc.; an instance of this; a thing that has been rerecorded: M20.
reˈreel verb trans. wind again on to a reel, wind from one reel to another E20.
re-reˈfine verb trans. refine (a thing) again M17.
re-reˈform verb trans. reform (someone or something) again E18.
reˈregister verb & noun (a) verb trans. & intrans. register again; (b) noun (rare) a new or secondary register: M19.
reregiˈstration noun the action or an act of reregistering someone or something; the fact of being reregistered: L19.
re-reˈlate verb trans. relate (a story etc.) again L18.
re-reˈpeat verb trans. repeat again E17.
re-represenˈtation noun a second or further representation L17.
re-reˈsolve verb trans. & intrans. resolve again M18.
re-reˈturn verb intrans. & trans. return again E17.
re-reˈveal verb trans. reveal again M17.
re-reˈvise verb & noun (a) verb trans. & intrans. revise again; (b) noun a re-revision: L18.
re-reˈvision noun the action or process of re-revising; a second or further revision: E19.
re-ˈrise verb intrans. rise again L18.
reˈrobe verb trans. (arch.) dress or clothe (a person etc.) again M19.
re-ˈroll verb trans. roll (a thing) again M19.
re-ˈroller noun a person who or thing which re-rolls something, esp. iron or steel M20.
reˈromanize verb trans. (derog.) make Roman Catholic again E17.
reˈroof verb trans. provide (a building etc.) with a new roof M19.
reˈrubber verb trans. provide (a tyre) with a fresh covering of rubber E20.
reˈsaddle verb trans. & intrans. saddle again M19.
reˈsalt verb trans. salt again M19.
resaˈlute verb trans. (now rare) salute (someone or something) in return or again L15.
reˈsanctify verb trans. sanctify again L17.
reˈscale verb trans. change the scale of M19.
reˈscore verb trans. revise the musical score of (a piece of music etc.) L19.
reˈscoring noun the action or an act of scoring a piece of music etc. again; an instance of this; a rescored version of a piece of music etc.: L19.
reˈscreen verb trans. screen again M20.
reseˈcrete verb trans. secrete again M19.
reseˈcretion noun the action of an act of resecreting something; the fact of being resecreted; a renewed or further secretion: M19.
reˈsediment verb trans. subject to resedimentation (chiefly as resedimented ppl adjective) M20.
resedimenˈtation noun (Geology) the action or process of resedimenting something; the movement of previously deposited sediment from one location to another by marine currents: M20.
reˈsee verb trans. see (someone or something) again or for a second or further time E17.
reˈseed verb trans. sow (an area of land) with seed again, esp. grass-seed etc.: L19.
reˈseek verb trans. seek again E19.
reˈsegregate verb trans. segregate again E20.
resegreˈgation noun the action or process of resegregating someone or something; the fact of being resegregated; further segregation: E20.
reˈsensitize verb trans. sensitize again M20.
reˈsew verb trans. sew again or differently L16.
reˈshape verb trans. shape or form again or differently E19.
reˈship verb (a) verb intrans. take ship again; (b) verb trans. put (goods etc.) on board a ship again; transfer to another ship: M17.
reˈshipment noun the action or an act of reshipping goods etc.; a quantity of goods etc. reshipped: L18.
reˈshoot verb (a) verb intrans. sprout a shoot again; (b) verb intrans. & trans. shoot (a scene of a film etc.) again: E17.
reˈshuffle verb & noun (a) verb trans. shuffle (cards etc.) again; fig. redistribute posts within (a cabinet, organization, etc.); redistribute (ministerial or managerial posts); (b) noun an act or an instance of reshuffling something: M19.
reˈsignal verb trans. resupply with railway signals (chiefly as resignalling verbal noun) E20.
re-silver verb trans. replate (a mirror etc.) with silver or quicksilver M19.
reˈsing verb trans. sing anew or again E17.
reˈskill verb trans. teach or equip with new or different skills; spec. retrain (workers) in the skills required by modern industry: L20.
reˈskin verb trans. (a)rare put a fresh skin on (oneself); (b) replace or repair the skin of (an aircraft or motor vehicle): E19.
reˈslash verb trans. slash again E18.
reˈslay verb trans. slay again L18.
reˈslush verb trans. convert (dry or semi-dry paper stock) into slush by the addition of water M20.
reˈsmelt verb trans. smelt again M19.
reˈsmooth verb trans. smooth again M19.
resocialiˈzation noun (Psychology) the action or process of (re)inducing conformity to accepted standards of social behaviour M20.
reˈsoften verb trans. soften again L16.
reˈsoil verb trans. (a)rare dirty again; (b) cover again with soil: L16.
reˈsolder verb trans. solder again E16.
reˈsole verb trans. provide (a boot, shoe, etc.) with a new sole M19.
