

词汇 deuk-

  1. Important derivatives are: tug,wanton,tow1 tie,team,dock1 duct,duke,abduct,conduct,deduce,introduce,produce,reduce,subdue,educate
    重要派生词为: tug,wanton,tow1 tie,team,dock1 duct,duke,abduct,conduct,deduce,introduce,produce,reduce,subdue,educate
  2. To lead.
    1. tug ; wanton , from Old English tēon , to pull, draw, lead;
      tug ; wanton , 源自 古英语 tēon , 拖, 拉, 带领;
    2. zugzwang , from Old High German ziohan , to pull. Both a and b from Germanic *teuhan .
      zugzwang , 源自 古高地德语 ziohan , 拉. ab 都源自 日耳曼语 *teuhan .
    3. Suffixed zero-grade form*duk-ā- . tow 1 , from Old English togian , to draw, drag, from Germanic *tugōn .
      添加后缀的零级形式*duk-ā- . tow 1 , 源自 古英语 togian , 拖拉, 拖, 源自 日耳曼语 *tugōn .
    4. Suffixed o-grade form*douk-eyo- . tie , from Old English *tīegan , tīgan , to bind.
      添加后缀的零级形式*douk-eyo- . tie , 源自 古英语 *tīegan , tīgan , 绑.
    5. Suffixed o-grade form*douk-mo- . team , from Old English tēam , descendant, family, race, brood, team, from Germanic *tau(h)maz .
      添加后缀的零级形式*douk-mo- . team , 源自 古英语 tēam , 后裔, 家族, 种族, 血统, 子孙, 源自 日耳曼语 *tau(h)maz .
    6. teem 1 , from Old English tēman , tīeman , to beget, from Germanic denominative *tau(h)mjan .
      teem 1 , 源自 古英语 tēman , tīeman , 产生, 源自 日耳曼语 名词派生出的动词 *tau(h)mjan .
    7. Basic form*deuk- . doge , douche , ( ducal ), ( ducat ), ( duce ), ( duchess ), ( duchy ), duct , ductile , duke ; ( abducens ), abduct , adduce , circumduction , ( con 3 ), ( condottiere ), conduce , ( conduct ), deduce , ( deduct ), educe , ( endue ), induce , introduce , produce , ( redoubt ), reduce , seduce , subduction , subdue , traduce , transducer , from Latin dūcere , to lead.
      基本形式*deuk- . doge , douche , ( ducal ), ( ducat ), ( duce ), ( duchess ), ( duchy ), duct , ductile , duke ; ( abducens ), abduct , adduce , circumduction , ( con 3 ), ( condottiere ), conduce , ( conduct ), deduce , ( deduct ), educe , ( endue ), induce , introduce , produce , ( redoubt ), reduce , seduce , subduction , subdue , traduce , transducer , 源自 拉丁语 dūcere , 引导.
    8. Suffixed zero-grade form*duk-ā- . educate , from Latin ēducāre , to lead out, bring up ( ē- N ex- , out; see eghs ).
      添加后缀的零级形式*duk-ā- . educate , 源自 拉丁语 ēducāre , 引导, 教养 ( ē- N ex- , 向外地; 参见 eghs).

  1. Pokornydeuk- 220.
    波科尔尼deuk- 220.




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