a1652 J. Smith Sel. Disc. vi. 290A historico-cabbalistical treatise of R. Abraham Ben Dior.
1738 tr. Strahlenberg (title)Historico-Geographical Description of the North and Eastern Parts of Europe and Asia.
1746 Berkeley Let. to Prior 3 JulyWks. 1871 IV. 309Desiring that I would become a member of the Historico-physical Society.
1846 Trench Mirac. (1862) 81The last assault upon the miracles is that which may be not unfitly termed the historico⁓critical.
1854 Geo. Eliottr. Feuerbach's Essence Christ. p. xli,This work is nothing but a faithful, rigid, historico⁓philosophical analysis of religion.
1864 J. H. Newman Apol. 155This historico-dogmatic work employed me for years.
1881 Athenæum 8 Oct. 465/3 Somewhat inclined to indulge in historico-philosophical thoughts, or, to use his own words, in historionomical ideas.
1900 W. A. Ellis Life Wagner I. 225,I was wafted by the image of a great historico-political event.
1905 Daily Chron. 20 June 3/3Pursuing his fascinating historico-biographic method, which gives to criticism the movement and charm of narrative.
1906 Daily Chron. 9 Oct. 3/3‘The King's Guerdon’ is an historical romance, written in historico⁓novelese.
1926 Year's Work in Eng. Stud. 1924 58The difficulties and toils of this historico-philology.
1929 S. Hook in Essays in Honor J. Dewey 164The historico⁓genetic method tends to minimize origins and beginnings, since it confessedly cannot explain them in terms of spatio-temporal continuity.
1931 Times Lit. Suppl. 26 Mar. 242/2To study the Alsatian question from a historico-psychological standpoint.
1937 J. Orr tr. Iordan'sIntrod. RomanceLing. i. 48Cases when the historico-comparative method may and must be dispensed with.
Ibid. iii. 228The whole applied from a historico-cultural angle.
1938 C. Gray Contingencies (1947) 146In..his invention of the historico-dramatic tableau he is the father of the Russian operatic composers.
word-forming element meaning "historical," from Latinized comb. form of Greek historikos (see historical).
ORIGIN: from Greek historikos historic, historical: see -o- .
combining form. historical and _____, as in historico-cultural, historico-legal.
[< historical]
combining form
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin historicus — more at historical
: historical : historical and
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