resolidifiˈcation noun the action or process of resolidifying; the fact of being resolidified: L19.
resoˈlidify verb (a) verb intrans. become solid again; (b) verb trans. make solid again: M19.
reˈsow verb trans. sow (seed, corn, etc.) again; sow (land) with seed, corn, etc., again: E17.
reˈspeak verb trans. (literary) reutter, re-echo, resound E17.
reˈspell verb trans. spell again, give an alternative spelling of, esp. according to a phonetic system E19.
reˈspin verb intrans. & trans. spin again, spin anew E17.
reˈspirit verb trans. (rare) inspire with fresh spirit or courage E17.
reˈspread verb trans. spread again or anew M17.
reˈspring verb intrans. spring up again E17.
reˈstage verb trans. stage again or in a new production E20.
reˈstain verb trans. stain again or anew M19.
reˈstamp verb trans. stamp again or anew E18.
reˈsteel verb trans. fit or point with steel again M19.
reˈstem verb trans. (rare) (of a ship etc.) redirect (a course) E17.
reˈstimulate verb trans. stimulate again or anew L18.
restimuˈlation noun the action or an act of restimulating something; the fact of being restimulated; a fresh or renewed stimulation: E20.
reˈstitch verb trans. stitch or sew again or differently E17.
reˈstow verb trans. stow (something) again M19.
reˈstrengthen verb trans. strengthen again, put new strength into L16.
reˈstuff verb trans. stuff again or anew M19.
resubˈject verb trans. subdue again or anew M19.
resubˈjection noun the action or an act of resubjecting someone or something; the fact of being resubjected; a fresh or renewed subjection: E17.
reˈsubjugate verb trans. subjugate again or anew M19.
resubliˈmation noun the action or process of sublimating something again or anew; the fact of being sublimated again or anew; an instance of this: M17.
resublime verb trans. sublime again M17.
resubˈmission noun a renewed or further submission M17.
resubˈmit verb trans. submit again M19.
resuˈggest verb trans. suggest again E18.
resuˈpply noun the action or an act of resupplying something L19.
resuˈpply verb (a) verb trans. supply again or anew; provide with a fresh supply; (b) verb intrans. take on or acquire a fresh supply: M17.
reˈsurface verb (a) verb trans. provide (esp. a road) with a fresh surface; (b) verb intrans. come to the surface again (lit. & fig.): L19.
resurprise noun a fresh or new surprise E17–E18.
resuˈrrender verb trans. & intrans. (long rare or obsolete) surrender or give up again M16.
reˈswallow verb trans. swallow again E19.
reˈswear verb intrans. & trans. swear again or anew L17.
reˈswell verb intrans. swell again E17.
reˈtarget verb trans. target again L20.
reˈtaste verb trans. taste again M17.
reˈteach verb trans. teach again L17.
reˈtelegraph verb intrans. & trans. telegraph again; retransmit by telegraph: M19.
reˈtemper verb trans. temper again L16.
reˈtender verb trans. (rare) (a)offer back; (b) put out to tender again: M17.
reˈtexture noun & verb (a) noun (rare) reweaving, retexturing; (b) verb trans. treat (material, a garment, etc.) so as to restore firmness to its texture: M19.
reˈthatch verb trans. thatch again M19.
reˈthread verb trans. thread again E20.
reˈthrone verb trans. enthrone again E19.
reˈthunder verb (a) verb intrans. sound or echo again like thunder; (b) verb trans. declaim again: M18.
reˈtie verb trans. tie again E18.
reˈtile verb trans. tile (a room or surface) again L19.
reˈtimber verb trans. (a) provide with timber or woodwork again or anew; (b) reforest: L19.
re-ˈtin verb trans. cover or coat again with tin M19.
re-ˈtip verb trans. supply with a new tip M19.
reˈtool verb (a) verb trans. rework or reshape with a tool or tools; (b) verb trans. & intrans. equip (a factory etc.) with new tools, provide new manufacturing equipment (for): M19.
reˈtoss verb trans. toss back or again M16.
reˈtrack verb trans. & intrans. track or trace again M19.
reˈtrain verb trans. & intrans. train again, spec. in a new or further skill M20.
retranˈscribe verb trans. transcribe again E19.
reˈtransfer verb & noun (a) verb trans. transfer (something) again or back; (b) noun the action or an act of retransferring something; spec. (Printing) an impression taken from a lithographic image using special ink and paper to transfer the image to another lithographic surface: E19.
retransˈform verb trans. transform or change (someone or something) to a new or former condition E17.
retransforˈmation noun the action or an act of retransforming something; the fact of being retransformed; a transformation to a new or former condition: M19.
retransˈlate verb trans. translate again, esp. back into the original language of a text etc. M19.
