down- /dəʊn / prefix .ORIGIN: Repr.
down adverb, preposition .Prefixed to nouns, adjectives, and verbs in various relations and in various senses, esp. indicating (a) position below, at a lower level (of), or further from the interior or source (of), as downhole , downrange , downside ; (b) motion or direction down, downwards, to a lower level (of), or further away from the interior or source (of), as downcurved , downpipe , downrate . DERIVATIVE downbow noun (Music ) a stroke in which a bow is drawn across a string from the heel to the tip L19 .downburst noun a strong downward current of air from a cumulonimbus cloud, usu. associated with intense rain or a thunderstorm L20 .down-calving adjective (of a cow or heifer) near the time of calving L19 .down-ˈchannel adverb & adjective (moving, leading, etc.) towards the lower end of a channel M19 .downcoast adjective & adverb (situated, extending, etc.) further down the coast L19 .downcourt adjective & adverb Sport to or into the opposite end of the court, esp. in basketball M20 .downcurrent noun a descending current of air or water M19 .downcurved adjective curved downwards M20 .down-dip adjective & adverb (situated or occurring) in a direction downwards along the dip E20 .downdraught noun (a) Scot. a ne'er-do-well, a profligate; a depressing influence; (b) a descending current of air, esp. down a chimney into a room: M19 .down-ˈeaster noun (N. Amer. ) a person who lives or was born Down East E19 .downface verb trans. contradict, controvert; browbeat; outwit: E20 .downfault verb trans. (Geology ) move downwards in faulting M20 .downfold noun (Geology ) a syncline E20 .downforce noun a force produced by a combination of air resistance and gravity which acts on a moving vehicle with the effect of pressing it down towards the ground and giving it increased stability L20 .downglide noun (Phonetics ) a glide from a relatively high tone to a lower one M20 .† down-gyved adjective (rare , Shakes.) hanging down like fetters: only in E17 .downhaul noun (Nautical ) a rope by which a sail, spar, or flag is hauled down; a rope that stops the end of a spinnaker boom from lifting: M17 .down-ˈhome adjective (chiefly N. Amer. ) pertaining to, or reminiscent of, one's home; unaffected, unpretentious: E20 .downlight , downlighter nouns a light placed or designed to throw illumination downwards M20 .downlink noun a telecommunications link for signals coming from a spacecraft to earth L20 .† downlooked adjective having downward or downcast looks, guilty-looking; demure: M17–E19 .downlooking adjective that looks down L18 .downpipe noun a pipe leading downwards, esp. one to carry rainwater from a roof to a drain M19 .downplay verb trans. play down, make little of M20 .downrange adverb & adjective (situated or occurring) at a point along the course of a missile, spacecraft, etc., or beyond the (intended) landing place M20 .downset noun (a) † rare a going down or setting (as) of the sun; (b) Scot. an establishment, a settlement; (c) rare a rebuke: E17 .downspout noun (chiefly US ) a downpipe from a roof L19 .downˈstage adverb, adjective, & (after prepositions ) noun (at or towards, of or pertaining to) the front of a theatre stage L19 .downstart noun [after upstart ] a person who has descended to, or falsely claims to originate from, a humble social position L19 .down-street adverb (colloq. & dial. ) down the street; in, into, or towards the lower part of a town: E19 .downstroke noun a downward stroke, esp. of a pen etc. on paper M19 .downsun adverb & adjective in a direction away from the sun M20 .down-the-line adjective & noun (a) adjective thorough, out and out; (b) adjective & noun (designating) trapshooting in which shooters stand at fixed firing positions along a straight line, and move to the next position on the line after a certain number of shots: M20 .down time noun (a) time, or an occasion, when a machine, computer, or vehicle is out of action or not available for use; (b) (an opportunity for) time off; a rest: M20 .down-to-date adjective up-to-date L19 .downtoner noun (Linguistics ) an adjective or adverb which reduces the force of what it qualifies, or constitutes a weak or partial denial of it M20 .downtrend noun a downward tendency, esp. in economic conditions E20 .downturn noun a downward turn, esp. in economic conditions E20 .downwarp noun & verb (Geology ) (a) noun a gentle extensive depression of the earth's surface; (b) verb trans. & intrans. (cause to) undergo downwarping: E20 .downwarping noun (Geology ) the local sinking of the earth's surface to form a downwarp E20 .downwash noun (Aeronautics ) the downward deflection of an airstream by a wing etc. E20 .downˈweigh verb trans. weigh down, depress, (lit. & fig. ); outweigh: E17 .downzone verb trans. (US ) assign (land, property) to a lower, more restrictive zoning grade M20 . down- Prefix used to indicate decrease. Those bonds have been down- rated. used to indicate lower position or direction, literally or figuratively. The end of the ride was a long coast down hill. used to indicate de-emphasis. Etymology From Middle English , from Old English dūne- (“down- ”), from dūne (“down, downward ”). More at down .
Derived terms ► English words prefixed with down-