

词汇 miss
Online Etymology Dictionary

Old English missan "fail to hit, miss (a mark); fail in what was aimed at; escape (someone's notice)," influenced by Old Norse missa "to miss, to lack;" both from Proto-Germanic *missjan "to go wrong" (cognates: Old Frisian missa, Middle Dutch, Dutch missen, German missen "to miss, fail"), from *missa- "in a changed manner," hence "abnormally, wrongly," from PIE root *mei- (1) "to change" (root of mis- (1); see mutable). Related: Missed; missing.
Meaning "to fail to get what one wanted" is from mid-13c. Sense of "to escape, avoid" is from 1520s; that of "to perceive with regret the absence or loss of (something or someone)" is from late 15c. Sense of "to not be on time for" is from 1823; to miss the boat in the figurative sense of "be too late for" is from 1929, originally nautical slang. To miss out (on) "fail to get" is from 1929.
late 12c., "loss, lack; " c. 1200, "regret occasioned by loss or absence," from Old English miss "absence, loss," from source of missan "to miss" (see miss, v.). Meaning "an act or fact of missing; a being without" is from late 15c.; meaning "a failure to hit or attain" is 1550s. To give something a miss "to abstain from, avoid" is from 1919. Phrase a miss is as good as a mile was originally, an inch, in a miss, is as good as an ell (see ell).
"the term of honour to a young girl" [Johnson], originally (c.1600) a shortened form of mistress. By 1640s as "prostitute, concubine;" sense of "title for a young unmarried woman, girl" first recorded 1660s. In the 1811 reprint of the slang dictionary, Miss Laycock is given as an underworld euphemism for "the monosyllable." Miss America is from 1922 as the title bestowed on the winner of an annual nationwide U.S. beauty/talent contest. Earlier it meant "young American women generally" or "the United States personified as a young woman," and it also was the name of a fast motor boat.
mit, miss


miss =send投,送,发(miss也作mit)

missile [miss投掷,发射,-ile名词后缀,表示物] 投掷物,发射物,导弹,飞弹;[-ile形容词后缀,可…的] 可投掷的,可发射的

dismiss [dis-离开,miss送;’送出”,打发走] 开除,免职,解散

dismission [见上,-ion名词后缀] 开除,免职,解散

mission [miss送,派送,委派,-ion名词后缀;’被派送(委派)出去者”] 使团,代表团,使命

missionary [见上,-ary形容词后缀,…的] (被派遣出去)传教的;[转为名词] 传教士

manumit [manu手,mit送出,放出;’以手放出’] 释入,解放

manumission [见上,-ion名词后缀] 释放,解放

remit [re-回,mit送;’送回”,’把钱发送回去”] 寄钱,汇款

remittance [见上,t重复字母,-ance名词后缀] 汇款

remittee [见上,-ee人] (汇票的)收款人

transmit [trans-转,传,mit送,发] 传送,播送;发送

transmission [见上,-ion名词后缀] 传送,发射,播送

transmitter [见上,-er表示人和物] 传送者,发射机,发报机

transmissible [见上,-ible形容词后缀,可…的] 能传送的,可发射的;可播送的

intermit [inter-中间,mit投,送;’投入中间”,’中间插入”] 间歇,中断

intermission [见上,-ion名词后缀] 中间休息,间歇,中断

emissive [e-外,出,miss发,投-ive形容词后缀,…的] 发出的,发射的

emission [e-外,出,miss发,-ion名词后缀] 发出,发射,散发

emissary [e-出,miss送,派,-ary表示人] 派出的密使;间谍

emit [e-出,mit发] 散发,放射;发行;发出

immit [im-入内,mit投] 投入,注入

immission [im-入内,miss投入,-ion名词后缀] 投入,注入

promise [pro-前,先,mis(=miss)发;’事先发出”之言] 诺言,允诺

compromise [见上,com-共同,promise诺言;a mutual promise to abide by a decision,’共同承诺”遵守一项决定] 妥协,和解

commit [com-加强意义,mit送,委派] 委任,委派,把…交托给

committee [见上,-ee表示人;’被委派的人”→被委派的一组人] 委员会

commissary [见上,ary表示人] 委员,代表





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