1875 Huxley & Martin Elem. Biol. 208 (The Frog)Two long flat bones, the *parieto-frontals, one on each side of a median suture which answers to the sagittal and frontal sutures in man.
1893 Syd. Soc. Lex. ,*Parieto-jugal index, the ratio of the greatest transverse diameter of the skull, or maximum parietal diameter, to the bizygomatic diameter.
Ibid. ,*Parieto-mastoid suture, the..suture between the inferior border of the parietal bone..and the superior border of the mastoid portion of the temporal bone.
1879 Calderwood Mind & Brain ii. 16Towards the back part of the brain..is the *Parieto-occipital fissure, which indicates a two⁓fold subdivision of the upper portion of the brain behind the fissure of Rolando.
1897 Trans. Amer. PediatricSoc. IX. 185Abscess of both parieto-occipital lobes and the cerebellum.
1893 Syd. Soc. Lex. ,*Parieto-sphenoidal artery..P. notch.
1870 Rolleston Anim. Life 50 (Edible Snail),The upper or *parieto-splanchnic portion of the sub-oesophageal mass.
1893 Syd. Soc. Lex. ,*Parieto-temporal suture, the suture between the parietal and temporal bones.
1856 Allman Fresh-w. Polyzoa (RaySoc. ) 27, 28*Parieto-vaginal.
1878 Bell Gegenbaur'sComp. Anat. 144The retractors of the anterior part of the body (parieto-vaginal muscles).
1888 Rolleston & Jackson Anim. Life 236A pair of parieto-vaginal muscles attached to the base of the fold surrounding the tentacle-sheath.
ORIGIN: from pariet- (see paries ), parietal adjective : see -o- .
combining form
Etymology: parietal
: parietal and
< parietofrontal >
< parietofrontal >
- parietal bone