\\\\(ˌ)dē-ˈel, ˈdē-ˌ\\\\ prefix
1. also d,l- : consisting of equal amounts of the dextrorotatory and levorotatory forms of a specified compound
dl-tartaric acid
2. consisting of equal amounts of the d- and l- forms of a specified compound
\\\\(ˌ)dē-ˈel, ˈdē-ˌ\\\\ prefix
1. also d,l- : consisting of equal amounts of the dextrorotatory and levorotatory forms of a specified compound
dl-tartaric acid
2. consisting of equal amounts of the d- and l- forms of a specified compound
\(ˈ)dē|el\ prefix
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary d- + l-
1. also d,l- : consisting of equal amounts of the dextro and levo forms of a specified compound — usually printed in italic
< dl-tartaric acid >
— compare racemic
2. : consisting of equal amounts of the d- and l- forms of a specified compound — usually printed as small capitals
< dl-fructose >
— compare racemic
1. also d,l-
< dl-tartaric acid >
— compare racemic
< dl-fructose >
— compare racemic