1530s, "condition of being smaller," from Middle French minorité (15c.), or directly from Medieval Latin minoritatem (nominative minoritas), from Latin minor (see minor, adj.). Meaning "state of being under legal age" is from 1540s; that of "smaller number or part" is from 1736. The meaning "group of people separated from the rest of a community by race, religion, language, etc." is from 1919, originally in an Eastern European context.
〔蒋〕[mini=small,little小(mini也作min), -ity名词后缀,表情况、性质] 少数,未成年
〔李〕[minor=smaller较小的;-ity n.=the quality表示性质→“smaller quantity较小的数量”→] n.① smaller number, or smaller part少数;少数派