Word Origin
a diminutive suffix, corresponding to -idion, used in zoological, biological, botanical, anatomical, and chemical terms:
< Latin < Greek -idion -idion
Related Words
- clostridium
- desmid
- miracidium
- ommatidium
- oncidium
- -idia
-idiuma diminutive suffix (Latinisation of Greek -idion) used in zoological, biological, botanical, anatomical, and chemical terms.
noun suffix
(plural -idiums or -idia)
noun suffix
(plural -idiums or -idia)
ETYMOLOGY New Latin, from Greek -idion, diminutive suffix
: small oneantheridium
ORIGIN: Modern Latin dim. ending corresp. to -ium (cf. Greek -idion ).
\ˈidēəm\ noun suffix
also -id·i·on\-ēˌän, -ēən\
(plural -idi·ums \-ēəmz\ ; or -id·ia \-ēə\ ; also idions)
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek -idion, diminutive suffix
: small one : lesser one
< antheridium >
< chromidium >
also -id·i·on
< antheridium >
< chromidium >