mid-14c., "enduring without complaint," from Old French pacient and directly from Latin patientem "bearing, supporting, suffering, enduring, permitting" (see patience). Meaning "pertaining to a medical patient" is late 14c., from the noun. Related: Patiently.
"suffering or sick person under medical treatment," late 14c., from Old French pacient (n.), from the adjective, from Latin patientem (see patience).
〔李〕[pati =to suffer or endure忍耐;-ent →] a. enduring calmly without complaining忍耐的,容忍的
〔李〕[pati=to endure忍受;-ent a.=-ing的……→]Ⅰa. enduring calmly without complaining忍耐的,容忍的