

词汇 subject
Online Etymology Dictionary

early 14c., "person under control or dominion of another," specifically a government or ruler, from Old French sogit, suget, subget "a subject person or thing" (12c., Modern French sujet), from noun use of Latin subiectus "lying under, below, near bordering on," figuratively "subjected, subdued," past participle of subicere, subiicere "to place under, throw under, bind under; to make subject, subordinate," from sub "under" (see sub-) + combining form of iacere "to throw" (see jet, v.). In 14c., sugges, sogetis, subgit, sugette; form re-Latinized in English 16c.
Meaning "person or thing regarded as recipient of action, one that may be acted upon" is recorded from 1590s. Grammatical sense is recorded from 1630s, from Latin subjectum "grammatical subject," noun use of the neuter of the Latin past participle. Likewise some restricted uses in logic and philosophy are borrowed directly from Latin subjectum as "foundation or subject of a proposition," a loan-translation of Aristotle's to hypokeimenon. Meaning "subject matter of an art or science" is attested from 1540s, probably short for subject matter (late 14c.), which is from Medieval Latin subjecta materia, a loan translation of Greek hypokeimene hyle (Aristotle), literally "that which lies beneath."
late 14c., "to make (a person or nation) subject to another by force," also "to render submissive or dependent," from Medieval Latin subiectare "place beneath," frequentative of Latin subicere "to make subject, subordinate" (see subject, n.). Meaning "to lay open or expose to (some force or occurrence)" is recorded from early 15c. (implied in subjected). Related: Subjecting.
early 14c., from Old French suget, subject (Modern French sujet), from Latin subiectus (see subject, n.).

〔李〕[sub-=under 下;ject=to throw 抛⇒“to throw or put under 抛置于…下面”→] Ⅰv. put under some power or influence 使隶属,使服从
〔蒋〕[sub-在…之下,ject投;’投于某种管辖之下”] 使服从,使隶属,支配,统治;[转为’被统治的人”] 臣民,臣下;[在句子中属于支配,统治地位的词] (句子的)主语,主词
〔李〕[sub-=under在……之下;ject=to throw 投→“to throw under one's control投在某人控制之下”→]Ⅰv. throw or bring under control使受制,使隶属




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