Karmathian, Car-,n. (a.)|kɑːˈmeɪθɪən|[After Karmat, the founder of the sect.]One of a sect of Muslims, founded in the 9th cent. Also as adj. Belonging to this sect.1819Pantologia, Karmatians, a sect of Mohammedans, who once occasioned great disorders in the empire of the Arabs.1875Encycl.Brit. II. 259/2 As to the special tenets professed by the Karmathians..they were, in their ultimate expression, pantheistic in theory and socialist in practice.1883Ibid. XVI. 594/1 Towards 887 a.d. an Ismailian, Hamdán, surnamed Ḳarmaṭ, founded the branch sect of the Carmathians.