early 15c., "convey information, express, make known, signify," from Latin importare "bring in, convey," from assimilated form of in- "into, in" (see in-(2)) + portare "to carry" (see port, n.1). Sense of "bring in goods from abroad" first recorded c.1500. Related: Imported; importing.
"consequence, importance," 1580s; sense of "that which is imported" is from 1680s; both from import, v..
〔李〕[im-(in-)=in 入;port=to carry 运⇒“to carry in 运入” →] vt. bring in from abroad 输入,进口
〔蒋〕[im-入,port拿,运;’拿进,运入”] 输入,进口
〔李〕[im-(in-) = into 进入;port = to carry 运→]Ⅰv. carry or bring (goods) into a country for use输入,进口