1580s, "frequently met with," from Latin obvius "that is in the way, presenting itself readily, open, exposed, commonplace," from obviam (adv.) "in the way," from ob "against" (see ob-) + viam, accusative of via "way" (see via). Meaning "plain to see, evident" is first recorded 1630s. Related: Obviously; obviousness.
〔李〕[ob- =across,in在;vi =way路;-ous ⇒“like being in the way就像摆在路当中一样 →”] a. easily seen,clear to eye or mind;plain明显的,显而易见的;显著的
〔李〕[ob-;vi;-ousa.] a.明显的,显而易见的 ←vi (L via)=way 路
〔蒋〕[ob-表示in(or on),vi路,-ous形容词后缀,…的;’摆在大路上的”→大家都看得见的] 明显的,显而易见的,显著的