1855 Mayne Expos. Lex. ,Liguliferus... Applied by De Candolle to compound flowers which become double by the change of their corols into elongated little tongues or ligules; *liguliferous... Liguliflorus..*liguliflorous. Ligulæfolius... Having linear leaves, as the Eryngium ligulæfolium: *ligulifolious.
1888 Syd. Soc. Lex. ,*Liguliflorate, same as Liguliflorous. Liguliflorous, applied to the corona of the Compositæ when it is entirely composed of ligulate florets.
1826 Kirby & Sp. Entomol. IV. 312*Liguliform, When it emerges from the labium, is short, flat, and not concealed within the mouth. [ tongue]
1880 Gray Struct. Bot. 418/2.
combining form
see ligul-
see ligul-