

词汇 in-
Online Etymology Dictionary

in- 1 il- im- ir-
  1. Not:
    inarticulate.Before l, in- is usually assimilated to il-, before r to ir-, and before b, m, and p to im-. See Usage Note at un- 1
    口齿不清的在 l之前,in- 通常转化为 il-, 在 r 之前,转化为 ir-, 在 b ,m 和 p 之前,转化为 im- 参见 un-1

  1. Middle English
  2. from Old French
    源自 古法语
  3. from Latin * see ne
    源自 拉丁语 *参见 ne

in- 2 il- im- ir-
  1. In; into; within:
    illuviation.Before l, in- is usually assimilated to il-, before r to ir-, and before b, m, and p to im-.
    沉积作用在 l之前,in- 通常转化为 il-, 在 r 前缀转化为 ir-, 在 b,m 和 p 之前,前缀转化为 im-
  2. Variant of en- 1

  1. Middle English
  2. from Old English from in [in] * see in 1
    源自 古英语 源自 in [在…里] *参见 in1
  3. and from Old French from Latin from in [in, within] * see en
    并源自 古法语 源自 拉丁语 源自 in [在…里,在…内] *参见 en

in-1 or il- or im- or ir-


not; non-
Compare un-1


from Latin in-; related to ne-, nōn not

in-2 or il- or im- or ir-


in; into; towards; within; on
having an intensive or causative function


from in (prep, adv)

Example Sentences

I would appreciate it if you gave Garanus and his ilk no reason to harm you.

Jennifer Fallon TREASON KEEP (2001)

`This good summoner, like many of his ilk, enjoyed the pleasures of life.

Grace, C.L A Shrine of Murders

She was also, Marianne reflected, of that ilk of markedly feminine women who allow their men to make the decisions.

Mosco, Maisie Out of the Ashes
prefix meaning "not, opposite of, without" (also im-, il-, ir- by assimilation of -n- with following consonant), from Latin in- "not," cognate with Greek an-, Old English un-, from PIE *ne "not" (see un-(1)).
element meaning "into, in, on, upon" (also im-, il-, ir- by assimilation of -n- with following consonant), from Latin in- "in" (see in). In Old French this often became en-, which usually was respelled in English to conform with Latin, but not always, which accounts for pairs like enquire/inquire. There was a native form, which in West Saxon usually appeared as on- (as in Old English onliehtan "to enlighten"), and some verbs survived into Middle English (such as inwrite "to inscribe"), but all now seem to be extinct. Not related to in-(1) "not," which also was a common prefix in Latin: to the Romans impressus could mean "pressed" or "unpressed."
1prefix1 (combining form) | 2prefix2 | 3prefix3

in- /ɪn/ prefix1 (combining form).
ORIGIN: from in adverb, in preposition & (later) in adjective.
1.In Old English in adverb was freely used in collocation with verbs of motion or change of state; in the inf. it usu. preceded the verb, in derived verbal nouns & adjectives it always did. In this position it came at length to be written in comb. with the verb: so income, incomer, incoming, beside come in. Also in other (Old English & later) formations with the sense ‘in, within, internal’, as inborn, inland; inpatient; with the sense of in adjective 2, as in-group, in-joke.
2.Prepositional phrs. composed of in preposition + noun give rise to (usu. hyphenated) attrib. adjectives, as in-calf, in-car.
3.Geometry. Repr. inscribed, as incentre, in-circle.
 DERIVATIVE in-basket noun (a basket used as) an in-tray M20.
in-box noun (a) N. Amer. an in-tray; (b) Computing the window in which a user's received emails are displayed: M20.
in-car adjective occurring, situated, or carried in a car M20.
in-ˈcollege adjective living in a college; designating or pertaining to teaching, administration, etc., carried out within college precincts: L19.
in-ground adjective (of a swimming pool) embedded in the ground L20.
in-hand adjective held in the hand; immediately available; (of a horse) led by hand, not ridden: M20.
in-joke noun a joke which can be appreciated by only a limited group of people M20.
in-ˈmilk adjective (of a cow etc.) producing milk M20.
in-ˈservice adjective (esp. of training) given or received while the person concerned is in an occupation; (of reliability etc.) during the period of use of an object: M20.
in-side noun (Cricket) the side which is batting M19.
insourcing noun the reallocation of work previously done by an outside supplier to in-house staff L20.
in-spawn adjective that is about to spawn E20.
in-thing noun a fashionable thing (to do) M20.
in-transit adjective that is being transported or in transit E20.
in-tray noun a tray for incoming documents in an office M20.

