early 14c., from Old French dispenser "give out" (13c.), from Latin dispensare "disburse, administer, distribute (by weight)," frequentative of dispendere "pay out," from dis- "out" (see dis-) + pendere "to pay, weigh" (see pendant).In Medieval Latin, dispendere was used in the ecclesiastical sense of "grant license to do what is forbidden or omit what is required" (a power of popes, bishops, etc.), and thus acquired a sense of "grant remission from punishment or exemption from law," hence "to do away with" (1570s), "do without" (c.1600). Older sense is preserved in dispensary. Related: Dispensed; dispensing.
〔李〕[dis-=apart 分开;pens=to pay 付出; -e⇒“to pay apart 分别付出”→] vt. give out;distribute 分发;分配
〔蒋〕[dis-分散,pens称量;“分开称量物品的份量,进行分配”] 分配,分发,配发
〔李〕[dis-=apart分开;pend=to weigh称;-e→“to weigh apart from the amount从总量中称出一部分”→] v.① deal out;distribute分发;分配