Related Words
- -ibly
- considerably
adverb suffix
⇨ see -able
- forming adverbs corresponding to adjectives ending in -able (such as suitably corresponding to suitable)[构成以-able 结尾的形容词的相应副词, 如构成suitable的副词 suitably]。
see -able
-ably-ibly -bly[1]
- Used to form adverbs corresponding to adjectives that end in -able.
- suitably
Usage notes
Generally only used to form analogs to adjectives ending in -able, replacing the existing -able. Rather than a distinct suffix, this can be considered a class of euphonic blends of -ble and -ly, as in feebly, nimbly, and nobly, among others. Compare -ability, which is more strictly an analog, originating in parallel borrowings from French, sometimes Latin.
Derived terms
- ^ Laurence Urdang (editor), The Random House College Dictionary (Random House, 1984 [1975], ISBN 0-394-43600-8), page 4
后缀:-ably [副词后缀]
peaceably 和平地
suitably 合适地
laughably 可笑地
dependably 可靠地
comfortably 舒适地
changeably 可变地
movably 可移动地
lovably 可爱地
comparably 可比较地
honourably 光荣地
【来源及含义】Latin: suffix; able manner, capably
【相关描述】Forming adverbs corresponding to adjectives in -able.
【同源单词】ably, acceptably, accountably, accusably, adaptably, admirably