pectini-before a vowel pectin-, combining form of L. pecten comb, used in the formation of scientific words. ˈpectinibranch|-bræŋk|, -ˈbranchian, -ˈbranchiate[branchia]adjs., belonging to the Pectinibranchia (or -branchiata), a family of gastropod molluscs having comb-like gills, or ctenidia (also called Ctenobranchia); also as n., a mollusc of this family. ˈpectinicorn[L. cornu horn]adj., having pectinate antennæ, as the division Pectinicornia of lamellicorn beetles (also ˌpectiniˈcornate); n., a beetle of this division. pectiˈniferousa.[L. -ferus bearing], bearing a pecten or comb-like structure. ˈpectiniforma., (a) comb-shaped; (b) of the form of a scallop (pecten 4). pectiniliac|-ˈɪlɪæk|a.= iliopectineal. ˌpectiniˈrostratea.[L. rostrum beak], having a comb-like beak or snout (Mayne).1835–6Todd Cycl.Anat. I. 556/1 The *Pectinibranchiate Mollusks.1857Mayne Expos.Lex., Pectinicornis, applied to an insect having pectinated antennæ..*pectinicornate.Ibid., Pectiniferus, having combs...*pectiniferous.1831J. Davies Man. Mat. Med. 135 This salt..crystallizes in *pectiniform needles.1893Syd. Soc.Lex., Pectiniform septum, the median..connective tissue septum between the two corpora cavernosa of the penis.