1640s, "to brood upon, watch jealously" (which also was a figurative sense of Latin incubare); 1721 as "to sit on eggs to hatch them," from Latin incubatus, past participle of incubare "to lie in or upon" (see incubation). Related: Incubated; incubating.
〔蒋〕[in-加强意义, cub卧,伏,-ate动词后缀;’伏卧在卵上”] 孵卵,伏巢,孵化
〔李〕[in-=on在……上;cub=to lie卧;-ate v.=to cause使……→“to cause (a hen, etc.) to lie on eggs 使(母鸡等)卧在卵上”→] v.①sit on eggs in order to hatch them孵卵,孵化