"pertaining to position," late 14c. (originally medical, "confined to a particular part of the body"), from Old French local (13c.) and directly from Late Latin localis "pertaining to a place," from Latin locus "place" (see locus). The meaning "limited to a particular place" is from c.1500. Local color is from 1721, originally a term in painting; meaning "anything picturesque" is from c.1900.
early 15c., "a medicament applied to a particular part of the body," from local, adj.. Meaning "inhabitant of a particular locality" is from 1825. The meaning "a local train" is from 1879; "local branch of a trade union" is from 1888; "neighborhood pub" is from 1934.
〔蒋〕[loc地方,-al形容词后缀,…的] 地方的,当地的,本地的
〔李〕[loc=place地方;-al a.=of……的→] a. of a place地方的,当地的