retransˈlation noun the action or an act of retranslating something; the fact of being retranslated; a fresh or new translation of a text etc., esp. back into the original language: M17.
retransˈmission noun transmission back to a source or to a fresh destination M19.
retransˈmit verb trans. transmit (esp. a radio signal or broadcast programme) back again or further on M19.
retransˈmute verb trans. transmute to a new or former condition E18.
retransˈplant verb trans. transplant again or back M18.
retransˈport verb trans. transport again or back M17.
retransporˈtation noun the action or an act of retransporting something; the fact of being retransported; transportation to a new or former place or condition: M18.
reˈtraverse verb trans. traverse again or anew M19.
reˈtrial noun the act of retrying a person or case; a second or new trial on the same issues and with the same parties: L19.
retribaliˈzation noun the process of making or becoming retribalized M20.
reˈtribalize verb trans. restore (a person or society) to a tribal state; encourage the tribal habits of: M20.
reˈtrick verb trans. (now arch. rare) (of a celestial body) cause (a beam) to shine again; retrick one's beams, regain happiness, shrug off depression: M19.
reˈtrim verb trans. & intrans. trim again or anew M19.
reˈtry verb trans. try again L17.
reˈtube verb trans. provide with a new tube or tubes M19.
reˈturf verb trans. lay with new turf M19.
reˈtwist verb trans. twist again or anew M19.
reˈundulate verb trans. cause to undulate again L17.
reˈuptake noun Physiology the absorption by a presynaptic nerve ending of a neurotransmitter that it has secreted L20.
re-ˈurge verb trans. urge again E18.
reˈutter verb trans. utter again M19.
reˈvalidate verb trans. validate or confirm again or anew E17.
reˈvend verb trans. vend or sell again L18.
reˈvent verb trans. provide (a cannon etc.) with a new vent M19.
reverifiˈcation noun the action or an act of reverifying something; the fact of being reverified: M19.
reˈverify verb trans. verify again or anew E17.
reˈversify verb trans. turn into verse again E19.
reviˈbrate verb intrans. & trans. (cause to) vibrate again M18.
reˈvictual verb (a) verb trans. supply with victuals again; (b) verb intrans. obtain or take in a fresh supply of victuals: E16.
reˈvindicate verb trans. vindicate again or anew; reclaim, recover, restore: E19.
revindiˈcation noun the action or an act of revindicating; the fact of being revindicated: M17.
reˈvisit noun a repeated or second visit E17.
revisit verb (a) verb trans. & intrans. visit again; (b)verb trans. revise, reinspect, re-examine: L15.
revisiˈtation noun (a) (rare) revisal, revision; (b) the action or an act of revisiting; the fact of being revisited: M16.
revitaliˈzation noun the action or an act of revitalizing someone or something; the fact of being revitalized: L19.
reˈvitalize verb trans. restore to vitality; put new life into: M19.
reˈvoice verb trans. (a) voice again or in return; (b) provide (something) with a different voice; readjust the tone of (an organ pipe): E17.
reˈvote noun & verb (a) noun a second or repeated vote; a renewed grant; (b) verb trans. grant or settle (a sum of money etc.) by a new vote: M19.
reˈwake verb trans. & intrans. wake again L16.
reˈwaken verb trans. & intrans. waken again M17.
reˈwarm verb trans. & intrans. warm again, reheat E17.
reˈwash verb trans. wash again E18.
reˈweave verb trans. (chiefly fig.) weave again L19.
reˈweigh verb trans. weigh again E19.
re-ˈweight noun (rare) a repeat weighing; the weight ascertained by this: E19.
re-ˈwet verb trans. make wet again M19.
reˈwhisper verb trans. express in a whisper again, reply in a whisper M18.
reˈwhiten verb trans. whiten again or anew L18.
re-ˈwin verb trans. win back or again; recover: E17.
reˈwrap verb trans. wrap again or differently M20.
reˈyoke verb trans. yoke (oxen etc.) again E19.
re-ˈzero verb trans. & intrans. (cause to) return to a zero position L20.
reˈzone verb trans. assign (land, property, or people) to a new zone M20.
reˈzoning noun the action or an act of rezoning land, property, or people; the fact of being rezoned; an instance of this: M20.
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin re-, red-
1. : again : anew
 < redo >
 < retell >
— usually joined to the second element by a hyphen when (1) the word (as re-create) would otherwise be confused with another word (as recreate) of different meaning, or (2) the word (as re-recover) has a second element beginning with re-, or (3) the second element begins with a capital letter (as re-Christianization)
2. : back : backward
 < recall >