in- /ɪn/ prefix2. Before l il- /ɪl/; before b, m, or p im- /ɪm/; before r ir- /ɪr/.Repr. Latin in- from in preposition, used esp. with verbs & their derivs. with the senses ‘into, in, within’, ‘on, upon’, ‘towards, against’, sometimes expr. onward motion or continuance, sometimes intensive, sometimes trans., & in other cases with no appreciable force. Often with parallel forms in en-1 (em-1).
in- /ɪn/ prefix3. Before l il- /ɪl/; before b, m or p im- /ɪm/; before r ir- /ɪr/; before gn i- /ɪ/ (not productive).Repr. Latin in- = Greek a-, an-, Germanic un-, prefixed chiefly to adjectives & their derivs. to express negation or privation. The modern tendency is to restrict in- to words answering to Latin types and to use un- in other cases.
in-Main Entry: mis-
I. prefix
or il- or im- or ir-
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, Old French, & Latin; Middle English in- from Old French, from Latin; Middle English il- from Middle French, from Latin, from in-; Middle English im- from Old French, from Latin, from in-; Middle English ir- from Old French, from Latin, from in-; akin to Old English un- — more at un-
: not : non-, un- — usually il- before l
 < illogical >
and im- before b, m, or p
 < imbalance >
 < immoral >
 < improvident >
and ir- before r
 < irreducible >
and in- before other sounds
 < inactive >
 < inapt >
 < inconclusive >
II. prefix
or il- or im- or ir-
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, Middle French, & Latin; Middle English in- from Old French in-, en-, from Latin in-, from in in, into; Middle English il- from Middle French, from Latin, from in; Middle English im- from Middle French im-, em-, from Latin im-, from in; Middle English ir- from Latin, from in — more at in I
1. : in : within : inward : into : toward : on
 < implode >
 < irradicate >
2. : en- I
 < illucidate >
 < imbarn >
 < immarble >
 < impanel >
 < imperil >
 < inspirit >
— in both senses usually il- before l, im- before b, m, or p, ir- before r, and in- before other sounds
III. combining form
or ino-
Etymology: New Latin in-, from Greek, tendon, from in-, is; probably akin to Latin viēre to plait — more at withy
: fiber : fibrous tissue
 < initis >
 < inogen >

in- 1
  • en-
  • Prefix

    1. Prefixed to certain words to give the senses of in, into, towards, within.
      inhold, intake, inthrill
      inborn, inbound
      infield, infighting, insight, inwork


    From Middle English in-, from Old English in- (“in, into”, prefix), from Proto-Germanic *in (“in, into”), from Proto-Indo-European *en (“in, into”). More at in.

    Related terms

  • inbound
  • inbox
  • inflammable
  • ingrown
  • inlaid
  • inner
  • input
  • inside
  • inward
  • in- 2


    1. in, into
      Note: Before certain letters, in- becomes:
      il- before l, e.g. illusion
      im- before b, m, or p, e.g. imperil
      ir- before r, e.g. irrigate


    From Latin in. Sometimes the Latin word has passed through French before reaching English (e.g. incise, incite, incline, indication).

    in- 3


    1. non-productive Used with certain words to reverse their meaning
      Note: Before certain letters, in- becomes:
      i- before gn, e.g. ignoble
      il- before l, e.g. illegal
      im- before b, m, or p, e.g. improper
      ir- before r, e.g. irresistible
      1. non-productive Added to adjectives to mean not
      2. non-productive Added to nouns to mean lacking or without


    From Latin in- (“not”). Sometimes the Latin word has passed through French before reaching English (e.g. incapable, incertainty, inclement, incompatible). Compare un-.

    Related terms

  • inability
  • inaccuracy
  • inaccurate
  • inadmissible
  • inanimate
  • incapable
  • incredible
  • incredulity
  • incredulous
  • indefinite
  • inedible
  • ineffable
  • inequitable
  • infinite
  • inhospitable
  • inimitable
  • injustice
  • insobriety
  • intolerance
  • inviolable
  • invisible
  • See also

  • a- (Greek)
  • an-
  • em-
  • en-
  • non-
  • un-
  • wan-
  • 前缀:in-


    inglorious 不光彩的

    incapable 无能力的

    incorrect 不正确的

    incomparable 无比的

    incomplete 不完全的

    insensible 无感觉的

    inhuman 不人道的

    inartistic 非艺术的

    injustice 不公正

    informal 非正式的


    inside 内部、里面

    inbreak 入侵

    indoor 户内的

    intake 纳入,吸入

    inland 内地的,国内的

    inbreathe 吸入

    inject 投入,注射

    inrush 涌入,闯入


    inspirit 使振作精神

    inflame 燃烧

    intrench 掘壕沟

    intone 发音,呤诵

    invigorate 给以勇气,鼓舞

    ingraft 接枝

    incurve (使)弯曲





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