

词汇 pachy-

pachy-a word element meaning 'thick', as in pachyderm.
[Greek, combining form of pachys thick]
pachy-|ˈpækɪ, pəˈkɪ|before a vowel also pach-, combining form of Gr. παχύ-ς ‘thick, large, massive’, used in the formation of zoological, botanical, and pathological terms: pachyˈæmia = pachyhæmia. pachyblepharosis |-blɛfəˈrəʊsɪs| Path. [Gr. βλέϕαρον eyelid], chronic inflammatory thickening of the eyelid (Mayne Expos. Lex. 1857). pachycardian |-ˈkɑːdɪən| a. Zool. [Gr. καρδία heart], of or belonging to the Pachycardia, or main body of the vertebrates having a thick muscular heart; n., a vertebrate of this group. pachycarpous |-ˈkɑːpəs| a. Bot. [Gr. καρπός fruit], having large thick fruit (Mayne 1857). pachycephalic |-sɪˈfælɪk| a. [Gr. κεϕαλ-ή head], having a very thick skull, exhibiting pachycephaly. pachycephaline |-ˈsɛfəlaɪn| a. Ornith., of or pertaining to the Pachycephalinæ, the thick-heads or thick-headed shrikes. pachycephalous |-ˈsɛfələs| a. = pachycephalic; spec., of or pertaining to the Pachycephala, a division of parasitic Crustacea or fish-lice. pachycephaly |-ˈsɛfəlɪ|, thickness of the skull. pachycholic |-ˈkɒlɪk| a. Path. [Gr. χολή bile], relating to pachycholia or morbid thickness of the bile (Mayne 1857). pachydactyl, -yle |-ˈdæktɪl| a. Zool. [Gr. δάκτυλος finger], having thick fleshy digits; n., an animal with thick toes (Webster 1864). pachyˈdactylous a. [-ous], = prec. a. pachyˈdermia Path. [Gr. δέρµα skin], thickening of the skin; hence pachyˈdermial a. pachyˈemy = pachyhæmia; so pachyemic, pachyemous, adjs. (Mayne 1857). pachyˈglossal a. Zool. [Gr. γλῶσσα tongue], of or pertaining to the Pachyglossæ, lizards with short or thick fleshy tongues, or the Pachyglossi, a tribe of Parrots; so pachyˈglossate. pachyˈglossous a., thick-tongued (Mayne 1857). pachygnathous |pəˈkɪgnəθəs| a. [Gr. γνάθ-ος jaw], thick-jawed (Cent. Dict.). pachyˈhæmia [Gr. αἷµα blood], thickness of the blood; so pachyˈhæmic a., relating to pachyhæmia. pachyˈhæmous a., having thick blood (Syd. Soc. Lex. 1893). pachyhyˈmenia, pachyˈmenia Path. [Gr. ὑµήν membrane], thickening of the skin; hence pachyˈmenic, -hyˈmenic a., thick-skinned (Mayne 1857). pachyˈlosis (also pachu-): see quot. pachymeningitis |-mɛnɪnˈdʒaɪtɪs| Path. [meningitis], inflammation of the dura mater of the central nervous system, cerebral or spinal. pachyˈmeninx |-ˈmiːnɪŋks| [Gr. µῆνιγξ membrane], the dura mater (Syd. Soc. Lex. 1893). pachymeter |pəˈkɪmɪtə(r)| [-meter] (also pacho-), an instrument for measuring the thickness of glass, metal plates, paper, etc. pachyodont |ˈpækɪəʊdɒnt| a. [Gr. ὀδούς, ὀδόντ- tooth], having massive teeth. pachyˈopterous = pachypterous. pachyote |ˈpækɪəʊt| a. [Gr. οὖς, ὠτ- ear], having thick leathery ears; n., a thick-eared bat, of genus Pachyotus; so pachyˈotous a. (Syd. Soc. Lex. 1893). pachyphyllous |-ˈfɪləs| a. Bot. [Gr. ϕύλλον leaf], having thick leaves (Mayne). pachypod |ˈpækɪpɒd|, pachypodous |pəˈkɪpəʊdəs| adjs. [Gr. πούς, ποδ- foot], having a large thick foot. pachypterous |pəˈkɪptərəs| a. [Gr. πτερόν wing, feather], having thick wings or fins, as an insect, a bat, or a fish. pachyrhynchous |-ˈrɪŋkəs| a. [Gr. παχύρρυγχος, f. ῥύγχος snout], having a large thick bill. pachysaurian |-ˈsɔːrɪən|, a thick-skinned saurian. pachystichous |pəˈkɪstɪkəs|, a. Bot. [Gr. στίχ-ος row, line], thick-sided, applied only to cells (Treas. Bot. 1866). pachytrichous |-ˈɪtrɪkəs|, a. [Gr. θρίξ, τριχ- hair], having thick hair (Mayne 1857).1878Bartley tr. Topinard's Anthrop. v. 177 *Pachycephalic, skull with thick hypertrophied parietes.1858Hitchcock Ichnol. Mass. 81 We should infer a larger number of *pachydactylous than leptodactylous animals to have made the tracks.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. IV. 832 Chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx..may exist with the *pachydermial affection.1893Syd. Soc. Lex., *Pachulosis,..Sir Erasmus Wilson's term for a skin disease in which there is hypertrophy of the epidermis.1866A. Flint Princ. Med. (1880) 693 Acute *pachymeningitis is always suppurative, and is chiefly of surgical interest.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VI. 854 A certain degree of compression of the cord is caused by pachymeningitis.1884Knight Dict. Mech. Suppl., *Pachymeter, a Viennese instrument which determines the thickness of paper to the 1-1000th of an inch.1842Brande Dict. Sci. etc., *Pachyotes,..the name of a family of bats,..including those which have thick external ears.1864Webster, Pachyote.1857Mayne Expos. Lex., Pachypodus,..applied by Gray to an Order [of molluscs] corresponding to the Conchifera Crassipedes of Lamarck: *pachypodous.1881E. E. Frewer tr. Holub's 7 Yrs. S. Africa I. 140 In the abdomen of this *pachysaurian there is found a collection of lobulated fatty matter.
pachy- /ˈpaki/ combining form of Greek pakhus thick, large, massive.
 DERIVATIVE pachyˈmeninx noun (Anatomy) the dura mater L19.
pachyˈnema noun [-nema] Cytology = pachytene E20.
pachytene noun [-tene] Cytology the stage of the prophase of meiosis following zygotene, during which the paired chromosomes shorten and thicken, the two chromatids of each separate, and exchange of segments between chromatids may occur E20.
combining form
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, from pachys; akin to Old Norse bingr heap, Latvian bìezs dense, thick, Avestan bazah high, deep, Sanskrit bahu dense, much, many
: thick
 < Pachydermata >
 < pachytene >
 < pachymeter >



  1. Thick, or causing or relating to thickness.


From Ancient Greek παχύς (pakhús, “thick”).

Derived terms

English words prefixed with pachy-
  • pachycaul
  • pachycephalosaur
  • pachyderm
  • pachydermatous
  • pachydermatousness
  • pachydermia
  • pachymeninges
  • pachymeninx
  • pachymeter
  • pachymetry
  • pachyosteosclerosis
  • pachyostosis
  • pachysandra
  • pachytene
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