  • IPA: /ɹiː/, /ɹɪ/, /ɹɛ/
  • Prefix

    1. again, anew
    2. a completive or intensification of the base; up, a-, out
    3. back, backward


    From Middle English re-, from Old French re-, from Latin re-, red- (“back; anew; again; against”), from Proto-Indo-European *wret-, a metathetic alteration of *wert- (“to turn”). Displaced native English ed-, eft-, a-, with-/wither-, gain-/again-.

    Usage notes

  • The pronunciation varies depending on the word, with /ɹiː/, /ɹɪ/(some pronunciations), /ɹɛ/ found in words like replay, resist and revolution, respectively.
  • The hyphen is not normally included in words formed using this prefix, except when the absence of a hyphen would make the meaning unclear. Hyphens are used in the following cases:
  • Sometimes in new coinages and nonce words.
    stir and re-stir the mixture
  • When the word that the prefix is combined with begins with a capital letter.
  • In British usage, when the word that the prefix is combined with begins with e.
    re-entry (North American: reentry)
  • When the word formed is identical in form to another word in which re- does not have any of the senses listed above.
    The chairs have been re-covered (covered again)
    The chairs have been recovered (obtained back)
  • A dieresis may be used instead of a hyphen, as in reëntry. This usage is now rare, but extant; see dieresis: orthography for examples and discussion.
  • re- is highly productive, to the point of being almost grammaticalized — almost any verb can have re- applied, especially in colloquial speech. Notable exceptions to this include all forms of be and the modal verbs can, should, etc. This usage of the prefix is always pronounced /ɹiː/.
  • Derived terms

    English words prefixed with re-


  • Definition of re - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
  • See also

  • again
  • re
  • repeat
  • 前缀:re-


    reflect 回想;反射(re+flect弯曲→反弯曲→反射)

    retreat 后退,撤退(re+treat拉→拉回来→撤退)

    retract 缩回;收回(re+tract拉→拉回,缩回)

    resist 反抗,抵抗(re+sist站→反着站→反抗)

    reverse 反转的,颠倒的(re+verse转→反转的)

    revolt 反叛(re+volt转→反过转→反叛)

    resent 忿恨,不满(re+sent感觉→反感→不满)

    relinquish 不再采取行动,放弃(re+linqu离开+ish→离开不再要→放弃)

    renegade 撤消; 取消(re+peal呼吁→反呼吁→取消;参考:appeal呼吁)

    repel 驱除,击退(re+pel推→击退)

    repose 休息;躺下(re+plse放→入下〔工作〕→休息)

    reprobate 道德败坏之人(re+prob正直+ate→不正直→败坏)

    repugnant 令人厌恶的(re+pugn打+ant→[把人]打回去→〔行为〕令人厌恶的)

    resonant 回响的;洪亮的(re+son声音+ant→声音回过来→回响的)


    resplendent 辉湟的(re+splend光辉+ent→再光辉→辉煌的)

    reappear 再出现(re+appear出现)

    rearrage 重新安排(re+arrange安排)

    reassure 消除某人疑虑(re+assure放心)

    recapitulate 重述;概括(re+capit头+ulate→重新把头拿出来→概括要点)

    recidivism 重新犯罪(re+cidiv掉下+ism→再次掉入罪行)

    reclaim 取回,回收(re+claim喊→喊回来→取回,引申为开垦荒地)

    recommend 赞扬;推荐(re+commend赞扬→一再赞扬)

    recompense 报酬;赔偿(re+compense补偿)

    refurbish 刷新;擦亮(re+furbish装饰→再装饰→刷新)

    regenerate 改过自新的(re+gener产生+ate→重新产生生命→改过自新的)

    reincarnate 化生,转生(re+in入+carn肉+ate→重新进入肉体→产生)

    reinstate 重新恢复职位(re+in+state国家,权力→重新进入权力)

    reiterate 重申(re+iterate重说→反复重说)

    resurgence 复兴,再起(re+surg浪浪潮+ence→重起浪潮→复兴)

    reverberate 起回声,反响(re+verber震动+ate→重新震动→起回声)



    return 回来、返回

    retreat 后退

    recall 召回,回忆

    regress 倒退,退步

    reflect 回想

    retract 缩回,取回

    reclaim 收回

    rebound 弹回,跳回


    reprint 重印,再版

    reexchange 再交换

    reproduction 再生产

    rearm 重新武装

    rebuild 重建,再建

    reconsider 重新考虑

    rebirth 再生,新生

    reexamination 复试,再考

    renumber 重编号码

    remarry 再婚

    restart 重新开始

    rebroadcast 重播,再播


    reaction 反动,反应

    reverse 反转的,颠倒的

    resist 反抗,抵抗

    revolt 反叛,造反

    rebel 反叛,谋反

    resent 不满,忿恨



    【同源单词】:arrest, correlate, correlation, correspond, correspondence





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